Many Muslims Celebrated Boston Murders – Few Were Heard Protesting

The details about the lives of the bombers and what motivated them are just starting to come in, but what we do have looks like a bonanza and helpful things to be learned.

One of the more disturbing revelations is the FBI was tipped off well ahead of the bombings that we had a potential terrorist living with us in suburbia. It looks like it was the Russian’s that tipped us off about Tamerlan Tsarnaev, saying in essence he was bad news, connected to a radical Islamic group back in Russia and we better watch out.

The FBI thought enough of this tip to contact Tsarnaev and have a little chat. The FBI then placed him on a sort of casual watch list, but eventually they lost interest and closed the case. They were unable to determine he was engaged in terrorist activities, although Tsarnaev recently took a 6 month trip back to mother Russia. That should have raised some red flags because he was here under the pretext of political asylum. So why go back? Must be a pretty compelling reason… like maybe hooking up with your terrorist pals for training in preparation for jihad in the USA?

Tamerlan Tsarnaev was the oldest bomber and he was married to a formerly all American girl, Katherine Russell and they had a small child. Prior to their marriage she dutifully converted over to Islam and things changed in her life.

The most obvious signs of change were her clothes, neighbors reported she was wearing baggy clothing and a headscarf all the time. This brings up a couple questions that I’m sure a few of you are already thinking: How does this woman live so intimately with a potential terrorist that the FBI visits, who makes bombs in the kitchen and still does not know he’s dangerous and planning something really awful?

If she was that clueless, does she now have any regrets about her choice in a marriage partner and/or becoming a Muslim? Will she be leaving the religion of peace that helped motivate her husband to murder? According to Sharia law it’s death sentence if she does. Ah, the religion of peace – once in, never out, heads up you all American girls engaged to Muslim fanatics.

According to some of their friends and neighbors there were plenty of clues to think this guy could go off the deep end. He recently told a neighbor that Americans uses the Bible to invade countries. Huh? That’s crazy talk, unless it’s coming from a Muslim extremist, then its reason to watch out. So here he is talking smack about American’s using the Bible to validate foreign invasions and yet he is a naturalized American? This is a sign of several things, first it’s disassociation and second, that he’s only pretending to be an American and didn’t really mean the pledge he took to become a citizen. Then his withdrawal from society coupled to his past radical association should have had him under close watch.

You have to wonder if right after the bombings and two young suspects were determined, if some FBI agent sitting in the Boston field office didn’t have an epiphany, “Gee I wonder if these two guys could be related to the two guys the Russians told us were going to commit terrorism and we better watch out?”

So, we see that over the last two-three years this guy began distancing himself from all his normal “American” activities and limited his contacts to a few Muslim friends and the Mosque and saying stupid stuff about America. He was withdrawing from our society, separating, becoming part of a hostile sub-culture. There was a clue he was building up to doing something really evil. And the clues extended to his brother as well. And his wife, she was separating too, although her separation may not have been completely voluntary. But, she was strangely silent during this whole build up to mass killings.

If we’re to learn from this horrible experience, then the time line of these brother life changing events and overt behavior should provide us with a valuable profile to spot others before they cross the line; unfortunately we will not be permitted to use it, because we don’t profile.

It’s been reported on the news that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, age 19 and referred to early on in this case as bomber number two, was discovered in a photo standing behind the slain 8 year old, Martin Richard.

He was probably dropping off the backpack bomb behind the child. If this is true and I have no reason to believe it’s not given their subsequent behavior, he’s showing zero concern for an innocent child or for the many innocent people standing next to his explosive backpack. All he has is a burning hate for everything American.

But, why hate America? If anything, he had more reason to hate the Russians given the war with ethnic Chechens in the old country. It would make more sense that they would attack a Russian target, like the Consulate that was close by. So, we have to ask ourselves, why would they embark on a suicidal rampage slaughtering Americans who were only to try to give them asylum? The answer this time is simple and it’s also widely known, because in the world of radical Islam America is the prime target, the Great Satan and because we’re such a big easy target. It’s why a number of Muslims around the world were yukking it up as soon as they heard what these two “heroes” did to American’s. Shown here is Officer Sean Collier who was killed in ambush by the bombers. He was 26.

