Dishonoring the Military

Posted by Tina

It’s bad enough that the military has been forced to cut funding for tuition support as part of the President’s outrage generating sequester since he has endorsed tuition support for people in some states that are living in the US illegally:

In states such as Massachusetts and California, illegal aliens are being given tuition assistance, while the U.S. government is cutting tuition assistance to service members returning from the battlefield.

“The Commander in Chief is using budget cuts and sequester as an excuse to cause financial pain to as many Americans as possible. It’s yet another Obama crisis that is completely manufactured,” claims former U.S. Marine, now a police officer, Lawrence Brown.

“In his goal of blaming the GOP, Obama supports states like Colorado, California, and Massachusetts who are lowering tuition for illegal aliens and giving the bill to taxpayers, and taking away our military’s tuition assistance,” Brown said.

Yep that’s bad enough but now Harry Reid hits an all time low. In remarks concerning the accidental training deaths of seven Marines in Nevada, Reid suggested the sequester was responsible for the deaths.
Mark Levin is one of many who slam Reid for his low of the low remarks:

“These men and women, our Marines were training there in Hawthorne. And with this sequester, it’s going to cut back this stuff. I just hope everyone understands the sacrifices made by our military.”

Blaming an unfortunate accident on the sequester? Really? This is politics of the lowest form! The man is such a weasel!

Ben Shapiro at Breitbart takes it a step further by explaining the reason this is so weasely:

It was Barack Hussein Obama’s idea to place the heaviest cuts in the sequester on the military. It was Harry Reid’s intransigence that refused to allow House bills that would have avoided cuts to the military to be brought to the floor of the Senate. And it was both Reid and Obama who stopped a Senate bill that would have allowed Obama to cut the sequestration amount largely at his discretion.

This is not new or accidental behavior. It isn’t part and parcel of an ooops moment. This is the way modern day progressive democrats do politics and it is a far cry from the kind of leadership that the American people want and need.

We have the power to rid ourselves of weasely politics. Our next opportunity to clean out the halls of Congress is a short two years away.

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3 Responses to Dishonoring the Military

  1. Peggy says:

    Here is another example I think is the lowest of lows and on the same level of what Harry Reid said.

    The military parents of these kids died for this country yet funds are still going to kids who’s parents are here illegally. Another example of insanity and the mismanagement of this WH and Congress.

    Sequester hits dead troops’ children:

    Sequestration Slashes Scholarships for Children of Iraq and Afghanistan War Casualties and Military Members:

  2. Libby says:

    Well you just tell ’em! You tell ’em you want those venal contractors shorted … not the soldiers!

    And luck to you.

  3. Peggy says:

    Here you go Libby. Join me in sending this to our elected reps.

    What Sequester? Feds Spend $384,949 to Study Duck Penises:

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