House Votes: Funds Government Drops Obamacare Funding

by Tina Grazier

House Republicans Deserve Our Applause and Support – Let Them Know

The Republicans in the House have passed legislation, by a vote of 230-189, to fund the government and de-fund Obamacare. Speaker Boehner made it clear that Harry Reid and the Senate now have an obligation to debate this bill. Harry Reid has so far behaved like a spoiled child on the playground and refused to allow the Senators to consider most of the work the House has done over the past year.

The liberal media, Harry Reid, President Obama, and Nancy Pelosi like to point find Republicans won’t play….we know it is Democrats that refuse to “act in bipartisan fashion” or “cooperate to get things done for the American people”. The radical Democrats in control of the party don’t much like our system of checks and balances…the acclaimed system established by America’s founders. They prefer to dictate and will likely work to deny the majority voices represented in the House of Representatives. If the Senate refuses to do its job the people will have no choice but to send Harry Reid a very loud message in the next election by dismissing certain Senators from service.

Harry Reid is a complete failure as Senate Majority Leader and he deserves to lose his job. He has not passed a budget for the past several years in violation of law. He acts mostly as an obstructionist for bills sent to his office from the people’s house…the House of representatives.

It is time to call, fax, email and tweet the Senate to let them know we will not stand for more game playing. They may be doing well in DC and on Wall Street but Americans in the heartland, Americans on main streets across the nation are suffering because of President Obama’s destructive, job killing ideas and policies including Obamacare.

A majority of the people favor scrapping or de-funding Obamacare. Businesses are signaling its unworkability by changing their employee work hours and dropping healthcare coverage. Unions have said that this legislation will harm its members and fundamentally transform the ability to bargain. Healthcare insurance providers are opting out of the Obamacare exchanges.

The chickens have come home to roost…harry Reid it is time to fund the government and rid the American people of the job killing monstrosity known as Obamacare!

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17 Responses to House Votes: Funds Government Drops Obamacare Funding

  1. Libby says:

    “Speaker Boehner made it clear that Harry Reid and the Senate now have an obligation to debate this bill.”

    The Senate has voted it down 28 times already. This is just childish, pointless, foot-stomping: “you will, you will, you will do what I want.” Lot of freakin’ two-year-olds in the House.

    I hope China cuts off our credit.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Libby, I think the GOP was taking the only option open to them because of their constituents. The people they represent vehemently do not want ObamaCare or at least not in its current form. Just today the Dems admitted they really don’t know what the cost to consumers will be, but they hope to have it calculated by 10–2013. That’s not the way you run a business, it’s putting the cart ahead of the nag.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Hey Libs, have you had a chance to see Diebenkorn’s The Berkeley Years exhibit at the de Young? It ends the 29th of this month and I’m toying around with seeing it. Would like to hear from somebody who has, and if it was worth the trip, and the $20 admission?

      As you probably know Diebenkorn was into abstract expressionism and did a lot of bay area scenes. He died in 1993 and his work has really taken off. It’s rich in color with unusual combinations of blues, yellows and green and that’s all cool, but I don’t consider it top rate nor something that should be at the de Young. I think there’s a lot of hype behind his paintings now because of his popularity around the bay.

      Even I could do a Diebenkorn and I doubt you would be able to tell the difference. It’s pretty much non-genius work IMHO, unlike the fine work of say a Kandinsky, Malevich, de Kooning, or Gerogia Okeeff. I deliberately omitted Jackson Pollock, even though he’s from the same general era. I think he’s just a gimick guy and huge self-promoter, not a true artist, don’t mean to offend any Pollock fans, but it’s just the way I see it.

  2. J. soden says:

    Here’s a chance to stop an admitted “trainwreck” from becoming law.

    Remains to be seen if the Senate Taxocrats will do what is good for the country instead of what they’re told to do by their party’s leaders. . . .

  3. Libby says:

    Art is a mystery. And I haven’t been in the museum since the impressions were there. I’ve seen Whistler’s Mother in the flesh.

    I’ve you’ve not been in the new museum yet, it’ll be worth it, if only for the view from the tower. Shoot for a clear day, which in a tough thing to do in that neighborhood.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Libby, I’ve been putting it off for a long time and I really want to see the new digs. I would like to take train, but not sure it’s possible, they have such a weird time table…will have to look into it. Oh, by the way here’s something for you. I wanted to have a little fun, so I put one of my abstract impression paintings into the de Young advertisement. I wanted to see if anyone caught it. Did it stand out as art from a no talent artist (me), or did you assumed it to be a great work because it was on the de Young site? (snicker)

  4. Tina says:

    Libby: “The Senate has voted it down 28 times already.”

    I don’t think so. Harry’s MO is dead on arrival. If it isn’t what he wants he won’t let a bill be considered even though the President has veto power.

    Must I remind you, Libby? Reid and Pelosi wouldn’t allow the American people to know what was in the healthcare bill before ramming it through Congress using bribes and extortion in the process. The bill was never debated on the House floor because they didn’t want people to know what was in it!