Terrorists can always find plenty of unwitting dupes like Katherine Russell and her family willing to help them out. We’re a country full of suckers with no concept at all of the dangers we face from terrorists like these two… until the deed is done, then there is plenty of regret to go around. And denials too..I never saw it coming! They were so nice and quiet. Yeah, right.

Does anyone out here think that these two brothers spent their last few years here in a mosque talking with other members about how wonderful America is? Do you really think they are the only Muslims living here, talking trash about us, talking about how we deserve to die because we are sub-human (non-believers) in the eyes of Allah and obstructions to the spread of Islam? Why, killing us is akin to killing a parasite…it’s no big deal.

Elsewhere in the world… Muslim extremists throughout the Arab world celebrated the bombings at Monday’s Boston Marathon. Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and others reportedly danced and cheered in the streets of Gaza, even passing out sweets upon learning of the death and destruction in Boston, the Israeli News Agency said.

The head of a major Jordanian Muslim extremist group said he was “happy to see the horror in America,” The Associated Press reported Tuesday.
The al-Qaida linked, Somali terrorist group Al-Shabaab celebrated in its own way, by gloating on Twitter at 2:00 am Tuesday morning, PJ Media reported:

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28 Responses to Many Muslims Celebrated Boston Murders – Few Were Heard Protesting

  1. pal says:

    I believe these brothers are just one of many sleeper cells that likely exist in this country.

    I find it interesting that the younger brother was attending UMass. He received financial aid from the govt according to UMass officials. Why is it that we provide aid in so many different ways to those that want to hurt us? Not just individuals, but look at the money we give to so many countries who spew venom toward the USA. Just venting. When are we going to wake up?

  2. Soaps says:

    What bothers me is that the US authorities were tipped off in 2010 that Tamerlan might be a Muslim terrorist, and the FBI put him on their casual watch list, even though they did not have enough evidence to charge him with anything. There had to be a record of that, especially since the FBI interviewed him. Yet, in 2012, his brother, with whom he shared everything, including radical Facebook pages, was given full US citizenship. Did anyone at Homeland Insecurity check his background before approving? This does not bode well for the Gang of Eight Fools and their amnesty bill. They promise intensive background checks on all potential citizens. We cannot trust them.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Ah yes, once again Homeland Security proves to be unreliable, once again the FBI drops the ball and we get hit by more determined Muslim terrorists! These guys openly hated the USA and yet we let them come in? How could they possibly pass a background? Russia tried to warn us. But fat dumb and happy us, we bend over backwards to bring these guys in and set them up. Amazing isn’t it? You tax dollars at work. Oh, and as Soaps says…we’ve got our Gang of Eight Fools selling us out on an amnesty program. Nos estamos jodidos!!!

  3. Tina says:

    Excerpt from Chris’s first source, the Daily Bulletin:

    Muslim leaders said their religion means peace and submission to the will of God, and an individual who calls themselves Muslim and who does not create peace within society is not a true believer. … Imam Shamshad Nasir of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mosque in Chino said the persons who are creating such crimes are hijacking the religion.

    Those “hijacking” the religion believe the way to “peace” is by converting and/or bringing under submission those who are not of the faith. It is difficult for the rest of the world to resolve the difference. The followers of this religion will have to rout out the terrorists if they are ever going to be completely trusted and safe from suspicion in the world. This is not the fault of others any more that the terrorists acts are the fault of peaceful freedom loving Muslims. It’s a sad state of affairs but it is also just reality.

    “All Muslims are not terrorists, the majority are peace-loving people. I feel sad there is an association and how the name of Islam is taken by some people who think all Muslim are terrorists,” he said.

    I too am sad but why does this person believe that “some people” think “all Muslims are terrorists”?

    We can point to the terrorists first who use the religion to wage violent war and plot to convert or oppress the “others”. We can also point to progressives in this nation who refuse to make the distinction and who use the condition created by their refusal to profile large numbers of Americans (all on the right of course) as haters of all Muslims. This is not helpful in the greater challenge facing all free societies that must deal with radical Muslim terrorists and terror supporter groups. In fact it is a disgrace. It is the same kind of disgraceful behavior progressives used against the right to convince minority people that Republicans/conservatives hate all people of color. In the case of Muslims, a new term was even coined, Islam phobia or Islamaphobia.

    Here’s more leftist moral equivalency drivel from the same source:

    Brian Levin, director Cal State San Bernardino’s center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, said this kind of aggression is seen across all ideologies and faiths.

