Only in Obamaland – President Orders Pay Raises

7245-Obama Christmas.jpg

Posted by Tina

Are you kidding me? What the hell can he be thinking? Is it possible for him to be this out of touch, arrogant, and elitist? More likely he believes that money grows on trees.

Yes I’m afraid he is that arrogant and out of touch…and we just gave him another four years to rub salt in our wounds and play at being the big swell in Obamaland.

The very same Congress that has made a mockery of our political system over the last four years (Senate has not passed a budget, required by law, in four years, for instance) will be getting a pay raise by executive order. All government workers will get a raise. The Weekly Standard has the story:

President Barack Obama issued an executive order to end the pay freeze on federal employees, in effect giving some federal workers a raise. One federal worker now to receive a pay increase is Vice President Joe Biden.

According to disclosure forms, Biden made a cool $225,521 last year. After the pay increase, he’ll now make $231,900 per year.

Members of Congress, from the House and Senate, also will receive a little bump, as their annual salary will go from $174,000 to 174,900. Leadership in Congress, including the speaker of the House, will likewise get an increase. …

…UPDATE: According to a senior Republican congressional aide who has reviewed the executive order and consulted with the Congressional Budget Office, Obama’s pay raise will cost $11 billion. “The CBO told us that the President’s pay raise for federal workers will cost $11 billion over ten years,” says the aide.

But not to worry…democrats assure us that our government is not too big and there is really nothing to worry about regarding explosive debt, high unemployment and unsustainable programs. They have a plan to fix that. It’s called “tax the rich”.

That’s a shot of dear leader in the upper left hand corner as he works vacations in Hawaii for Christmas…must be nice living like royalty while Americans suffer in the unemployment lines and Congress screws with our futures. “Hmmm”, dear leader wonders, “how can I fix this nasty cliff business? Greasing a few palms has worked before; keep those government slugs happy. I’ll just give ’em a nice raise.”

Whether or not this is a bribe it is unseemly in the current fiscal and political atmosphere! But then, what isn’t unseemly about this administration?

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One Response to Only in Obamaland – President Orders Pay Raises

  1. J. Soden says:

    So where does the Prez find the $$ for all these pay raises? Is he going to dip into his own savings account?

    Mr. Prez – Clowngress initiates financial spending – not you.

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