You are probably a Terrorist If… (and these are things Homeland Security Watches for:)
you are a vet from Iraq or Afghanistan (assumed mentally unstable)
you own more than shotgun and a .22 pistol/rifle
you’re an active right to life advocate and you go to church regularly…then you’re also a fanatic terrorist.
you own any sort of firearm [[[[[ and ]]]]]] a pressure cooker!
you openly express support for the Constitution and the rule of law while speaking disrespectfully of politicians who do not
you always vote conservative and belong to the NRA
you have more than one stream of income, you might be a terrorist
you’re a woman who values her privacy, …you might be a terrorist.
you write down your grocery list while you’re on the bus, you might be a terrorist (Passengers and drivers on mass transportation are told to look out for people who have cameras, are drawing pictures or writing things down. )
you use cash to buy a one way airline ticket to anywhere.
you have to move a lot of stuff to your new house, you might be a terrorist if you rent a moving van.
It’s official then…I fit the description and I know some of my neighbors do…when can we expect the registration process to begin?
I’ve always wanted a free vacation to an island paradise…guess we’ll get that opportunity if Janet has her way with all us terrorists.
Because of a tweet from some numb nuts conspiracy theorist I just wasted 8 minutes and 5 seconds of my life watching this creepy nonsense —
Yep, I watched it all the way through expecting “The Onion” to pop up. My recommendation is that all Post Script readers/contributors should waste their lives too in order to get a better understanding of some of the abject lunacy that takes itself seriously out there. I once thought InfoWars actually had some valid points to make on the few times I encountered them. Not any more. I don’t know what or who they think are reaching with this pathetic drivel that attempts to be manipulative but fails on so many levels it is impossible to enumerate.
By the way, I see you Post Scripts folks pulled down the lunacy from David Sirota. I suppose you thought it better not to give that odious lunatic any of the attention he so richly deserves (despite the space you have given to other odious lunatics).
Post the above comments or not. I really don’t care one way or another. I never have. But thanks for the forum.
Thanks for the heads up Pie. I just watched it..well, up to the point where the narrator called the bombing a false flag event. So now we’re supposed to believe the Navy Seals bombed the runners and spectators? lol Oh, brother….
Guess I’m a terrorist, too. As well as a MAJORITY of Americans.
And add to that there will be no registration of firearms in this household, regardless of what Obumble wants.
J. “As well as a MAJORITY of Americans”
I think that’s the point. The left loves to equalize everything. Moral equivalency is the fodder of their existence.
Of course this means that our language will be trashed in the prosess, i.e., “overseas contingency operations”
“And add to that there will be no registration of firearms in this household, regardless of what Obumble wants.”
You know, sixteen people, several of them Republicans, have demonstrated that the NRA, et al., lied about that, yet you persist in believing it.
What is that?