    Muslim terror is the only “aggression” I can think of that has been waged across many borders by the same radical entity since the early 600’s. It is the only major “aggression” that plagues the entire world today and has for several decades. The world has seen other aggressors. But the world has also pushed back and been extremely intolerant and un-approving of these aggressors.

    While apologists for the Muslim religion yammer away at the so-called injustice of accurately naming an enemy (Muslim terror groups – not the religion), many of them find no shame at all in those who disparage and target Jews or Israel. In fact many of them join in marking Jews as the problem when they have been the victim of the very same Islam driven terror groups:

    The Europeans prattle on about Israeli racism, and threaten to put yellow stars or some other nasty mark on Israeli goods. They ban Israeli books from their libraries in Scotland. They boycott Israeli universities, professors and students in England. In Italy they hold rallies for convicted mass murderer Marwan Barghouti at their national Senate. And in France they butcher Jewish children.

    Voices in America that wish to put forth the Israeli point of view and voices that speak out against the extremist terror organizations are often excluded from speaking on American university and college campuses. They are protested through hate filled language and are labeled as Islam phobic.

    The radical progressive left is making it more difficult to make freedom loving Muslims feel safe, welcome, and included in the American experience. They do so by refusing to tell the truth about our enemy, by confusing the issue, by pandering to terrorist support organizations, and by demonizing their political rivals who object.

    Pal asks a legitimate question…when are we going to wake up?

    It both angers and disgusts me.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Whether radicalized or moderate, the goal stated most often is a world united under Islam, where other religions will not exist. One side seeks it with words, the other with war. But, both are part of the same general movement. They talk about peace and how pure and wonderful their religion is, yet even among themselves they can’t co-exist without killing each other, i.e., Sunni v Shia.

      Look at Iraq after we left…the killing didn’t stop and they were killing each other in Afghanistan long before we ever arrived. By all logic they will be killing each other even IF they achieve their goal of world order under Sharia law.

      I’ll always be open for more information if you can show me where I’m wrong. However, right now I think we’ve created another sub-culture here that can easily work against us. They’ve risen to power, entered Congress and building Mosques across America. Right now it works for us, we can cohabitate more or less, because the moderates greatly outnumber the radicals, but this could change. We saw the horror of what just two radical brothers can do. Imagine that times a 1000. Prior to the Boston Bombing it was an Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Hasan, then it was a grenade tossing sergeant in Kuwait and there have been many others here that all turned to violence. But, they were all moderates before they were terrorists! Nobody in this religion was born a terrorist…they evolved!

      Terrorism aside, their published religious views on living life and our system and values are incompatible. It is a source of friction between two competing ideologies, only we founded this country – they didn’t and we want to keep it open and free. But, this is a religion that requires blind obedience, submission of the will and they have no problem placing great power in the hands of their clerics, even over life and death issues.

      There’s nothing good that will come from allowing Islamic ideals to encroach on our ideals about freedom. If our founders had any idea what we would be facing today I think they would have put some exceptions into the freedom of worship clause.

      Until the late 80’s I never gave a thought about Muslims. I had no prejudice, no ill will, and just thought of them as another religion. I appreciated their culture and their well known traditional hospitality and many other “nice’ things as I learned more about them. But, the Muslim inspired terrorism that’s followed, the constant attacks here and around the world, well, it’s made me think quite a bit about this religion of peace and about Muslim’s in America. I’m concerned and I’ve yet to hear a good argument why I shouldn’t be?

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Chris “Why not also mention the condemnation of the bombings by virtually the entire American Muslim community?”

    Claims made be Muslims in the links Chris provided —

    Brian Levin, director Cal State San Bernardino’s center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, said this kind of aggression is seen across all ideologies and faiths.

    “It is the fanatic, not the faith,” he said.

    QUERY: What are you doing about the fanatics who define the faith across the globe with violent acts?

    “In no way would I consider them to be Muslims”

    QUERY: But they are Muslims. What are you doing to stop Muslims from committing such acts, Remziya Suleyman ?

    “It will be condemned to the ultimate extent,” Khan said, the urgency in his voice so intense his words ran together.

    QUERY: Oh really? What do you mean by “ultimate extent.” Where were you BEFORE the bombings?

