Posted by Tina
The IRS is a mess to say the least. First we discover the agency targeted conservative groups in an act of sheer partisan bullying for political advantage, then we are treated to contemptuous retorts from IRS employees in congressional hearings, next we are informed that the IRS employees union endorsed Obama and contributed 94% to Congressional Democrats in the 2012 election, and now we find out they think they are entitled to party hearty on the tax payers dime:
The Internal Revenue Service spent an estimated $49 million on at least 220 conferences for employees over a three-year span beginning in fiscal 2010, according to a forthcoming report that will prompt fresh scrutiny of the already embattled agency.
Please remember that these clowns will also oversee Obamacare compliance. (Californians should be aware that insurance premiums in this state are projected to increase by 64% to 146% as Obamacare is enacted at the end of the year.)
How much more fundamental transformation can our free nation, our economy, and our wallets endure?
Wake up America:
It’s time for a fundamental tax code transformation!
It’s also time to repeal Obamacare!
And it’s time to get rid of the big bureaucratic IRS and the corrupt union that works there!
Good grief…more IRS shenanigans. The Hill reports on a WSJ piece:
Remember Obumble’s “reward our friends and punish our enemies” just after he was first elected?
The fact that IRS ignores Soros’ Center for American Progress while attacking the Tea Party tells you all you need to know about Slow Lerner and the mindset of the Obumble administration.
We need to do to the IRS what Hercules did to the Aegean stables – clean them ALL out!
What’s the difference between the IRS and the Mafia?
The interest rate.
Off topic, but too good to not share.
Judge Jeanine Pirro: Time to Indict Holder
Another one too good to not share and, hopefully, just a sample of more to come for 2014.
Not Apologizing: Outspoken GOP Lt. Gov. Nominee and Minister Unfazed by Liberal Barbs:
An African-American and a Republican, E.W. Jackson hasn’t made many friends among the left.
The New York Times characterized Virginia’s GOP lieutenant governor candidate as “beguiling extremist.”
Jackson has came under fire for once comparing Planned Parenthood with the Ku Klux Klan, the Huffington Post noted. He also wrote in 2010 that President Barack Obama “clearly has Muslim sensibilities” and warned for the future of Israel, BuzzFeed reported. Some of his statements have also been defined as anti-gay.
Jackson has refused to apologize for his statements.
“I don’t have anything to rephrase or to apologize for,” he said shortly after he was nominated, noted the Huffington Post. “I would just say, people should not paint me as one-dimensional. I have a whole lot of concerns.”
Full article here:
Wow, who is this guy? Another Ted Cruz? Could there be enough of them to take control away from the progressives in the GOP?
From The Blaze:
Speaking on the House floor Monday, Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.) delivered a brief-yet-scathing review of President Barack Obama and his administration.
In just over a minute, Bridenstine rattled off the lengthy list of scandals and missteps that have occurred under President Obama. The GOP lawmaker said the fact that his administration is spinning out of control proves Obama is “not fit to lead” as commander in chief.
We present his remarks in full:
“The president’s Justice Department sold weapons to narco-terrorists south of our border, who killed one of our finest.
The president’s State Department lied about Benghazi with false information provided by the White House.
The president’s attorney general authorized spying on a Fox News reporter and his family for reporting on a North Korean nuclear test.
The president’s Justice Department confiscated phone records of the Associated Press because they reported on a thwarted terrorist attack.
The president’s Treasury Department uses the IRS to target political opposition.
The president’s Health and Human Services secretary pressures insurance companies she is supposed to regulate to promote ‘Obamacare,’ which is the same law she uses to force citizens to pay for abortion inducing drugs against their religious liberties.”
He then went on to say that the president’s “dishonesty, incompetence, vengefulness and lack of moral compass lead many to suggest that he is not fit to lead.”
“The only problem is that his vice president is equally unfit and even more embarrassing,” Bridenstine concluded.