Obama’s Stinkin’ Economy Puts Downward Pressure on Needy – Section 8 Crowd “Out of Control” as Desperation Takes Hold

Posted by Tina

A desperate situation erupted to chaos in Michigan as thousands of people waiting in line for section 8 housing vouchers began pushing and shoving in an attempt to reach the front of the line:

Police say thousands of people from all over the area were at the center. Many were homeless, single moms, or disabled. They were hoping to get help paying for their housing from the government.

“There was elderly, disabled people, pregnant single women. They were here for help, to get their section 8 vouchers. It just shows you what a desperate need… some were here since yesterday,” said Rhianna Rodriguez.

7 Action News is being told there were 1,000 vouchers available and 5,000 people showed up trying to get one.

The party that claims to care about the little guy has sure done a lousy job of lifting them out of poverty. Not only are the needy being appeased rather than helped with free cell phones but the competition for services has grown to record highs leaving the poor literally out in the cold. Shameful!

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