The Constitution, Taxes and Individual Freedom

From John Salyer, Chico, CA

At the Chico City Council meeting on 4/2/13 the big government progressives who make up the majority on the council did another great job of weaseling out of what was asked of them. Simply affirm our right to bear arms.  Nothing like politicians 🙁

One of the surprising comments that came from the majority of the progressive council was from Councilman Gruendl about how he wished the Chico Taxpayer’s Association would stand up for his tax injustice. I am not exactly sure what injustice he is talking about but I will put in a good word for him with the CTA as well as the BTA. I would imagine both organizations in addition to many others want a change to our current progressive tax code that will hopefully someday treat everyone fairly with some sort of flat tax, etc.

Isn’t it sad when big government progressives complain about how other big government progressives tell them what is best for them? I guess it is ok for Councilman Gruendl to tell people what is best for them and not see a problem with his Nanny State ways until the power grab table is turned on him. We should all start thinking more about individual freedom instead of trying to control people’s lives thru regulations and laws!

Search “FreedomWorks explaining The New Fair Deal” on YouTube for more info regarding a new tax plan proposal.    Also check out the April 6th blog at regarding our very constitutionally minded council.

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3 Responses to The Constitution, Taxes and Individual Freedom

  1. Libby says:

    Sure, you can go over and read the Chicotaxpayer rants, but don’t try to comment. They don’t publish dissent. How’s that for Constitutional piety?

    And then I have two questions:

    Why should the city council be required to affirm a right granted you in the federal Constitution? Aren’t you wasting their time?

    Why don’t you tell us, actually, what Gruendl is crabbed about? We can’t determine whether he (or you) have a legitimate beef, cause we ain’t got the facts.

  2. Chris says:

    A flat tax is by it’s very nature a regressive tax. A 10% tax is going to hit a worker living paycheck to paycheck much harder than it is going to hit someone in the top 2%. That is hardly “treat[ing] everyone fairly.” The flat tax is just another losing issue that makes your party look stuck in the 19th century.

  3. Tina says:

    Not all of the numbers I will cite below are up to date. I have made an effort to find information that is 6 mo old or or less.

    Let’s talk about policies that produce a state of regression.

    Definition: regression: a trend or shift toward a lower or less perfect state.

    The state of America under the leadership Of President Obama is dismal, leading to a regressive, “less than perfect” state. His policies have harmed the poor and middle classes while stagnating industry and putting small business in peril. Profits are up for Wall Street corporations only because of tight management, overseas sales and money printing by the fed!

    Here are some of the staggering realities that make up the pathetic situation progresasive rates and other left wing policies are creating:

    As of the end of 2012 median household incomes declined by 7.3% (a month’s worth of wages). (Forbes article; forgot to grab the link)

    State of Working America: “The March jobs report released this morning by the Bureau of Labor Statistics was a big, negative surprise and underscored that a robust jobs recovery has still yet to materialize.”

    Source: Census Bureau: “…the poverty rate in the United States it at its worst in 50 years, at levels not seen since the 1960s…50 million Americans, roughly one in six — almost 17% — are living below the poverty line, which is defined as earnings of less than $23,021 a year for a family of four”

    The Weekly Standard: “Without fanfare, the Bureau of Public Debt at the Treasury Department quietly posted its daily debt report showing the total public debt of the U.S. government topped $16.687 trillion. (To be exact: $16,687,289,180,215.37)…”On January 20, 2009, the day Mr. Obama took office, the debt stood at $10.626 trillion. The latest posting reflects an increase of over $6 trillion.”

    In June of last year The Western Center for Journalism reported the following:

    The number of Americans on food stamps has risen from 32 million to over 46.4 million in Obama’s three years in office.

    At $3.59, the average price of gasoline is $ 1.74 MORE than it was the day Barack Obama was sworn in.

    Twenty two percent of American children live in poverty, the highest level in 30 years.

    For forty straight months (every single full month of Obama’s reign), unemployment has been 8%.

    Forty two percent of American workers are living paycheck-to-paycheck.

    Fifty three percent of college graduates under 25 are either unemployed or under-employed.

    The Federal Reserve has monetized 61% of our national debt. This means that we are “selling” government bonds to other government agencies.

    Eighty six percent of American workers aged 60 or older will continue working past their 65th birthday.

    Ninety five percent of the jobs lost in Obama’s depression have been lost by middle-class workers.

    To satisfy local, state, and federal taxes, the average working American has to put in 107 days- more than 21 weeks of work. …

    …Since Obama took office, he has destabilized the national economy to the point that the price of an ounce of gold has risen from $850.00 to over $1600.00.

    Last month in Montgomery, Alabama, 20,000 people applied for 877 openings at a Hyundai plant.

    In 2011, the average American household spent a staggering $4,155.00 on gasoline.

    Currently, there are a record-breaking 88 million+ Americans of working age who are unemployed.

    Student loans, NOT dischargeable in bankruptcy, now stand at over $1 trillion, KILLING the future of millions of our young people.

    Compared to 1985, our 2011 trade deficit with China was more than 49,000 times larger. …

    …The national debt could not be repaid in less than 440,000 years if we started immediately.

    Our debt is growing at the rate of OVER $2 million each MINUTE!

    In 2010, 2.6 million Americans fell into poverty. Since 1959, when this statistic was developed, no year saw a bigger increase.

    National Journal weighs in with this “grim” assessment:

    In addition, this is a very different American economy than the one we thought we had before the recession, and not in a good way. It’s not just that 7.7 percent unemployment is still very high and something of a grim new “normal,” along with still-high long-term unemployment. The problem is also that we’ve ended up with a far less equal economy. And there is little prospect of a consensus over tax reform or deficit reduction that will change that, no matter how many dinners Obama arranges with leading Republicans, like the one this week.

    “The recovered wealth – most of it from higher stock prices – has been flowing mainly to richer Americans,” the Associated Press reported. This corroborates earlier data from prominent economists such as Emmanuel Saez of the University of California (Berkeley), whose work has shown that the wealthiest 1 percent of the country actually made out better, in percentage terms, during Obama’s “recovery” than they did from 2002-07 under Bush.

    The Republican Senate puts it in terms of percentages (see graph): Worker health insurance costs up 29%; college tuition up 26%; consumer price index up 9.6%; federal debt up 53% (and rising); gas prices up 86%!

    Chris if progresive tax rates (and policies) are such a good idea why are things going so swimmingly, especially for the poor and middle classes?

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