Benghazi Update – “What Does it Matter?”

This is a follow on to the story submitted by Tina, Greg Hicks on Benghazi: “I never reported a demonstration; I reported an attack on the consulate”  See her story below for more details.


by Jack Lee

“What does it matter?”   Hillary Clinton at the Benghazi hearing.   Only a tepid reply was heard from empanaled Republicans. 

I was appalled that my GOP representatives didn’t respond to Hillary more forcefully, but then few facts were known and thankfully it’s not over.  Redemption and justice may still be possible.  

Congressman Darrell Issa-R from CA (49th district) is continuing to aggressively investigate Benghazi and this Wednesday we’re going to hear some very interesting testimony that could expose not only Clinton as a liar, but other’s within the Obama Administration, possibly right up to the President.   

 “The American people still don’t have the full truth about what happened both before and after the murders of four brave Americans.  Our hearing will examine new facts about what happened and significant problems with the administration’s own review of Benghazi failures. While President Obama and his administration may be inclined to give free passes to senior officials who bungled their responsibilities, this committee will expose what they did and hold them accountable to the public. Getting the full story is critical to ensuring that this does not happen again.” Congressman Darrell Issa

The following are findings from five Congressional panels that have been investigating Benghazi and these revelations are more than enough to justify further investigation:

  • Reductions of security levels prior to the attacks in Benghazi were approved at the highest levels of the State Department, up to and including Secretary Clinton. This fact contradicts her testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on January 23, 2013.
  • In the days following the attacks, White House and senior State Department officials altered accurate talking points drafted by the Intelligence Community in order to protect the State Department.
  • Contrary to the Obama Administration’s claim, the talking points were not edited to protect classified information. Concern for classified information is never mentioned in email traffic among senior Administration officials.

We’ve only recently learned that our FBI investigators were refused entry to Lybia for three weeks following the Benghazi attack because of a riff between the White House and the newly elected Lybian President, Mohamed Magarief.   One day after the Benghazi attack Magarief went on national television and stated unequivocally that an Islamic terrorist group connected to Al Qaeda had attacked the US Embassy.   The White House, for reasons yet to be determine, said this wasn’t true.  They countered and undermined his statement.   Using Ambassador Susan Rice (shown here) as the lead spokesperson,  she went on a media blitz claiming the attacks in Lybia and Egypt were not premeditated, but simply a mob response to a YOUTube video defaming the Profit Mohamed.  

President Magarief was incensed by this and rightly so.  His integrity was challenged and his honor was insulted by the Obama Administration and as a result he immediately cut off cooperation denying the FBI entry to investigate the attack.  

President Magarief came to hold office right after Mohamar Kaddafy was taken out by force.  His control over Lybia was tentative at best and here is the White House essentially telling the world he didn’t know what he was talking about.   As it turns out Magarief was 100% right and it was the White House that was utterly and completely wrong.   (No wonder he was livid and told the FBI to take a hike.) 

The Benghazi hearing this week will feature a key witness previously unknown.  He is Mark I. Thompson, a former Marine and now the deputy coordinator for operations in the agency’s counterterrorism bureau. 

It’s been leaked to the press that Thompson will give his account of what happened on the night of Sept. 11, as the Obama administration scrambled to respond to the Benghazi terror attacks.  It’s believed he will give damning evidence that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and a key aide cut her department’s own counterterrorism bureau out of the chain of reporting and decision-making.  

Thompson is considered a whistle-blower and it’s believed that his account was suppressed by the official investigative panel that Clinton convened.   The Accountability Review Board (ARB). Thompson’s lawyer, Joseph diGenova, a former U.S. attorney, says his client (Thompson) has been subjected to threats and intimidation by as-yet-unnamed superiors at State, in advance of his cooperation with Congress. 

If these findings and the latest allegations hold up,  it will not only be a public relations disaster for the Obama Administration, but it will expose petty interagency turf wars, bureaucratic deceit and a conspiracy by a number of high ranking officials to deliberately fool the American public for personal political gain.  By comparison such audacious and deliberate wrong-doing makes Watergate look like a high school prank.

