Syrian Strike Draws Near

by Jack

By all indications we’re about to launch a missile strike on Syrian forces, but less than 27% of American’s think it’s the right thing to do, according to the latest polling. I think most of us have mixed feelings on this one.  We don’t want anyone using poison gas on people… no matter what the reason.  But, we also don’t want to get played by those we’re supposed to be defending…or worse, inadvertantly help Muslim fanatics take over a moderate secular government.

aegisIf I recall correctly, the UN can’t do much about Syria since Russia and China can veto any actions.   Neither country supports military action against Syria.   So in theory this comes down to a situation where countries of good conscience have to step up because the UN can’t.    

Unfortunately, the world being what it is, nobody is going to love America for launching cruise missiles into a sovereign country for any reason.   Right has nothing to do with it.  If we launch missiles you can count on this being exploited by all the American haters around the world.    Ultimately, we’ll come out the worse for having done it, even if we halted the use of poison gas.   So, there are many negatives to be considered before being involved in Syria’s civil war.   

There’s almost no upside for us, other than doing what we thought was right and I’m not convinced that is Obama’s true motives.   We’ve been burned too many times by politicians not be cynical.  It’s only prudent to suspect a hidden agenda or that possibly we’re falling for a baited trap?   Tough call.   

What would you do?

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3 Responses to Syrian Strike Draws Near

  1. J Soden says:

    Been almost a year since Obumble wagged his finger and made the “red line” comment. Golf games & campaign speeches were more important.
    You lost your chance to make a difference in Syria a long time ago, Mr. Prez. Anything you do now is redundant.

  2. Harold says:

    Actually I believe this whole thing in Syria and Benghazi are one in the same. As to what and why we were doing things that upset the Russians in Syria, Stevens knew about it and what involvement this administration had in it. However, Both Hillary and Obama did NOTHING while Americans died, may be because Stevens knew to much! Here is a Egyptian newscast (not Fox or any conservitive media)link, listen and think about what is being said and how Obamas Administering is involved in all of this.

  3. Peggy says:

    Harold, Those of us not wearing blinders and earmuffs are not surprised at the information presented in the video.

    We need answers to just who and what is sitting in our oval office, what are his real plans for the US and whose orders are he following from his leading from behind position?

    He’s giving guns and ammo to Mexico and refuses to close our border. He’s closing down our coal supply and refuses to allow us to develop our own oil and gas supplies to make us independent from foreign supplies leaving us at the mercy of countries that hate us. All while spending trillions of dollars we don’t have on programs we can’t afford while attacking our constitutional right to free speech, assembly, religion, privacy, etc. etc. etc.

    Plus, so many scandals I’ve lost tract.

    Hopefully, the information referred to in the video will become available and we can get this Manchurian clone out of office.

    Manchurian Candidate: Definition

    “a candidate running for office who publicly supports one group to win election, but uses his executive or legislative powers to assist an opposing group; it should not be confused with a sleeper agent who has been brainwashed into working for a political party.”

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