Zimmerman Verdict Near – What Will Happen?

What do you think will happen?   I’ll put your comments up here on page one.

1. I think Zimmerman will be found not guilty and that many people will think the DA overcharged him from the start because of pressure from the black community.
Following a not guilty verdict some people may use this as an excuse to break into a liquor store or two, but I don’t think it will be as bad as the Rodney
King riots, despite all the hype.  (Said with fingers crossed)  Jack L.

2. Authorities in the area are asking protesters to use their voices rather than violence. However, The Blaze posted a number of twitter messages (xxx rated) that suggest some of these illiterates are racists that will not accept a not guilty verdict. Whether this is just tough gangsta talk is yet to be seen. Given the nature of mobs and mob mentality I fear for the people in the area because its hard to imagine a guilty verdict.

My hope is that Zimmerman’s nightmare recedes and quietly disappears without incident…realizing of course that “hope” is a very low level of confidence.  Tina G

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One Response to Zimmerman Verdict Near – What Will Happen?

  1. Tina says:

    Authorities in the area are asking protesters to use their voices rather than violence. However, The Blaze posted a number of twitter messages (xxx rated) that suggest some of these illiterates are racists that will not accept a not guilty verdict. Whether this is just tough gangsta talk is yet to be seen. Given the nature of mobs and mob mentality I fear for the people in the area because its hard to imagine a guilty verdict.

    My hope is that Zimmerman’s nightmare recedes and quietly disappears without incident…realizing of course that “hope” is a very low level of confidence.

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