by Jack
Did you know that when the elderly become wards of the state, or anyone for that matter, and are confined in care facilities, they are given “code” status? That means that any time they are in full arrest extreme measures must be used to bring them back. This allows care facilities to collect money from the state longer by artificially extending life. It’s brutal on the patient, since life saving techniques often involve breaking ribs and the sternum, plus various injections and it causes the patient to suffer needless pain, when they could go peacefully. This is why it’s important to get a DNR before being mentally incapacitated.
Source: Nursing staff Enloe Hospital
Alas, having become mentally incapacitated, you still have standing to revoke your DNR. This is a nasty, messy business.
And I think you’ve got it wrong about the fee taking. At the low end, your Medicaid homes, they don’t want for customers. No, the people who run these places are trying to stay out of court.
I mean, even if they collected waivers from every member of the family, one of the family members could renege, or some long-lost cousin could turn up and file one of them law suits of the avaricious sort, seriously impacting profitability.