Americanism: A Much Better Idea

Posted by Tina

What is Americanism and how can we better live up to this great discipline and tradition? That’s what I’ve been thinking about as I watched our nation fall from grace in the eyes of the world, as scandal after scandal hit. In light of the many horrifying headlines it seemed a good idea to seriously consider our heritage and to give some thought to what we gave up as we caved time and again to progressivism’s lure. For it isn’t just the scandals that bother me, though they are horrible. It is the pervasive ugliness of socilaism that grates and scrapes at the beauty of liberty that bothers me. It is the fact that too many of our children have no idea that anything of value has been nearly lost. We must bravely face this enemy of freedom and the virtues required to secure it. But we must also know what we are fighting for so we can better determine how best to restore it. Americanism is a better idea; an idea whose time must come again!

The one thing that continues to repeat in this dark time for our country, the single thing that has kept me from going into deep depression, is that I love the idea we call America. And I very much want to see her restored to her founding ideals in the minds of her citizens.

I came across a quote in my reading today which helps to explain what Americanism is not. It expresses how we let darkness push out the light in our country. It reveals the indulgences that moved us gradually toward a destructive perch. We would be wise to learn to recognize this enemy of Americanism and to learn from our previous mistakes. Consider the words of Jeffrey T. Brown at The American Thinker:

Progressivism as played out in the last fifty years in America is the belief system of deeply unserious people. It exists to indulge a complete and utter lack of maturity and responsibility in large enough numbers that it is assured of getting its way. It celebrates vices. It must be imposed coercively. Overt fraud and deceit are admired skills. Its practitioners wallow in behaviors and beliefs that prior generations recognized as embarrassing character flaws. It is the belief system of spoiled, antisocial children and misguided enablers, rather than responsible grownups.

Reading that I felt I was transported back to the sixties and the radicals that most certainly fit that description. They have grown but not grown up; they have attained high positions but they have not acquired the wisdom that should come with maturity. And now in many ways they are running our country. I hope you will read Mr. Browns entire article and let it’s wisdom percolate, for there is much work to be done to sweep clean this dirt from our house. The loss we experience today is great and the lesson bitter given that we were bequeathed the most precious gifts of freedom and equality within a system of protected, God given rights. If only we had taken the responsibilities of liberty more seriously!

The problem we face goes well beyond the current administration. Progressivism’s tentacles reach into every institution in our great land. It taints the very fabric of our society. So…how do we go about restoring our honor and the spirit of Americanism that once made our country strong and that made it a beacon of hope in a weary and oppressed world? There are as many solutions as there are Americans but one thing is certain: a people that lacks basic knowledge and a heartfelt embrace of our heritage and founding will have a difficult time passing Americanism along for future generations. Moving away from the socialist tenets of Marx and Lenin and back toward the ideals of Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton, and Adams will take a great sustained effort. It won’t be easy but it may be the most important calling since our nations founding. Effort we must, and on many fronts, if we are to overturn the practices, policies, belief systems, and indoctrination of progressivism in America.

Are you with me? Good!

One strong virtue I appreciate in the American experience is the concept that a man’s word is his bond. The ideal for mature American men and women must be persons who can be trusted. Though it may seem naive to believe in such things as honesty and forthrightness it is also perilous to lower expectations. John Adams:

“Statesmen my dear Sir, may plan and speculate for Liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand. … The only foundation of a free Constitution, is pure Virtue, and if this cannot be inspired into our People, in a great Measure, than they have it now, They may change their Rulers, and the forms of Government, but they will not obtain a lasting Liberty.”

And another:

“It should be your care, therefore, and mine, to elevate the minds of our children and exalt their courage; to accelerate and animate their industry and activity; to excite in them an habitual contempt of meanness, abhorrence of injustice and inhumanity, and an ambition to excel in every capacity, faculty, and virtue. If we suffer their minds to grovel and creep in infancy, they will grovel all their lives.”

Tell me, what virtue or strength stands out in America’s history and heritage for you? What virtues have been missing most in our society of late? And where will your passions lead when it comes to passing down the concepts that will ensure and secure liberty for future generations?

This current administration will pass away; the scandals will be resolved. The bigger question is how do we put its legacy, and the dank destructive legacy of progressivism far behind us. Americanism is and always will be, a better idea.

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3 Responses to Americanism: A Much Better Idea

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    I am with you Tina (and John Adams), but I have no answers except to keep on keeping on and confront progressive putrefaction at every opportunity.

  2. Peggy says:

    The strength comes from the people who have been willing to give and fight since the Revolution to Benghazi. They’ve given their time, sweat, purse and lives to insure future generations will have a better life free of tyranny. The most resent being the three men who died in Benghazi trying to save the lives of Chris Stevens and the 30-40 others.

    The flip-side of our strength is where our weakness comes from. I can think of two resent incidents of the most profound absolutely shocking indicators of where we are today and the direction the current leadership wants to take us.

    The first was for Pres. Obama to not send a rescue team/s to Benghazi to save our own people. Instead he went to bed and boarded Air Force One for a fund raiser in Vegas the next morning.

    The second was during the Steve Miller, IRS hearing when he was asked if he believed it was illegal for the IRS to target groups. Miller responded, “It was absolutely not illegal.”

    The soul of America has always been its people. For America to survive for the next generation/s she needs to reclaim her soul as a, “Nation under God.”

    Steve Miller, “Absolutely not illegal.”

  3. Tina says:

    Fay Voshell at The American Thinker has a few ideas to add:

    What are some possible solutions which might prevent further excesses by the IRS?
    For starters, Congress must demand abuses by the IRS stop, seeing to it a neutral watchdog group is standing by ready to bark before abuse happens.
    Second, the IRS must not be allowed to expand its authority any further by making it the enforcer of Obamacare. In fact, having the IRS as enforcer is a very good reason to repeal Obamacare altogether.
    Third, Congress needs to mount a serious effort to reform our behemoth and onerously elaborate tax code, as it offers too many opportunities for the IRS to go after citizens who have no way to keep track of every minute rule and regulation.
    Fourth, enraged Americans must keep the pressure on, protesting the abuses of the IRS in every way the law allows: Petitions, letters, law suits, civil protests and more.
    Fifth, a multi-million man march on Washington comprised of angry conservatives and liberals alike just might make an impression.

    Wouldn’t that be an interesting display of bipartisanship?

    It would!

    You might enjoy reading the article which touches on tyranny in the form of massive government bureaucratic overreach in East Germany and the old Soviet Union.

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