by Jack
It doesn’t get any better than this…
Excerpted from David Little’s editorial: “During the City Council race, Ann Schwab said of the city’s financial situation: “No, the city isn’t in dire trouble.” She bragged that the general fund was balanced without mentioning that other funds were running huge deficits to make the general fund look better. She was the leading vote-getter.
Of the candidates who were most adamant that the sky was falling — Sean Morgan, Toby Schindelbeck, Bob Evans, Dave Donnan and Andrew Coolidge — only one got elected. People didn’t want to hear the truth, that the sky indeed was falling.
The editor of the local weekly, a few days before the election, lit into Evans for a campaign ad placed in his publication.
“Reading it,” Robert Speer wrote in his column, “you’d think the council and city staff had driven the city to the brink of bankruptcy in recent years while failing to do anything whatsoever about economic development. That’s simply not true, and Evans knows it.”
Great quotes David, all that’s left now is to ask them how they want their crow served? lol
This is what I call good investigative journalism! The leftists ruining our city have been exposed by one courageous newspaper man who dares to tell the truth. Kudos to David Little.
Yes Jack, David Little and most the readers of Post Scripts get it! The ones who don’t seem to get it or care, well they seem to get elected, then the rest of Chico gets it, mostly in the rear wallet region. Voter turn outs of the 24% variety will not prevent or replace the “feel good” pervasive nature that is morphing Chico into the next California bankrupt city. Lack of informed voting, or participation in what is really happening is what created the past 14 years of Liberal mismanagement. What have they given us other than a haven for bums and a soaring crime rate. A possible solution is to revisiting the possible sale of a small percentage of some weed choked land that the Liberal’s labeled “Bidwell Ranch Park” so as to preserve it as a meadow foam pasture of wasted tax dollars. Lets use those funds to retire current debt, and put the balance in a Trust fund of sorts (away from Liberal spending) that can only be used after voter approval during a “REGULAR ELECTION CYCLE” for budget basics like Police and Fire, and infrastructure (I.E.roads) Lets stop all outside consulting and their budget crippling fees for awhile and look to the city populous (then actually listen to them for more than a minute) for ideas and answers and just good basic common sense based on everyday exposure to problems. We need more of the type of common sense that built this city originally. Chico has a untapped source of good people willing to put the time into improving city conditions, unfortunately those people are dismissed at council meetings, while we are forced to listen to a liberal council after council regurgitate programs that failed time and time again. If we continue to elect council members that just keep on kicking the can to another meeting date (possibly to wear out their opponents attendance), well we have none to blame but us voters, well actually the registered voters that do not vote! Any growth this city has seen in the past 14 years is a mystery, much like a weed growing in concrete cracks. It happened, but not by current city planning or encouragement.
Can’t remember who said it but it went something like this . . .
The problem with Liberals is that eventually they run out of other people’s money.
Could be that the Chico gooferment $pendthrift’$ chickens have come home to roost.
Other cities are going toward bankruptcy or have already filed, they too are run by Liberals with the same mindset. Stockton, Mammoth Lakes and San Bernadino. Much of theirs is also due to salaries and huge pensions. Not sure how to correct any of it, maybe bankruptcy is the answer, that would let the cities start over with salary\pension contracts.
Force the Council to stop the nonsense spending with art structures, and etc, That is all great if it is paid with private dollars not tax dollars.
Not sure what happened with Mammoth, It is quite small,people out of work and etc. Perhaps City did not have the cash flow.
Troubles like this in California are sad, We used to be a fabulous state, we had it all.