    Islamics whine “Islamophobia” while doing nothing and for the most part silently approving the widespread global violence of Islam. I am with the majority of Islam who at least are honest. They cheer the horror’s they commit. They make it easy to know who the enemy of freedom, liberty, justice, and civilization is.

    I’ll take an honest enemy over a lying one any day.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Tina and Pie…thank you!!!!

      Chris did you read that?

      Here’s one of your academia pals trying to sell us BS and telling us it’s chocolate. He’s twisting like a pretzel to avoid laying any responsibility on the Muslim community for tens of thousand of acts of Islamic terrorism. You should meet this guy, I think you two should have quite a bit in common.

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    People are dead, horribly maimed, terrorized across the globe by Islamic extremists and Chris whines, “There is a distressing lack of balance in your portrayal of Muslims at this blog.”

    Americans are nothing if not generous. OK, let us be generous and assume that most Muslims do not support terrorism and are horrified by these acts. Yet widespread terror and violence from Islam is a global problem. What are Muslims doing about it?

    Well, as I have noted in these pages so many times before, their are a few trying to pave the way for a reformation in Islam.

    Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, founder of American Islamic Forum for Democracy is one of these courageous Muslims in a slowly growing movement.

    See their website. Read, learn, make a donation.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Pie, I think its great that a Muslim like Dr. Jasser seeks reforms. They are out here and I can respect them for their courage and common sense. However, the burder for change is really upon the Muslim community to join us in the great melting pot and rise to our level of civilized behavior. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a lot desire to do that. Dr. Jasser looks like the exception.

      Reforming is tough in any religion, especially in a one that has a militant edge. Speaking of militancy, can you imagine trying to demand change during the period of the inquisition? You would probably get your head chopped offed and in some parts of the world this is where Islam is now. Chopping heads off in the 21st century is another thing that is incompatible with the civilized world. That makes change necessary, but dangerous for people like Dr. Jasser.

      I’m just thinking out loud now because I know we’re on the same page… but, Muslims shouldn’t come here expecting to change us or to form a sub-culture. If thats the agenda then I say don’t come here, stay home.

      We have a lot of liberal apologists here like young, naive Chris and hardcore socialist Libby that either use or confuse our “freedom of religion” and “freedom of speech” with anything goes to fit their agendas. Sure, they want to be accomodating and “get along” with everybody, me too, but sometimes we can’t. Sometimes we have to put on our big-boy pants and say here’s the line, cross it and you’re out. This is my country, my values and if you don’t like tough, get out!

  6. Tina says:

    Pie. Dr Jasser is a wonderful man, a man putting his neck on the line to reach the hearts and minds of fellow Muslims. Thanks for bringing his work to our attention again.

    His organization, the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, released this statement from Dr. Jasser following the Boston terror attack:

    PHOENIX (April 19, 2013) – Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, a devout Muslim and author of “A Battle for the Soul of Islam: An American Muslim Patriot’s Fight to Save His Faith” issued the following statement on behalf of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) regarding the ongoing terror incident in Boston:

    “The terror attacks in Boston, perpetrated by the Tsarnaev brothers have finally come to an end with the surrender of the younger brother Dzhoakhar in Watertown, MA Friday evening. But perhaps it will finally be the beginning of the long overdue process to retool America’s current counterterrorism strategies. Since 9-11, we have been fortunate up until this attack to avoid the kind of devastation and loss of life that we saw in Boston, but that was not for a lack of trying by our enemies.

    The Tsarnaev brothers prove that the current whack-a-mole strategy is severely limited and flawed and that it is time for the United States to address head on the ideology of political Islam which is the root cause of Islamist terrorism.

    It appears from their YouTube and Facebook pages that the brothers Islamism was nurtured in just the past few years after they had been in the U.S. for some time. So their radicalization seemed to be less about Chechnya as it was about the transnational Islamist supremacism that infected their mind, was brought with them and nurtured in the end on our soil.

    Since the FBI interviewed Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2011, it will be important to unravel how the administration determines who actually poses an ideological risk for radicalization. To date the administration has been unwilling to even recognize that there is an ideological threat and instead calls it the meaningless “violent extremism” or in the case of Major Nidal Hasan’s Fort Hood massacre “workplace violence”.

