Environment: Obama to Add More Red Tape Barriers to Economic Growth

Posted by Tina

“A nation that can’t control its energy sources can’t control its future.” ― Barack Obama, The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream

In an amazing power grab President Barrack Obama is seeking even more influence and power over the energy future of the country. He is determined to “control” energy sources and flows even if his actions create roadblocks for job creation and economic growth. His Majesty has decided he should decide what constitutes the American Dream.

Investors.com comments on a Bloomberg report:

Anti-Industry: The president reportedly will tell federal agencies they can’t approve major projects until their impact on global warming has been weighed. Why halt commerce in an economy in dire need of more? According to Bloomberg media, “President Barack Obama is preparing to tell all federal agencies for the first time that they should consider the impact on global warming before approving major projects, from pipelines to highways.”

The latest policy will “expand the scope” of Nixon-era EPA laws intended to conserve our environment and protect against egregious failures and abuses. Legislation that was designed to protect has in his hands become a tool for presidential manipulation and flagrant corporatism. None of this is necessary for protection of the environment. It is an abuse of power.

Since Nixon first signed environmental legislation establishing the EPA thousands of regulations have been put in place in the name of protecting the environment:

While there is no concrete figure, there are an estimated 300,000-400,000 environmental laws, statutes and mandates believed to be in circulation nationally. Many can land a person in prison, regardless of whether another person, plant or animal is harmed.

The President’s power grab doesn’t make sense from the standpoint of protecting the environment. What does make sense is a plan to stifle some industries in favor of others…surprise, surprise. In January of 2012 AEI reported the following:

Despite widespread political support and large direct and indirect subsidies from both the federal and state governments, renewable electricity—wind and solar power, in particular—produces only 3.6 percent of US power generation.

The green energy industry is unable to meet our countries energy needs. Even with massive subsidies it will be a long time, if ever, before this untested industry will significantly contribute to our energy supply. Efforts to force it on the citizenry will result in further economic collapse and human suffering. The President’s scheme to bypass Congress to push the green agenda is overreach that is very destructive. He is creating a red tape nightmare that will slam the overall economy and act as another barrier to job creation.

Those who might think I’m talking through my hat should consider a study released today that targets ways to develop for the future so that carbon use is aggressively reduced. I’m sure most of you will recognize the ideas contained in this report that are currently being foisted upon all of us by planners in many local governments. CNS News filters out the pompous and perverse in the study to arrive at a distilled summary:

(CNSNews.com) – The Obama administration envisions a “low-carbon, low-petroleum” future where Americans tele-work, tele-shop, walk, bike and use carpools or mass transit if they must leave the neighborhood at all. A study released Friday says the U.S. has the potential to reduce petroleum use and pollution in the transportation sector by more than 80 percent by 2050. In other words, gasoline-powered cars may go the way of the dinosaur, and many Americans may end up living in planned, mixed-use, “walkable” neighborhoods, built along mass transit lines.

While this idea sounds sweet and fresh and lovely, it is greatly offensive to the basic American ideal of freedom. It is also offensive that our president and his minions believe they have been given the power and right to FORCE their vision for the future on all Americans through presidential control and manipulation without input from our elected representatives in congress. It is offensive that any amount of damage to private business or individual citizens is justified and necessary for some assumed future nirvana that will likely never actually come about.

This policy weakens America! It makes us more vulnerable to insane extremists as well as our legitimate economic competitors around the world.

Barrack Obama warned us of his vision in the run up to his first term in 2007. He was very clear about his intentions even if he cloaked his ideas in highly emotional, positive sounding speech. Americans have suffered four years of economic policy failures. But will the American people continue, immobile and speechless, under the audacity of this man who offers the average citizen so very little hope?

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