Supreme Court Refused to Hear Appeal on Illegal Immigration – Serious Ramifications

Posted by Jack (with personal commentary)

(Reuters) – The Supreme Court on Monday rebuffed the state of Alabama, and gave a win to the Obama administration, by declining to review a lower court ruling that had blocked a controversial part of the state’s tough immigration law.

Alabama had asked the high court to review an appeals court decision to stop enforcement of the ‘harboring’ provision that made it illegal to harbor or transport anyone in the state who had entered the country illegally.

Commentary by Jack:

Alabama, like Arizona and many other states, said the failure of the federal government to control our Southern border and halt the massive influx of illegal aliens was placing an extreme hardship on them.   It was stressing their finances and their limited public resources.

Unfunded federal mandates were a particular problem to these states.  Illegal immigration stressed them all virtually to the point insolvency.  Health-care, public safety costs, incarceration costs and rising crime cost are also tied to this new illegal sub-culture.  Quite predictably, this has resulted in States being forced to pass legislation to protect themselves in the absence of federal protection.

The right to pass such legislation was vested in State’s Rights as found within the US Constitution and there is extensive past practice where federal laws are legally and routinely enforced by state law enforcement.  Base on this authority, Alabama passed one of the toughest state anti-illegal immigration bills in the nation in 2011 and the White House claimed Alabama’s law invalid because it was trumped by federal immigration law. (known as the rule of hierarchy) Alabama’s law also made it illegal to encourage illegal aliens to enter or stay in the country, a violation found in federal immigration laws.

The Atlanta-based 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, in two separate decisions, upheld injunctions against the harboring provision and other parts of the law in August 2012. A [brief] order issued by the court on Monday said Justice Antonin Scalia disagreed with the decision not to hear the case.

Based on the recent decisions and now the Alabama case that was rejected by the Supreme Court, it appears America is on a shocking and dangerous new direction our founders never intended.   This is causing serious concern among Libertairans, Constitutionalists, States Rights advocates and others impacted by a leftist Supreme Court and socialist in politics.

Arizona and eight other states passed similar laws to Alabama’s, blatantly accusing the federal government of not following the law! This requirement is found in Article IV, Section 4. and states:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

The flood of illegal workers almost certainly consitutes an invasion.   With the federal governments failure to secure the border, the states then must do so themselves.

However, laws in Georgia and South Carolina are now being challenged in court.  This latest SC ruling is considered a bonanza for those that seek political leverage through illegal immigration in order to permanently and fundamentally alter the face of America.

One wonders how much longer the old guard will continue to absorb these assaults on the Constitution before there is an extreme backlash, or has that time forever passed?  If you follow the demographics and the changing values,  you might reasonably conclude it’s too late for anything except capitulation.

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7 Responses to Supreme Court Refused to Hear Appeal on Illegal Immigration – Serious Ramifications

  1. Peggy says:

    Great post Jack. Didn’t Newt G. talk about removing judges during his campaign as it had been done before?

    Here is another judge I wish was on the Supreme Court.

    MUST WATCH: Judge Jeanine’s EPIC smackdown on the mother of the Boston jihadi bombers

    • Post Scripts says:

      I watched the whole thing, thanks for the link Peggy. I agree 100% with everything she said. She was right on about Obama and having this obsession to have the world, including terrorists, love us, they praise Allah and dance in the streets when we’re hurt by Muslims – they mock us, burn our flag…they hate us and this idiot in the White House sends them tanks and jets that we taxpayers paid for? He refuses to acknowledge the evil of jihad and sells us this crap that it’s just a struggle within like overcoming one’s vices…BS!!! I wish Obama, Biden, Holder and all their cronies would come down with a 3 year long case of the worst trots imaginable! That would keep them out of action and it would be fitting justice considering all the $#%! they’ve thrown at us.

  2. Peggy says:

    More $#%! is about to hit the fan. Benghazi whistle-blowers are lawyering up defying WH threats toward them.

    Can’t wait to hear the truth on this finally. Now, we need whistle-blowers from Fast and Furious to do the same.

  3. Pie Guevara says:


    You just can’t make this stuff up. The current administration is completely insane. The hiring of complete lunatics does not make me feel comfortable.

    Pentagon Taps Anti-Christian Extremist for Religious Tolerance Policy

    Today, we face incredibly well-funded gangs of fundamentalist Christian monsters who terrorize their fellow Americans by forcing their weaponized and twisted version of Christianity upon their helpless subordinates in our nation’s armed forces.

    Those words were recently written by Mikey Weinstein, founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), in a column he wrote for the Huffington Post. Weinstein will be a consultant to the Pentagon to develop new policies on religious tolerance, including a policy for court-martialing military chaplains who share the Christian Gospel during spiritual counseling of American troops.

    Go find your own link to this latest outrageous garbage from the Obama administration.

  4. Harold Ey says:

    RHT447 is right, the self-proclaimed transparent administration of Big Zero is once more stonewalling the American public. There is a lot at stake here, first Zero will not admit his foreign polices involving Muslim societies is a failure. That alone will cause more American deaths needlessly, not to mention the tax cost to the American’s, look closely at the millions freely given and wasted on foreign regimes that hate us, not to mention the jets sent to Egypt, my guess is Israel will eventually have to shot them down) while American travelers are stacked up in airports for a week, and a lot of Americans are out of work due to a sequester of a 85 billion, which really only takes Congress 3 days to waste . The reality that the word jihadist,( thanks to Obamas orders) is no longer a description (why?) in FBI and CIA manuals they use to train while looking for terrorist on American soil. Now we have a the possible threatening of witnesses to help understand why Clinton (read election 2016) and Obamas administration’s failure to protect American lives overseas. We have over 3 years of this #$%@ to live through, and a weak congress of both parties who’s only interest lacks concern for the public, and only posturing to preserve their phony image in the eyes voters that keep them in power. America is at an all-time low, and frankly the 3 houses of Government not have viable plan (or inclination) to change that direction. California by itself is a major contributor toward political self-interest failures, just based on resent elections of a lop sided legislature and what did Calif. get, a totally bias lawmaking body, that is braking our backs finically, and promoting social welfare bills to keep their voting base coming back. No wonder there is so much concern from those that truly believe in a strong and prosperous America with respect for those who sacrificed their lives to help TRULY preserve it. Resolve of our current problems will only begin with real nonpartisan work ethics, without all the toothy grins and BS rhetoric.

  5. Peggy says:

    Harold, We are making a difference thanks to PS and other New Media sources now available to everyone. Watch the Ted Cruz video included in the below article where he explains just how useful our involvement is.

    Senator Ted Cruz Explains How New Media Held GOP Squishes’ Feet to the Fire on Gun Control:

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