Posted by Tina
“Teach them this: There is nothing more beloved to me than wanting to die as a mujahid.” – Shaykh Feiz Mohammed, Islamic Teacher
Were advisors such as the above quoted Islamic teacher off the FBI radar because of words? Kerry Picket of Breitbart, Big Peace reminds us that FBI training manuals were purged of certain words in 2009 that may have made it easy for the brothers Tsnarnaev to slip through the cracks:
The FBI insists to CBS that they took all the required steps that were permissable under the law. However, around the same time the bureau interviewed Tsarnaev, changes in the FBI training manual took place as well. The FBI’s own departmental counter-terrorism analytic lexicon was purged of key words that could reference Islamic terrorism. Words like Muslim, Islam, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and sharia were not mentioned once in the FBI’s counter-terrorism lexicon afterwards.
Consider the words, “required steps that were permissible under the law”. Does that translate to “hands tied by political correctness? The FBI training manual is about much more than training agents in acceptable language, it’s about keeping America safe. I know it’s just words but come on, as the popular saying goes…words mean things! And they also have consequences.
The Boston bombing is a sharp reminder that keeping America safe requires clearly defined terms. It’s unsettling to think that this administration, having placed political correctness above the safety of American citizens, made it more probable that agents would let the latest pair of terrorists slip through the public safety net. Uncomfortable as it may be, I can’t help wondering how many sleeper cells are embedded in America and waiting for the next opportunity because our law doesn’t allow investigation or action based on a few words that powerful people have deemed to insensitive!
The latest information available in the Boston case as I write this comes from the Mirror in the UK:
More than 1,000 FBI agents were last night working to track down the cell and arrested a man and two women 60 miles from Boston in the hours before Dzhokhar’s dramatic capture after a bloody shootout on Friday.
A source close to the investigation said: “We have no doubt the brothers were not acting alone. The devices used to detonate the two bombs were highly sophisticated and not the kind of thing people learn from Google.
Do you suppose now the FBI manual will be restored to its previous state so we can better connect the dots? I kinda doubt it. this administration does not learn from past mistakes…at least not so far.
I don’t know about you but I’m longing for a little of the old cowboy tactics right now. George Bush didn’t speak eloquently or with incredible grace but his speeches were heartfelt, simple, and crystal clear.
With that I’m off to the land of Zzzzzzzzz’s. Night Pilgrims.
Ever wonder why those in the middle east treat their women like cattle? Seems like those that fear women the most are the clerics – otherwise, they would allow them to worship as do the men, and not put restrictions on their activities.
With that in mind, I doubt that there will be many changes in the middle east unless/until those women have a voice in the schools that teach death, and are respected in the rest of their lives.
Who knows? Allowing women to be other than cattle might just lift the middle east out of the dark ages! But then, the clerics aren’t going to go for that . . . .
Tina you pose a good question. Consider the words, “required steps that were permissible under the law”. Does that translate to “hands tied by political correctness?
Maybe. However, it could also translate to “we only went through the motions to cover our ass. If there was a strong desire on the part of the FBI, there’s ways to get the job done and do it lawfully. I’ve seen slackers in law enforcement get by on minimal effort that covers their ass while hot shot cops make busts with less to go on than the slackers had. I think the FBI is overly concerned with image, CYA, and not so much with extra effort and risk taking. Those things get an agent in trouble, while slacker agents who don’t cause ripples, but also don’t make good busts get promoted and rewarded. Hot shots soon learn to become like that slacker. The FBI needs to lose the white shirt, coat and tie image and get down with where the criminals live and act like real cops, not primadonas.
In Islam, women when they menstruate are considered unclean by radicals, terrorists, and the mainstream. Hence the eagerness of Muslim men to “marry” and have sex with prepubescent girls. So much for the “religion of piece”. Oops, I meant “peace”. Tell me if I am wrong. I can cite the three books.
Jack I knew you might offer some insight that some of us wouldn’t have. But what I was asking is whether even dedicated agents like you describe, the ones willing to do the work, have had their hands tied by an administration that will not allow agents to pursue certain avenues of inquiry or investigation. One instance that might prove an example would be Fort Hood where an obvious terror attack was renamed “workplace violence” and certain avenues of investigation were cut off.
Tina, we can never know for sure, but in the past the FBI has been very sensitive to politics. Would likely not take much encouragement from Obama to get them to bend over.
Roger L. Simon, PJ Media confirms your point, Jack, about the President and mine about language:
The American Thinker – Stella Paul, “I Saw Something, So I’m Saying Something”
Tina, a terrorist isn’t a terrorist until he commits an act of terror. By all accounts, the FBI interviewed a jerk, not a terrorist.
You may want to put all the swarthy jerks in jail (we’d still have the freckled ones to deal with), but jerkdom is not against the law.
There is no such thing as safety in a free and open society. I mean, isn’t that why you rail against the Nanny state?
Think it through, and settle down.