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6 Responses to Benghazi Update – “What Does it Matter?”

  1. J. Soden says:

    Hillary’s famous “What does it matter?” could be a good epitaph for her prezidential hopes.

    And honest Dems in Clowngress – if there are any left – should be asking themselves this: At what cost to our country will you assist in protecting another Clinton perjurer?

  2. Peggy says:

    The questions on Wednesday by the committee members had better be hard-ball and not the soft-ball ones lobbed during the last hearing. We deserve to know what happened and their parents, wives and children are owed the truth. IT DOES MATTER!!

    Dana Perino on America Live with Megan Kelly this morning discussed Victoria Nuland’s role and provided her emails showing the process that took place in “cleaning” the talking points for Susan Rice’s Sunday morning talk show appearances. “The emails show White House tried to shield state dept. from Benghazi criticism.”

    If this is true Clinton’s political career should be over. Of course if the MSM doesn’t report it and continues to be complacent with this administration she just may be our next president.

  3. Peggy says:

    Also, whatever happened to that producer of the Muslim video they all said caused the “protest?” Is he still being held in a jail somewhere keeping him in hiding just like all of the survivors? Will we ever see him again?

    Someone’s head should roll for this too. This is America. We have laws to protect us from our gov’t. Things like this are not supposed to happen without those responsible being held accountable.

  4. Tina says:

    I understand a movie about Hillary’s role in Watergate is in the works. The shoe is on the other foot now so…
    What difference does it make what her role was in Watergate?

    I hope we will find out this week.

    Ultimately I wouldn’t mind seeing Hillary, Rice, Obama and others grilled for days on end as those involved in Watergate were. (I can dream can’t I?) This administration LIED and people died. That’s been important to these folks before, yes?

  5. Peggy says:

    Holy Cow Tina, I had no idea about Clinton’s involvement in the Watergate scandal, so decided to look it up. What I found is a real game changer if it’s included in the movie and made known through the press. It says she was actually fired for “unethical conduct. If she did back then what her supervisor says her past behavior is an indicator of her possible current actions.

    From Truth or Fiction:
    Hillary Clinton Ex-Boss Says He Fired Her from Her Work on the Watergate Investigation for Being a “Liar” and “Unethical”-Truth!

    This email is the text of a column published on March 31, 2008 by Dan Calabrese, founder of Northstar Writers Group (

    The story is based on statements by Jerry Zeifman, a Democrat, who was a counsel and chief of staff of the House Judiciary Committee. He said that he supervised then Hillary Rodham who got a job working on the investigation of the Watergate scandal, which eventually brought Richard Nixon’s presidency to an end through resignation.

    Zeifman published a book in 2006 titled Hillary’s Pursuit of Power. On his website ( he said “Hillary Clinton is ethically unfit to be either a Senator or President–and if she were to become President, the last vestiges of the traditional moral authority of the party of Roosevelt, Truman and Johnson will be destroyed.”

    Zeifman said that during her work on the investigation of the Watergate scandal, Hillary Rodham “…engaged in a variety of self-serving unethical practices in violation of House rules.”
    In 1998 Zeifman was a consultant to a member of the Judiciary Committee that impeached President Bill Clinton and said he “gained extensive personal insights into the unethical practices of Hillary Clinton in her White House ‘West Wing’ office.”

    Specifically, Zeifman believes that Hillary Rodham Clinton and others wanted Richard Nixon to remain in office to enhance the chances of Senator Ted Kennedy or another Democrat being elected president. Zeifman contends that in 1974 a young lawyer who shared an office with Clinton came to him to apologize that he and Clinton had lied to him. The lawyer, John Labovitz, is quoted as saying that he was dismayed with “…her erroneous legal opinions and efforts to deny Nixon representation by counsel — as well as an unwillingness to investigate Nixon.”

    Zeifman charges that Clinton regularly consulted with Ted Kennedy’s chief political strategist, which was a violation of House rules.”

  6. Peggy says:

    Purported Benghazi Drone Operator Calls Hannity with New Details: We Weren’t Able to Be Armed & No One Has Contacted Me:

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