Posted by Tina
I’m sure you have read about the IRS targeting and harassing conservatives and delaying tax status authorization. On FOX Business this morning David Asman indicated he has hard evidence that liberal groups were also targeted by the IRS…only their groups were given fast track approval for their tax exempt applications! Thanks to Senator Grassley we are informed that IRS employees will be rewarded for their efforts. Fox News has the story:
WASHINGTON – The IRS is set to pay roughly $70 million in employee-union bonuses, contrary to an Obama administration directive to halt such rewards amid the deep, government-wide budget cuts known as sequestration.
The apparent deal with the National Treasury Employees Union is scheduled for Wednesday and was made public by Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa.
Grassley’s office said the information came from a “person with knowledge of IRS budgetary procedures.”
Our government is dysfunctional…broken…just plain ugly!
Given the high unemployment (and underemployment) numbers and the massive debt that has accumulated under President Obama this type of big spending really grates…so do those multi-million dollar vacations!
Ok folks I’m pissed again. I just saw one of the victims at the Ft. Hood terrorist attack explain how he and the others who were shot and survived and the families of those who lost a loved one are still being denied the care and recognition the rightly deserve. Their own government is victimizing them a second time by calling this attack work-place violence instead of what it really was. All for political talking points so Obama can say there were zero terrorist attacks while he was in command.
Sgt. Alonzo Lunsford was shot five times, once in the head leaving him blind in his right eye. Instead of receiving a Purple Heart he was awarded an Army Accommodation Medal for his 22 years of service, which sounds like the equivalence to a gold watch.
Thank God he has a strong support system of other victims since his government has once again let him down. Asked about facing his attacker during the upcoming trial he responded, “I will not show any fear in the face of the enemy.” “Do not let my rank indicate my level of intelligence.”
So, while I’m watching Sgt. Alonzo I’m thinking of that $70 million that’s going to those workers at the IRS, many of whom violated our Constitution and the First Amendment right of individuals and groups. They are the ones that are going to benefit big time with huge bonuses, while Sgt. Alonzo and the other victims receive NOTHING!
It is time to contact Mr. Doug LaMalfa again and tell him to do the right thing. If he’s not willing to do so I’ll remember come next election. One representative at a time is all it will take. Congress needs to redirect that money from the IRS to the Ft. Hood victims and they need to do it now.
I agree with you 100% Peggy and thank you for saying it here.
For anyone with two brain cells left to think with, this is clearly not a case of work place violence!!!! It was a maniacal act of terrorism. It was premeditated with malice aforethought, and it doesn’t get any more malevolent than that. It was a cowardly act designed to inflict maximum casualities on unarmed, patriotic American soldiers and their families.
The twisted motive for this heinous act was actually given lengthy consideration by the terrorist killer! And somehow he still justified his actions based on his most heartfelt religious and polical beliefs. What is that telling us about what we’re fighting? And further…this officers in the US Army was encouraged and motivated to murder innocent people by a well known terrorist. An infamous terrorist who happened to share a his twisted beliefs! Work place violence my butt. And he has since confessed to using extended planning to commit this act of terrorism or as he prefers to call it, jihad. He made clear his jiadist motives which are the same from Iraq to Afghanistan. And further…we have a mountain of evidence and eye witnesses to support exactly what he has said in his confessions!!!! Yet, and this is the most unbelievable part, yet we have an World Class Assho$# of a President who dares to call this a simple work place violence? Work place violence, WTF? What kind of a person did we elect, who’s side is he on anyway?
Equally astonishing to me is that we actually have people in high places, representing us and representing American soldiers, who have joined with this fool and together they have conspired to call this work place violence and their only reason is… because it better servers their personal and political agenda! This is a crime in itself, it’s a moral outraged. It conduct that borders on treason and it should not go unpunished. NOT ONE of THESE PEOPLE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO SERVE ANOTHER DAY ON OUR PAYROLL! In a just world every one of these stupid bast#@*s would have been fired long ago. They are either too stupid or too un-American to remain in positions of authority.
Jack, did you hear the latest? The judge is not going to allow him to use his jihadist actions of killing those soldiers to prevent them from killing Muslims as his defense. His “back-up” attorneys said they’d walk off the case if the judge allowed it.
Michelle Obama said something about being proud of this country for the first time when Barack became president. Well, for the first time in my life I am ashamed of my country and what it has become since he was elected.
There is no bigger wrong to award a bunch of lying, civil rights robbing individuals while leaving our soldiers to die at home and overseas while the president and Congress turns their backs on them. Shame, shame on every one of them.
Our only hope Jack seems to be coming from the people since those in charge are refusing to do their job. But, maybe that’s the kick in the butt this country needed again. I keep seeing amazing videos of those individuals and they are what’s giving me hope. They are truly leading from behind, down in the trenches.
Here is the latest and I guarantee she’ll be a voice in the future that will be remembered long after what Michelle said is just a bad memory.
Sonnie Johnson speaking at “Audit the IRS” rally June 19, 2013.
Good comments Peggy and thanks for the link. Michelle isn’t the sweet thing they want us to believe…she never had any use for her country until she got to the White House.
Here are two more of those videos/articles I mentioned above. The “Awaking” is happening and it’s wonderful to see so many realizing that they’ve been lied to and used.
Hannity Special on Black Conservatives: Familiar Faces, Passionate Points:
More Black Democrats May Be Ready to Switch Parties: