Bird Feeder Video – R rated

Itried to post this video which I thought was funny and made a good point.  I can’t seem to post any video images with our new software so here is the direct link.  The languages is a little rough, but the guy has something important to say, worth watching.

<iframe width=”640″ height=”360″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

While you’re at it, check this one out…makes another great point…



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3 Responses to Bird Feeder Video – R rated

  1. Tina says:

    I wish we could post these video’s too Jack. The creator’s certainly want their messages to be heard by as many people as possible. Both videos reflect the thoughts of many citizens across the country. Good finds!

  2. Peggy says:

    This is just to good to not share.

    U.S. Marine Confronts Dem Senator Over ‘Unsustainable’ and ‘Unacceptable’ Policies: ‘Lead, Follow or Get the Hell Out of the Way’

    Be sure to watch the video!

  3. Harold Ey says:

    The first video makes an excellent point about how well-intentioned ideas fail. Instead of focusing our nation’s major immigration errors, let’s bring it a little closer to Chico and the past and current City council of liberal majority. “THEIR” attempt to look like they are working to resolve a situation, (one they created by the way) and their newest attempt (same old same old ideas, different title) to create a safe and clean Chico. All they will do is create MORE panhandlers, transient bums, criminally socially disinclined, with a NO RULES center for Who?, and why? Now we know they prefer to use the false description of “Homeless”, and like all tax payer funded programs like these, we’ll never know who is in the center or what they may be running from while taking advantage of a safe harbor and free lunch. We cant turn a blind eye to those truly in need, and we have programs in place to help those, let’s not make a mistake of allowing a ‘Bum magnet center” bird feeder type program that doesn’t solve the program nor help our community.
    As too the second video, it does say it all, and in away points to the additional problems that the Bum Center could create as well.
    Government programs always seem to fall short or fail, maybe for a change let’s use good old common sense and recognize the inevitable end results. If we do get a chance to voice our concern (maybe the Mayor got the message about letting the public speak openly) lets help them think through a real Clean and Safe community.

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