Colorado Voters Recall Two Democrat Gun Grabbing State Senators

Posted by Tina

The left always goes too far.

Today they are screaming that gun lobby interference caused the fall of two state Senators but a Colorado Democrat says this move is the direct result of gun grabbing zealots:

Some would suggest this just demonstrates the power of the gun lobby, but Sen. Lois Tochtrop, an Adams County Democrat and longtime Second Amendment activist, thinks it’s just a natural reaction to an overreach by Democrats in messing with gun rights.

Tochtrop feels the recall election was a reaction to seven gun-control measures introduced in the session, including a proposal by Morse. His law would have assigned liability for assault-style weapon damages to manufacturers and sellers.

Gun rights and freedom…they go together, people!

Excessive misuse of weaponry is a matter concerning a lack of morals and values. If we want the situation to improve we have to begin to address the problem.

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13 Responses to Colorado Voters Recall Two Democrat Gun Grabbing State Senators

  1. Ryan says:

    I was sure disappointed to hear that Colorado passed those stupid, do nothing, gun laws just because of one psycho at a movie. Funny part was, those laws would not have prevented the crime. These were just feel good laws that rob our freedom, but then the voter woke up and did the right thing…kicked the bums out! Wish CA voters would do that to about half the incumbents, then kick the other half out next election.

  2. Ryan says:

    Why is it that almost every time we have some freakish and
    rare gun crime liberals want to pass a new law? And in almost every case that one odd exceptional event that occurs so rarely would not have been prevented by a law, but everybody who is law abiding gets punished by it. That just makes no sense to me, yet it happens over and over. I am so glad the voters in Colorado went after these stupid legislators and tossed them out of office. Sure wish California voters would wake up.

  3. Tina says:

    Ryan i was very happy to see the people of Colorado take this stand as well. Colorado is my birth state and I have hated seeing it change into a California mini me state…this makes me realize there are still pockets of freedom loving Americans in Colorado after all!

    The easy answer to your question is, “Never let a crisis go to waste.” The progressive movement has an agenda…government power and control. Anything that furthers that agenda is used…principles have nothing to do with it.

  4. Peggy says:

    Tina, how funny I too was born in Colorado at Camp Carson back in the 1940s when it was to small to be called Fort Carson.

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    When it comes to “overreach” from anti-Constitutional gun grabbing zealots not even Colorado Democrats can compare to their California counterparts.

    Too bad what is happening in Colorado won’t be happening here. The California anti-gun lobby run by the Democratic Party (which has an absolute stranglehold on power in this state) is poised to bring the hammer down on January 1st.

    Legitimate, legal, citizen gun owners are about to be screwed while criminals rejoice. Thanks, Democrats, you are about to mold the entire state to look like your left wing dystopian enclaves in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Sacramento.

    See what even silly food-Nazis can do when they put their backs in it?

  6. Jack . says:

    The voters in Colorado make me think there’s a glimmer of hope for common sense! lol And Tina, yes I agree, we can’t legislate moral behavior and for the crazy people, we need to be more aggressive and take guns away from them before they hurt themselves or someone else.

    Oddly, it’s the crazy people like this guy in Colorado that liberals are all too quick to defend and allow stay in society because it’s soooo unfair to confine them when they haven’t done anything…yet! We’re told it’s their right to sleep on the streets, it’s their right to eat from dumpsters and live in filth and sleep under the bridge. Sure, they are crazier than a loon, but not technically 51-50 W&I crazy, so they exist on the streets at the animal level.

    Everyone with an ounce of common sense knows they should be put into clean mental health facilities where at least they can be protected from themselves and out of harms way from the other bums who are sicko predators.

    There’s at least 100 people in Chico who are totally nuts, but since they can cross the street with a green light they aren’t considered bad enough to lock up, according to the letter of the law, yet we know they are… what a shame… another catch 22 situation that gov doesn’t wish to deal with.

  7. Tina says:

    I agree about the people on the street that really need mental health care in a facility. It’s a dang shame we changed the law in the first place.

    The problem, as I see it, goes much deeper into the very fabric of our society. We need more peer pressure to support strong family values and for heavens sake better education systems for boy children!

    The Boys Have Fallen Behind, NYT

    Boys Left Behind

  8. Tina says:

    Whoa…here’s an interesting tidbit!

    John Fund of National Review reports that more Democrats and Independents signed the recall petition than did Republicans!

    That should send Democrats a strong message about how the country values the right to bear arms.

  9. Harold says:

    Jack writes: The voters in Colorado make me think there’s a glimmer of hope for common sense
    Tina writes: Whoa…here’s an interesting tidbit!

    Well Jack, maybe Common Sense is starting to affect political thinking. By the sounds of Tina’s ‘Tidbit’ enough of Obamas supporters rallied wanting more than just Government freebies, maybe they have seen the greater value in their Constitutional freedoms first and foremost.

  10. Toby says:

    I see the ousted libtards are screaming the old party line “voter suppression”. Losers!

  11. Tina says:

    The “tardies” can’t complain about money. According to The Patriot Post they had quite an injection of funds to get out the vote from New York’s own supersized nannie Michel Bloomberg:

    Bloomberg spent $350,000 personally, and $3 million total was raised to retain Senators Morse and Giron, while only $500,000 was raised to oust them.

    And then they through in the big gun:

    The Democrat Party even sent in Bill Clinton at the last minute to bolster support for the Demos.

    If having a big money advantage and gawping Bill couldn’t do the trick, well, I’m afraid those Coloradans just don’t like being pushed around, especially when it comes to a fundamental right guaranteed in the Constitution.

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