From: John Tate <>

(Just food for thought…PS takes no position on the content of this email)


SHUT UP! GO AWAY! … That’s the message the GOP establishment sent this week at their annual spring meeting in L.A. to those of us who truly believe in limited constitutional government.

Despite RNC Chairman Reince Priebus’ recent comments welcoming the liberty movement to the GOP, the establishment still wants liberty activists purged from the Party.
As you know, new rules designed to weaken grassroots activists were RAMMED through at the hands of establishment-insider lawyer Ben Ginsberg over the SCREAMING objections of rank-and-file delegates at the Republican National Convention last August in Tampa, Florida.

Virginia National Committeeman Morton Blackwell led an effort to reverse the Ginsberg power grab at this week’s spring meeting.  Unfortunately, party insiders defeated Morton Blackwell’s Resolution from clearing the Rules Committee and making it to the floor for a full vote. And when all was said and done, the RNC only overturned one of the many destructive rules passed in Tampa.  Of course, in typical establishment fashion, the RNC tried to “calm” the grassroots’ fears by tossing liberty-minded Republicans another bone.

You see, the RNC passed a Resolution honoring Ron Paul at the spring meeting – just moments before turning around and slapping his supporters in the face. After suffering an embarrassing defeat last November to the worst President in my lifetime, it looks like the Republican establishment still doesn’t get it.  It seems like the party insiders and GOP hack consultants who control the Party want the GOP to continue losing national elections to Democrats.  That’s because the establishment’s power grab in Tampa wasn’t just an attack on Ron Paul and his supporters.  It was attack on Tea Party types, Pro-Lifers, the Christian right and grassroots activists of every stripe.

But this fight is far from over

Grassroots conservatives can – and will – attempt to overturn the Tampa power grab at the next annual RNC meeting.   The good news is, Morton Blackwell’s Resolution came just THREE VOTES shy of clearing the Rules Committee.   And even though the establishment blocked a roll call on some of the important votes that took place this week, it’s all on video. That means you and I know exactly which RNC members to turn up the heat on before the next vote takes place.

I’ll have more information in the coming weeks about our battle for the heart and soul of the GOP, but I wanted to give you a quick update of what happened at this week’s RNC spring meeting.

Together, you and I will restore constitutional principles in the Republican Party.

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3 Responses to SHUT UP! GO AWAY!

  1. J. Soden says:

    The GOP dinosaurs haven’t discovered that they’re about to be declared extinct.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    Re: “Together, you and I will restore constitutional principles in the Republican Party.”

    Fat chance. I have been knocking my head against that brick wall for 35+ years. No matter, I have a head of titanium.

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    Re: J. Soden The GOP dinosaurs haven’t discovered that they’re about to be declared extinct.

    I am a GOP dinosaur, hear me roar.

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