    AIFD calls upon American Muslims, the Obama Administration, media and academe to develop a coherent strategy to promote western ideals of liberty among Muslims domestically and abroad, while seeking to defeat the supremacist mindset of political Islam and its continued threat to our national security.”

    This good man works tirelessly for reform within his religion. He works to establish effective counter methods to Islamic terror threats and in full support of the United States of America. He is a Muslim doing something about the root cause. How do we know them? We know them by their works/fruits!

    When a person or group says one thing and does another, when they say one thing in America and the opposite in the Middle East, we have good reason to be suspicious. Many in the Muslim community are like this in contrast to Dr. Jasser.

    America will not be effective at naming and addressing the threat of radical Islam as long as the radicals in control in the Democrat Party remain in power and willfully blind. These progressives are gutless in the face of evil. They cling to the unrealistic notion that humans are basically good and to childlike fantasies of the possibility of transformation by dictate. In this warped state of mind a belief that this threat can be willed away with niceness, tolerance, inclusion, compliments, gifts, rules the day. Hence the language games and blindness.

  7. Chris says:

    Jack, the title of this article is still inaccurate. Many American Muslims HAVE protested the violence, as I have shown you.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Chris you are speaking in relative terms. First, define many…if we were in a room with 25 people and 15 of them agreed and felt strongly about the issue at hand, you could say many agreed, but if 12 in a country of 300 million felt strongly, thats not many. Define many as it pertains to population.

    • Post Scripts says:

      in a 2006 poll… Around one in 10 Indonesian Muslims support jihad and justify bomb attacks on Indonesia’s tourist island of Bali as defending the faith, a survey released on Sunday showed.

      Indonesia is the world’s fourth most populous country, with 220 million people, 85 percent of whom follow Islam, giving the Asian archipelago the largest Muslim population of any nation in the world.

      “Jihad that has been understood partially and practiced with violence is justified by around one in 10 Indonesian Muslims,” the Indonesian Survey Institute said in a statement.

      “They approved the bombings conducted … in Bali with the excuse of defending Islam,” it added, saying the percentage of such support “is very significant.”

      While the vast majority of Indonesia’s Muslims are relatively moderate, there has been an increasingly vocal militant minority and political pressure for more laws that are in line with hardline Muslim teachings.

      The poll surveyed a random sample of 1,092 Muslim men and women.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Here’s polling done in the US by PEW:

      Article says… Disturbing Numbers of U.S. Muslims Support Suicide Bombings: 19% of American Muslims said suicide bombings are okay (2011). And the number jumps in other categories: 18% of foreign born Muslims said suicide bombings are generally okay. And (in 2007–figures not available in 2011) 22% of foreign born Arab Muslims said suicide bombings are okay. Yup, nearly one out of four Arab Muslims in America says it’s okay to blow you up. And those are the ones who openly said so to Pew. Again, the number is far higher in reality. In 2011, 31% of Muslims aged 18-29 said suicide bombings are okay–that’s one in three young Muslims in America, who thinks it’s okay to blow you and your families up.

      * Third of U.S. Muslims Support Al-Qaeda: Despite the claims of Barack Obama and many Muslim leaders after Osama Bin Laden was killed, almost half of U.S. Muslims support Al-Qaeda. While 70% of U.S. Muslims view Al-Qaeda, which murdered 3,000 Americans on 9/11, “very unfavorably,” the other 30% view Al-Qaeda favorably, only somewhat unfavorably, or don’t know/refused to answer (which means they support Al-Qaeda). Yup, that means that 30% didn’t have too much of a problem with Al-Qaeda.

      * Half of Muslims Are Muslim First, American Last, only 1/4 Are American First: 49% of U.S. Muslims said they think of themselves as Muslims first, not Americans (up from 47% in 2007). If you add the 7% who refused to answer/don’t know, it’s 56%. If you add those who said they are “both” first, it’s 74% who do not identify as American first. While 44% say they display the U.S. flag, their flag displays are just props, since only 26% of U.S. Muslims said they are American first. Among Muslims aged 18-29–the future Muslims in America–only 25% said they think of themselves as American first. 60% said they are Muslim first, 5% refused to answer (which means they are Muslim first) and 10% said “both equally” (which means they are Muslim first). Even among those Muslims who said they are American first, 15% supported suicide bombings, and 39% didn’t believe that Arabs perpetrated the 9/11 attacks. So much for being “American first.”

