Posted by Tina
The President was in Palo Alto pitching for dollars with the tech guys Friday. The Washington Times reports his basic message:
“It turns out we’re pretty common-sense folks”…”We believe in the free market [and] a light touch when it comes to regulations.”
Do you think they bought it?
Let’s review. The signature accomplishment during President Obama’s first term was Obamacare!
Guy Benson of TownHall reports:
Late last week, Obamacare regulators added more than 800 pages to an ever-growing document that will govern your healthcare. The bureaucrats’ work product now prints out to 20,000 pages — nearly eight times the length of the infamous original bill…(see photo).
Over at The Corner, National Review they’re counting the cost:
President Obama’s signature health-care law, which turned three over the weekend, has already accounted for $31.3 billion in regulatory costs and liabilities, as well as 71.5 million hours of paperwork, according to a study from the American Action Forum (AAF) released Monday.
It would take more than 35,000 full-time employees working year round to fully comply with the monstrous Red Tape Tower the law has become.
Progressives like Obama can’t help themselves, they love big bureaucratic government and lots and lots of centralized control…but geeez, why do they lie about it?
Any donor or fundraiser attendee who falls for this line of bilge from Obumble needs serious medical help. All one has to do is look at Obumble’s regulatory overreach since 2008 to see the face of the new Taxocrat party.
But then, he’s campaigning and anything resembling honesty has never been high on the list for this Prez.
And a leopard doesn’t change its spots . . . . .
They lie because they’ve done it for so long they’ve forgotten how to tell the truth.
Every day a new lie is uncovered. Yesterday Obama said every member of congress new about the mega data collection.
Today we’re told that that is not true. Several have come forth saying they were not informed and that only those with high clearance, served on a specific committee or sought out the info on their own knew about it.
Saw this in an article yesterday and it cracked me up. Loved the dictionary descriptions even more.
Resident: “nonmigratory animal: a bird or other animal that does not migrate seasonally”
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
A Dodo bird is a large flightless nonmigratory bird, right? Guess what the dictionary says?
Dodo bird: “unintelligent person: somebody regarded as unintelligent (informal insult)”
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Sorry, another off topic. But, did you guys see this?
Large US Marine force lands in Aqaba to deploy on Jordanian-Syrian border:
A large American military force disembarked Tuesday, June 4, at the southern Jordanian port of Aqaba – ready for deployment on the kingdom’s Syrian border, debkafile’s exclusive military sources report. The force made its way north along the Aqaba-Jerash-Ajilon mountain road bisecting Jordan from south to north, under heavy Jordanian military escort.
Our sources disclose that this American force numbers 1,000 troops, the largest to land in Jordan since the Syrian civil war erupted in March 2012. They are members of the 26th Marine Expeditionary Force carried aboard the USS Kearsage amphibious assault ship, which has been anchored off neighboring Israeli Eilat since mid-May. Upon landing, the marines took to the road in a convoy of armored vehicles including Hummers.
Washington and Amman have imposed a blackout on their arrival. The Pentagon has only let it be known that the annual joint US-Jordanian “Eager Lion 2013” military exercise is due to begin later in June and last two months, with the participation of US F-16 fighter jets and Patriot missile defense systems.
According to our US sources, the arrival of the US force in Jordan was not directly related to the regular exercise but decided on at an emergency meeting at the Pentagon on May 31, which was attended by top military and civilian Defense Department officials. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, who is away from Washington, took part by video conference
Full article:
Thanks Peggy, I can’t believe it? What kind of operation could this be? Is Syria’s President trying to surrender to US forces? I can’t come up with to many other reasons for them to be there in that small number?
The big shots paid the price of admission in advance to hear this drivel? What are they getting for loyalty and support of a President that lies to them? Money and favors are the usual exchanges in one form or another.
What was it that Obama said in the 2008 campaign about this? What was his promise to the American people?
Of course he was lying then too.