    June 29, 2009:

    Apparently House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D.-Nev) are so afraid of a public backlash against the cost of the health care reform package that they don’t want voters to see it. Along with Obama’s promise of transparency, the two politicians think they can get away with anything because of having a majority in Congress. Their arrogance and lack of respect for American citizens has no bounds.

    When asked by a reporter by CNSNews, “Will you commit to giving Americans at least a week to review the full conference version of the health care bill before it is voted on? And also will you commit to submitting the final version to the CBO [Congressional Budget Office] so that they can report the cost to the public?”

    Like Pelosi,Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said last week that he would not commit to giving the public a week to review the final text of the health-care bill.

    Reid has refused to pass a budget every year for the same reason…accountability. This bunch doesn’t wnt to go on record they are dictating through the EPA, the IRS, Homeland Security, the FTC, etc. The President does nothing but campaign…all of this is by design so that they don’t have to go on record and can continue to dictate their agenda and blame Republicans for the problems Americans are experiencing.

    This evil tactic is anti-American, it is killing the middle class, it is ruining opportunity for future generations, and it is condemning many retirees without big fat privileged government pensions a life of poverty and despair…THEY DON’T CARE!

    For the record the A%*h$le Harry Reid is despicable! There are countless examples of his blatant power abuses in the Senate. He is the obstructionist…he is the dictator.

    “you will, you will, you will do what I want.”

    Your favorite song, Libby! Exactly how the Democrats have operated for seventy years at least!

    It is, as I made clear in the post, what a majority of the American people want. the American people have finally had the opportunity TO SEE WHAT IS IN IT.

    And the American people want it gone!

  5. Peggy says:

    It’s Friday night, time to kick back and enjoy some music.

    Crank your speakers up.

  6. Peggy says:

    A week ago no one would have thought the budget proposal would have passed in the House. Yet today two Democrats voted to pass it.

    It is passed time for the Republicans to stand up to the Democrats and do their job for the people they represent.

    If the Republicans hadn’t fought for the 13th Amendment the Democrats would have won and slavery would not have ended.

    People need jobs and medical reform. ObamaCare is a failure and needs to be trashed.

    Also, if you haven’t read Mark Levin’s Liberty Amendments I highly recommend it. We are NOW a post-republic nation and his plan is our only hope of getting our country back from the progressive socialist.

    I agree with Jack, phone calls and emails loaded on House reps, Boxer and Feinstein are a must if you want a change.

  7. Tina says:

    More evidence that Obama/Reid are the dictators…liars too.

    “You have never seen in the history of the United States the debt ceiling or the threat of not raising the debt being used to extort a president or a governing party and trying to force issues that have nothing to do with the budget and nothing to do with the debt.” – President Barack Obama speaking Wednesday to the Business Roundtable.

    Newt Gingrich rebuts on CNN:

    This is just plain false, and he knows it. That he would say something so factually false in a prepared text is very worrisome.

    First of all, issues such as Obamacare don’t have “nothing to do with the budget” and the idea that it is unusual for Congress to bring them into the debt ceiling debate is absurd. Far from having “nothing to do with the budget and nothing to do with the debt,” Obamacare is a major part of the budget, and it is now projected to cost twice what the president promised.

    The president’s historical claim is completely wrong, as well. Let’s set the record straight.

    Debt ceilings have been used since President Dwight Eisenhower in the 1950s to enable conservatives to put limits on government spending.

  8. Libby says:

    “Here’s a chance to stop an admitted “trainwreck” from becoming law.”

    You know, you even don’t know what you’re talking about. All the regulatory stuff that’s come into effect so far has been all to the good.

    The citizens like that they can’t be cut off when they get sick. They like that they can keep their kids insured through college.

    The insurance industry likes that everybody’s feet are held to the same fire, regulatorially speaking. That way nobody gets stuck with more than their fair share of sick people.

    Most of the monetary expense comes in setting up the exchanges and such like … and … in tracking down Medicare fraud, which is … also … all to the good.

    You’re just pissing and moaning over stuff you don’t even understand … just because it has Obama’s name on it.

    Damned pathetic … is what it is.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Libby, citizens already are not cut off when they get sick, we don’t need ObamaCare for that. Anyone who can’t afford to pay gets Vets, Medicare or Medical. So based on your statement you understand ObamaCare? Well, at least there’s one. The rest of us are being met with unpleasant surprises, not the least of which will be the lower paid jobs lost because of it.

  9. Tina says:

    The pissing and moaning is coming from companies that have to lay people off or cut their people to part time to survive. It’s coming from the unions that say the plan will destroy their members’ ability to bargain and also ruin the Cadillac plans they now enjoy. The pissing and moaning is coming from the CBO that now says Obamacare will cost much more than promised. The pissing and moaning is coming from doctors who say they will have less time to spend with patients and that the heavy regulation means they will have their hands tied when it comes to making decisions about patient care. The pissing and moaning is coming from patients, and doctors, who resent the intrusive questions and the rationing they see coming down the pike. The pissing and moaning is coming from insurance companies that say they no longer want to be part of the exchange program because it’s poorly organized and the outcome is too uncertain. The pissing and moaning is coming from medical supply owners that can’t stay in business because of cuts to medicare reimbursements. The pissing and moaning is coming from Democrats who (secretly) worry they will lose their seats. the pissing and moaning is coming from Congressional staffers who want to keep their Cadillac plans.