      * Almost Half of U.S. Muslims Don’t Want to Be Americans: 28% of U.S. Muslims said that Muslims should not adopt American customs. That number jumps to 44% if you count the Muslims who said they should both adopt American customs AND remain distinct and not adopt American customs.

      * 9/11 Truthers – Majority of American Muslims Don’t Believe Arabs Perpetrated 9/11 Attacks: Yes, the majority of Muslims in America are 9/11 Truthers. The 2011 survey didn’t address this question, but the 2007 survey did. 60% U.S. Muslims don’t believe Arabs committed the 9/11 attacks. (The number jumps to 78% among Arab Muslim immigrants.) So who do they think did it? The survey doesn’t fully address that because it would make Muslims look like the Jew-haters and America-haters that they are. But we know the drill. The survey results: 8% of U.S. Muslims believe that Jews, Israel, the Mossad, the CIA, and/or the U.S. government committed the attacks. 52% wouldn’t say, which means they also believe Jews and the U.S. did it.

      * More Than a 1/3 of U.S. Muslims Think Islamic Extremism is Okay: 35% of U.S. Muslims said they are not concerned about Islamic extremism around the world. 36% said there is a great deal/fair amount of extremism among U.S. Muslims. 40% said they are not concerned about Islamic extremism in the U.S.

      * Bush Opened the Floodgates to Muslim Immigration Even After the 9/11 Attacks, But They Did Not Come Here b/c of Persecution: 28% of all Muslim immigrants in the U.S. in 2007 came here from 2000-2007 (2007). 40% of Muslim immigrants currently in the U.S. came here from 2000-2011. Most of that is the Bush Administration (some in the second figure from Obama, but most of it from Bush). Shukran [Thanks], George. Miss him yet? In 2007, 18% of all Muslims in the U.S. were immigrants who came here during the Bush Administration (2007). In 2011, that figure jumps to Muslim immigrants making up 25% of the U.S. Muslim population. Yup, one in every four Muslims in the U.S. came here during Bush and Obama (mostly Bush). And, contrary to the oft-made claim, only 20% of U.S. Muslim immigrants say they came here for persecution reasons and had it just fine over there. The rest came here on student visas (so, why are they still here?) and for economic opportunities, because they were sponsored by Muslim family members, etc. Yup, we know their agenda: make America a Muslim nation.

      * Most Muslims Never Discriminated Against in America: Despite the hype and lies of HAMAS’ CAIR Action Network and other Muslim groups, only 20% of Muslims in the U.S. say they’ve been the victim of “anti-Muslim” discrimination or that it’s a problem.

      * Muslims Are NOT Wealthy Contributors to American Society: Despite the claims by Muslim propagandists and misguided left-wing Republicans like New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, most Muslims in America are not wealthy and contributors of jobs and other benefits to American society. They are takers. Only 22% of U.S. Muslims make $75,000 or more per year (down from 26% in 2007), below the U.S. total population average of 28%. 45% (up from 35% in 2007) of Muslims make less than $30,000 per year, whereas only 36% of the general population is at that salary level. 40% of U.S. Muslims are unemployed and 18% are only employed part-time.

      * 31% of U.S. Muslims said there is conflict with being a devout Muslim and living in a modern society. That’s scary since 18-29 year olds are the most devout group of Muslims and, therefore, the most unable to adapt to modern Western mores and customs.

      * Memo to Islamo-pandering Republicans – Most Muslims are Big-Government Liberal Democrats: More evidence to stop listening to GOP Islamo-scumbag Grover Norquist a/k/a Jihad Grover. 70% of Muslims are Democrats or Democrat-leaning. Only 11% are Republican or Republican-leaning, and of those 11% (2011 survey). 71% voted for John Kerry, 14% for Bush (2007 survey). 68% support bigger government than we already have and more services, and 73% think the government should do more for the needy (2011 survey). Only 21% want smaller government, and only 17% say government can’t afford to do more for the poor (2007 survey). Yup, these are NOT Tea Partiers and definitely not conservatives. But they might be Paulnuts.

