Posted by Tina
Wyoming to the Federal Government, “Yippee Ki-yay gun grabbers!”
Wyoming lawmakers have proposed a new bill that, if passed, would nullify any federal restrictions on guns, threatening to jail federal agents attempting to confiscate guns, ammunition magazines or ammunition.
The bill – HB0104 – states that “any federal law which attempts to ban a semi-automatic firearm or to limit the size of a magazine of a firearm or other limitation on firearms in this state shall be unenforceable in Wyoming.”
The law, if passed, will have BIG TEETH, at least in the state of Wyoming. According to the Examiner the bill would, “…charge federal officials attempting to enforce a federal gun law within the state with a felony – ‘subject to imprisonment for not more less than one (1) year and one (1) day or more than five (5) years, a fine of not more than two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), or both.’ The bill also allows the Attorney General of Wyoming to defend a state citizen from any prosecution by the United States Government.”
Wyoming State Senator Larry Hicks told the Examiner his bill is Constitutional and reflects the Western culture in Wyoming.
Hicks cited the 10th and 2nd Amendments and said of his constituents, “They are very, very upset that we’re going to see some level of federal takeover of our weapons and abuse of our rights given to us by the Second Amendment. Also that the federal government will bypass our legislative officials and confiscate our weapons through executive order. This gives citizens of the Western United States a great deal of concern.”
In my opinion this is another state letting the federal government know that its citizens don’t appreciate the over reach in power. People are tired of overkill regulations and laws, the expanding revenue demands, and one size fits all mandates. Chicago has a big problem with youth violence…let them solve the problem. And if the federal government thinks it needs to investigate for causes of school shootings then for heavens sake make a thorough investigation. Passing knee jerk gun laws that emotionally appease those people who are brain dead enough to think guns kill people. It is shameless political opportunism and will do nothing to solve the problem.
A question for California gun owners, particularly the retiring Baby Boomers:
Given the death spiral status of the once “golden” state, could this add incentive to relocate to Wyoming?
Way to go, Wyoming!
It’s increasingly evident that the States will have to act to preserve the freedoms our ancestors fought for from the power grabs by the Foolish Feds.
If you’re thinking of moving to WY, they require a 6-month stay before you can become a resident. NV is closer and quicker.
It’s interesting to see this, good report! One of the basic premises of the 2nd amendment was founded in states rights. Many legal scholars use this to say when it comes to the 2nd amendment states rights supersede federal rights. There are tons of legal arguments to be found that go both ways. I would love to see the Supreme Court take this one. So far we’ve only had two appellate court decisions and those went against a persons right to own a firearm. Of course I disagree as do many others, but what counts is what the Supreme Court says.
Works for me! I hope it passes.
On a side note, there is no doubt in my mind that Senators, Presidents, Legislators and their body guards will be exempt from any federal gun control laws passed. Some people are more equal than others.
Well, we could call this trend-setting … except … nobody lives in Wyoming.
Libby: “…except … nobody lives in Wyoming.”
Yes…and they want to keep it that way!
Libby: “nobody lives in Wyoming.”
Oh, but they do. Check out the below stats for Wyoming vs. the US,
Wyoming Crime and Crime Rate
(Note the comparison with the US population)
Wyoming Crime Rates 1960 – 2011
(Check out the ranking by state in the last chart,)
Nullification is unconstitutional. Even the Heritage Foundation knows that.
There is nothing “serious” about this proposal whatsoever.
“Well, we could call this trend-setting … except … nobody lives in Wyoming.”
Clarification: Nobody like Libby lives in Wyoming.
Czar Obama protects himself while working to deny others self protection.
Nullification is unconstitutional, but California’s (and other states) nullification (or more properly, effective nullification) of federal marijuana laws goes unchallenged.
YAY Wyoming! Even if it is only an ineffective protest message.
I could say that the California weed huffing doper crowd that Chris belongs can go f*** themselves, but then, I am not the federal government.
Protection indeed.
Pie I wonder what prompted this move? Could it be that there are a lot of very unhappy people in his America the miserable and he’s beginning to hear from them?
If I were making this many people mad and putting this many people in poverty and offering them nothing but temporary appeasement band-aids like food stamps in place of real job opportunity I’d be worried.
Ah yes, I guess it all depends on what the definition of nullification is…er…ummmm…you know, what it means!
And serious? I’d say the meaning behind the Constitution and Bill of rights is VERY serious. That is what is at the heart of this “protest”.
Have you noticed, freedom is such a throw away issue for today’s low information…or brainwashed…voters.
I love this idea, and Chris, Wyoming is a beautiful state with some good people there.
Jack, I’ve been thinking of a solution on the gun issue that I think is reasonable for everyone. We’ve been talking about arming teachers and everyone knows there’s a lot of teachers who just wouldn’t do it.
What if we proposed a bill that would require a percentage of school district employees be trained and armed with concealed weapons? Let’s say 30% for arguments sake. It would fall on the school administrators to reach that goal. They could identify faculty who are gun owners (my high school football coach and English instructors both were)and get them into the proper training/licensing.
Think about it. We protect the money in our bank with armed guards, why do not value our children with the same protection? If just a third of staff at any school were quietly armed, they would be able to respond to most situations quickly and help stop psychos from committing the carnage they have been.
I understand this makes some people uncomfortable but I personally think our children are worth it.
Wonder how the Bush family and Dick Cheney would feel having to give up the right to bare arms?
Outstanding article find from RHT447. Thank you for bringing it to Post Scripts.
What can I say, Tina? That Obama was re-elected on his record is sheer lunacy. Could it be the lunatics are running the asylum? With well compensated millionaire “journalist” twits like the vomitous Bob Schieffer equating legitimate gun owners with Nazis, you have to wonder just how manic the left can be.
The right of Americans to bear arms for self-defense and hunting is provided by the Second amendment to the constitution of the USA, ratified in 1871.
In the country there are no uniform norms which regulated rules of possession and the address with personal firearms. There are about 2500 separate legislative and legal acts in this sphere — Federal, Staff, Municipal and other level.