    You are the one that needs to admit that this piece of crap legislation offered candy but delivers arsenic!

    The things you mentioned can be fixed with simple legislation that doesn’t cost jobs, ruin the healthcare industry, and would actually work to bring the cost down and allow people keep their insurance and doctor.

    That tired excuse, “You just don’t like Obama,” is BS, Libby…and you know it.

  10. Harold says:

    Recently weak augments by Obama and Reid for the need to fund The affordable Care act, (actually unfordable and careless) sound like the same style arguments voiced when the “Democratic controlled Congress hastily passed this POS”, knowing full well it was flawed and cobbled together.
    Heck they didn’t even need to read it to determine that! Obama care needs to be retired and a reform bill redone in a simple format that does not involve government administration. PERIOD”
    Obama care” I believe was attached as the title just to give a future argument by Liberals that it is Obama and his thinking we didn’t approve of, they knew we fiscally conservative voters (plus socially concerned as well) where going to fight anything with his name on it. Clever, I don’t know, but a cheap attempt by inept thinking political types.
    As many before have posted and pointed out, this legislation, now a tax is so flawed, that the 65 million dollars needed to just implement another tax sucking bureaucratic boondoggle agency, could just as simply been doled out to the original 30 million uninsured (that would really start a political war) and save the tax payers Trillions of future debt.
    Yes, Liberals and Conservatives politicians alike BS’s every year saying they agree on that we needed Medical care insurance reform, but that was always elect me speak.
    What we didn’t want though was another Government agency controlled by bureaucrats, who will eventually cause detriment to the unfortunate forced to obtain it. (Most likely why congress exempted themselves and a lot of political supporters as well)
    But given that the insurance lobbyist, who had all the political leaders in their pockets, and these politicians of course were the ones who made each states medical coverage decisions, (limitations in coverage, and rate increases approval) a very vicious circle of misuse of power became common place.
    Because of this, reform was needed, but would never have taken place. OK so the pitfalls of a Government mandated program has been a wake up call to every voter.
    And what is really sad, reform could have been as simple as 4 issues resolved, issues like: eliminating Pre-existing conditions, along with opening up being covered anywhere in the States or possessions you need your coverage, getting politicians and lobbyist out of it, and open, create competition between companies in all states for policy holders, Plus limit Tort cases through out the country (All 50 States) , heck make it 57 states and see where that takes Obama, plus that may even put a smile on Obama as well 

  11. Libby says:

    “Anyone who can’t afford to pay gets Vets, Medicare or Medical.”

    No they don’t. This country is full of people who 1) aren’t ex-military and 2) make too much money to qualify for public assistance, but nowhere near enough to afford $300 a month for a plan that covers nothing until you’ve paid $5,000 out-of-pocket.

    There is going to be a vast quantity of knee-jerk reacting over this thing. I intend to do some myself. I have no intention of signing up for anything. I’m gonna pay the tax and call it single-payer. And I will be very interested to see, at the end of 2014, how many other people also have turned outlaw.

  12. Libby says:

    ” …that the 65 million dollars needed to just implement another tax sucking bureaucratic boondoggle agency, could just as simply been doled out to the original 30 million uninsured (that would really start a political war) and save the tax payers Trillions of future debt.”

    Y’all simply MUST learn to use the calculator. Sixty-five million dollars to $30 million uninsured comes to $2.16 per. That won’t buy you a Peet’s, fer pity’s sake. In fact, if you abandoned your $40 a week Peet’s habit, you still wouldn’t have a healthcare plan premium, and Peet’s would go out of business.

    You have all got start trying, just try, to think this thing all the way through.

  13. dewey says:

    I laughed as the Mr Ted Cruz explained this plan on his town hall call while raising money for senate elections. I will say they did fund the most embarrassing commercial I have ever seen. The uncle Sam commercial is much like WW2 nazi propaganda.

    The commercials both Mike Lee and Ted Cruz had with the phone number and petition were actually raising money for the upcoming senate elections and the donations went to the Conservative Senate superpac.

    Since when does a legal petition only ask for a name? They had ones phone #, and then to a message asking for donation? Not a legal petition!

    I am about every Politician regardless of party being honest! My loyalty can not be bought!

    I say so what! Let people donate where they want. It is the deceiving message to collect the money I find disturbing.

    The money went to a superpac for senate races while promising something not available.

    I did notice on Ted’s last town hall he did admit there was nothing they could do and they launched this effort to shut down the gov.

    If the gov is shutdown there will be a massive reaction. Our seniors will not receive their SSI checks as the weather turns cold many places.

    Economics and the financial answers do not come from a simple calculation.

    I personally would prefer a single payer, no more workplace healthcare. After all the employer seems to transfer most the cost back to a monthly payment from the employee.

    I personally plan to use the ACA and any problems to be expected from a large 2 party bill as a direction to single payer. My preference.

    Let the employers pay a fair wage and let the people buy their own insurance. It is about personal responsibility right?

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