      * Contrary to Islamo-propagandist Mohammed Zuhdi Jasser’s claims, most U.S. Muslims pray daily and attend mosque. Frank Gaffney’s and Daniel Pipes’ favorite Muslim propagandist and fraud, Mohammed Zuhdi Jasser–in trying to back up his claim that most Muslims in America are peaceful–frequently claims that most American Muslims neither pray daily nor attend a mosque (where they are usually poisoned with hate). But the survey shows his claims are bunk. Pew’s results show that 66% of Muslims pray daily, that only 8% never pray, and that only 19% never attend mosque.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Chris, here’s a 2013 article that shows very recent data, you should read it!

      Category Archives: Muslim polls

      The Formidable Islamist Minority in America

      Posted on January 9, 2013
      By Ryan Mauro

      A summary of polls about the ideological makeup of the Muslim-American community shows that the majority is moderate, but there is a formidable minority influenced by Islamist doctrine. A significant number are refusing to give answers or are still figuring out where they stand on issues like terrorism and Sharia Law.

      The number one question is how many Muslim-Americans support terrorism. A 2011 Pew poll found very little support for Al-Qaeda, with only 2% viewing the terrorist group very favorably, 3% somewhat favorably and 11% somewhat unfavorably. About 70% view Al-Qaeda very unfavorably, an increase of 12% since 2007.

      There are 2.6 million Muslim-Americans, a number that is expected to rise to 6.2 million by 2030. This means there are 130,000 Muslim-Americans who will admit that they view Al-Qaeda favorably and that assumes there are no supporters among the 14% who did not answer the question. Plus, the survey did not poll support for Hamas, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood and other groups.

      Only 1% of Muslim-Americans say violence against civilians to defend Islam is “often” justified. About 7% say it is sometimes justified and 5% say it is rarely justified. Approximately 81% say attacks on civilians are never justified. Of course, the definition of “civilian” varies. Hamas supporters, for example, argue that there is no such thing as an Israeli civilian. The survey did not poll support for attacks on soldiers.

      The 2007 Pew poll found that about 49% feel mosques should stay out of politics and about the same amount feel the Koran should not be taken entirely literally. The survey concluded that Muslim immigrants are more moderate on this issue than those who were born here.

      “Native-born Muslims express overwhelming support for the notion that mosques should express their views on social and political matters. By contrast, a large majority of foreign-born Muslims—many of whom are from countries where religion and politics are often closely intertwined—say that mosques should be kept out of political matters,” the report said.

      Perhaps the most surprising findings were related to social issues. The Pew 2011 poll shows that 39% feel that homosexuality should be accepted by society, an increase of 12% from 2007. On the issue of multiple wives, a Wenzel Strategies poll released in October found 22% support allowing polygamy.

      The findings related to Sharia Law and specific elements of Islamist doctrine were less comforting.

      The Wenzel poll found that almost 40% strongly or somewhat agree that Sharia Law should be the supreme law of the country. A slight majority oppose that proposition, with 35% strongly disagreeing and 18% somewhat disagreeing. However, when presented with a more refined question about what to do if Sharia conflicts with the U.S. Constitution, 70% would follow the Constitution and only 9% would follow Sharia Law. About 21% were undecided.

      There is high support for restricting freedom of speech in compliance with Sharia Law.

      About 59% feel that criticism of Islam or its founder is not permitted under the First Amendment. Only 41% disagreed. Shockingly, 52% strongly or somewhat support criminal charges against those that criticize or parody Islam, while 33% oppose it. Nearly 15% strongly or somewhat support executing critics of their religion. About 70% strongly oppose it and around 11% only somewhat oppose it.

      Only about 30% believe that Americans have the right to encourage Muslims to leave their faith. Around 45% disagree. Note that this question isn’t about whether people should proselytize to Muslims. It’s about whether doing so is a constitutional right.

      The polls indicate that the Muslim-American community is more moderate than its counterparts overseas on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. A 2011 Gallup poll found that over 80% support a two-state solution. However, the 2011 Pew poll shows only 61% believe a two-state solution that respects the rights of Palestinians is possible. About 20% feel it is impossible, matching Gallup’s result.

      The Wenzel poll directly asked Muslim-Americans whether Israel has a right to exist. About 46% strongly agreed that it does and 21% somewhat agree. Only 8% strongly disagree, essentially supporting the elimination of the state of Israel. Another 8% somewhat disagree that Israel has a right to exist and 16% were unsure.

