Brain Surgery Breakthrough

Posted by Tina

This is fantastic!

Tumors deep in the brain long have challenged neurosurgeons such as Dr. Ronald Young. Instruments existed to reach that far, but the problem lay in getting there without doing damage to the brain.

Now, a new technology developed in Indianapolis allows Young and other surgeons to prop open the folds of the brain to reach the problem sites below.

The device opens the door to minimally invasive surgery for thousands of patients suffering from brain tumors or certain types of strokes who might have no other treatment option.
The first time Young saw a prototype of the small device, he was intrigued. After using it for a few months, he is sold on it.

The Nico BrainPath could prove to be for some brain surgery patients what arthroscopy has been for knee surgery patients.


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One Response to Brain Surgery Breakthrough

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Now if they could only come up with a complete brain transplant. That might help some progressives.

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