Gandhi Quote Favors Second Amendment Rights – Facebook Don’t


Posted by Tina

The posting of a quote by Gandhi was apparently seen as too destructive to the PC narrative for Facebook. The site called Natural News posted the quote only to see it’s account suspended with a warning that “one more violation” of the “community guidelines” would result in permanent deactivation of the account. Here’s the outrageous quote:

“Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest.” – Mohandas Gandhi, an Autobiography, page 446.

Hmmmm…Gandhi is famous for his dedication to peaceful struggle and protest against British tyranny. Could it be that this man of peace might have chosen a different path had the British not confiscated all of the weapons in India? Are there any history buffs out there with an opinion that could shed some light on this quote from Gandhi’s own autobiography?

Further along in the article we find that Facebook was (is) in the process of “running an across the board purge” of all pro-gun accounts according to Paul Watson at Infowars

Facebook stock is sure to take a dive if it hasn’t already.

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