  8. Chris says:

    Jack, thanks for those articles, especially the last one. There seems to a be a mix of encouraging and depressing statistics. I am all for reform of Islam and I think the best way to do that is to stress the moderate and peaceful voices. That’s why I took issue with the title of this post and your initial reluctance to acknowledge the reaction of American Muslims to the bombing. I think that when we ignore the moderate voices, we give more ammo to our enemies who do want a holy war.

  9. Tina says:

    RE Pew report:

    “Contrary to Islamo-propagandist Mohammed Zuhdi Jasser’s claims, most U.S. Muslims pray daily and attend mosque. Frank Gaffney’s and Daniel Pipes’ favorite Muslim propagandist and fraud, Mohammed Zuhdi Jasser–in trying to back up his claim that most Muslims in America are peaceful–frequently claims that most American Muslims neither pray daily nor attend a mosque (where they are usually poisoned with hate). But the survey shows his claims are bunk. Pew’s results show that 66% of Muslims pray daily, that only 8% never pray, and that only 19% never attend mosque.”

    Dr Jasser is, in my estimation, a forthright and dedicated Muslim man who desires reforms in his religion that would eradicate extremist behaviors and views. He has expressed love for this country and its Constitution. Pie and I both posted links to his site.

    I imagine PEW considers itself a respected polling entity. But those who do polling usually refrain from making such statements as the one quoted above from their poll. In my mind this very nasty, negative opinion puts their entire poll into question, not to mention their reputation as a reputable polling firm.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Tina, this poll could have been editorialized by someone other than folks at PEW. I grabbed it off the net and sometimes I don’t completely vett these articles, so that could be my fault and I let something slip in that shouldn’t have. The PEW poll is generally accepted as unbiased and accurate.

  10. Libby says:

    “These guys openly hated the USA and yet we let them come in?”

    They were 9 and 16 years old on arrival. WILL you get a grip!?

  11. Libby says:

    From Pie:

    Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, founder of American Islamic Forum for Democracy is one of these courageous Muslims in a slowly growing movement.

    See their website. Read, learn, make a donation.


    Oh, I wouldn’t do that. You want to be very, very careful about that sort of thing.

    Most of the internet is a fantasy land. You have know idea, at all, who’s fronting that site. And if you don’t mind me saying so, you are all too eager to embrace stuff that re-enforces your prejudices … and … who knows but it isn’t actually AQ gone ironic in their search for gullible money … and who knows whose “watch list” you’ll wind up on.

    You be careful.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Well son of a gun…lol, Libby you’re a true delight, absolutely spot on. That was very thoughtful and wise of you to caution us so. Yes, I was as eager as Pie to embrace this site when prudence is always warranted. As Reagan said, “Trust, but verify.”

  12. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Libby regarding AIFD —

    Then, dear Libby, do not read, do not learn, do not contribute, do not donate. Your keep your head imbedded where you have so deeply inserted it.

  13. Libby says:

    I just heard they’d been here ten years and did the math.

  14. Tina says:

    I have seen Dr Jasser expressing his views…sorry, Libs, my evaluation comes from my experience of the man and from the patriotic words he spoke. (In fact I posed his words on PS

    How about you be careful on your dime and I’ll be careful on mine.

    Anyone interested in deciding for themselves about Dr Jasser’s intentions and patriotism can watch his speech to the Oslo Freedom Forum 2010 here.

  15. Tina says:

    I was reading an article by a former Muslim tonight that suggests, “Moderate Muslims for many years have been giving mixed messages; having their cake and eating it too. I heard several American Muslims today express their concern that they should not be the victims after what happened in Boston because, as usual, they say that ‘Islam has nothing to do with this.'”

    Their profit has placed them in the perfect trap.

    They must submit completely to the faith. They may not criticize the faith and they are not allowed to leave it. They must also defend it fiercely against any other that criticizes either the faith or the profit.

    It’s a complete trap and because of that it takes a brave person indeed to stand up and be critical of those who, according to the moderates, do not represent the religion or act in the name of religion.

    • Post Scripts says:

      “Moderate Muslims for many years have been giving mixed messages; having their cake and eating it too. I heard several American Muslims today express their concern that they should not be the victims after what happened in Boston because, as usual, they say that ‘Islam has nothing to do with this.’” Their profit has placed them in the perfect trap.”

      Tina, you got it.

      Question to anyone…prior to the bomber’s identities being known do we know if anyone from their Mosque called the cops to give them their names?

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