Labor Day Special: 40K Longshoremen Quit AFL-CIO – Obamacare

Posted by Tina

At first I thought maybe the union workers were coming to their senses. But no…they are just disgruntled.

Apparently their list of grievances was extensive but one of the main reasons for the ILWU to break with the AFL-CIO was Trumka’s continued support of Obamacare. This group wanted single payer and they resent Trumka “going along to get along” for a plan that includes a fat tax on their “Cadillac” insurance:

“We feel the Federation has done a great disservice to the labor movement and all working people by going along to get along,” McEllrath wrote in the letter to Trumka.
The ILWU President made it clear they are for a single-payer, nationalized healthcare policy and are upset with the AFL-CIO for going along with Obama on the confiscatory tax on their “Cadillac” healthcare plan.

The Longshoreman leader said, “President Obama ran on a platform that he would not tax medical plans and at the 2009 AFL-CIO Convention, you stated that labor would not stand for a tax on our benefits.” But, regardless of that promise, the President has pushed for just such a tax and Trumka and the AFL-CIO bowed to political pressure lining up behind Obama’s tax on those plans.

So there’s a big fissure in the big union world (for now). 40K…that’s a lot of cash.

Trouble is, these workers don’t seem to get they can’t have universal coverage, single payer, and keep their Cadillac Plan…unless they think they would or should be among the special elite class. If these guys get single payer we will all get to enjoy the lowest standards of care that big bureaucratic programs create…think Medicaid with a little Veterans Administration thrown in for good measure!

Well this is one way to celebrate the working man…make sure you back policies that close windows of opportunity and create a giant herd where the lowest possible standard will be met but by golly it will be met for all people (except, of course, the elites)!

The more they push the closer America comes to realizing the inevitable end. America the noncompetitive…America the noncreative…America the unbeautiful…America the mediocre…America no more!

Hang in there…I’m working on a more positive message to celebrate America’s wonderful class of individual workers.

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4 Responses to Labor Day Special: 40K Longshoremen Quit AFL-CIO – Obamacare

  1. J Soden says:

    It’s no longer Labor Day. It’s Empty Chair Day.
    And now the Longshoremen have come to realize what happens when you put an Empty Chair in the White House.

  2. Dewey_Bueno says:

    The ACA is a big piece of legislation that will need to be ironed out. Amazing how little people actual now about the law which is not in affect.

    The ACA originated at the heritage Foundation a Rep think Tank turned 2% Lobby.

    I have seen both sides. The 716 Billion gets put back in unlike the Paul Ryan Plan which took it out and turned it into corporate tax cuts.

    The Corporate media is all propaganda. Ever notice the commercials? How many Drug Commercials do we see daily? Why the big push? Big Pharma.

    Remember the millions of super pac and corporate dollars dictate what they say, $$$$$

    I welcome the ACA have gotten to actually know it a bit and will say yes we will have to keep up on it, yes Big Pharma hates it. Only 20% allowed for profit 80% of premiums must go to healthcare? Oh No !

    My premium Blue Cross PPO had doctors milk it, keep me off the table until all doctors in their network ran every expensive test for no reason.

    Mis information and the divisional hate being thrust on the people by Media Propaganda is disgusting and un-American

  3. Dewey_Bueno says:

    One last comment the level of healthcare per dollar we have now rates us almost into the 3rd world country we are becoming.
    Norcal Town halls with all people based on facts, the right to differ, needed to save California.

    Trust is gone for Independents and the bottom line is we have lost democracy. Get the money out of Politics and let us get back to truth, facts, and democracy

  4. Tina says:

    Dewey our health care is expensive because government got involved in 1965. Since then competition has been eliminated and the customer distanced from the provider. Government colluded with big companies and wrote legislation that pushed small providers into the background. Without government intrusion this would not be the case.

    Profit is not a dirty word. If you work, you profit. If you save, you profit (at least you do when democrats don’t screw up the economy) and if you invest, you profit.

    Also what others make takes NOTHING from you. Our system is not zero sum.

    Quit your whining and bitching, ya big baby!

    The ACA plan is a roadmap to single payer and that, my friend, will be a big government monopoly…government as a single, all powerful corporation. You are the one that needs to wake up.

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