CCSS: Common Core a Marxist Propaganda Program to Indoctrinate America’s Children

Posted by Tina

Obama had the audacity to say it out loud. His intention was to fundamentally transform the United States of America. But the truth is that has been the exact intention of the Marxist that made the Democrat Party their venue of participation in American politics for seventy years. They bring with them the desire to make America a socialist state wherein the government has ultimate control of all sectors of life…education, energy, healthcare, retirement, food production, manufacturing, even leisure and travel. They have already succeeded to a great degree in indoctrinating young minds in our schools but the implementation of Common Core will ensure that for future generations The United States of America will never again be the land of the free.

Hernado Today reports that education has been controlled at the state level but that language in Common Core would change that to create national standards that include moral and civic indoctrination:

…This program would nationalize education against the constitutional provisions that prescribe this responsibility to the states. The founders realized that giving the function of educating citizens to the federal government would eventually be used politically, to mold the minds of children by defining moral values and beliefs of the populace while enlarging their power.

Control at the local level means that parents can be part of the decision making about how students are taught. An example of federal extremism being foisted on children is noted in the article above:

In Skoke, Ill., fourth-grade classes were taught on work sheet lessons that government is equal to the family, according to the lesson. It sets the rules and takes care of people’s needs such as food, education and health. There have been other schools using students to sing the praise of our current president, preaching acceptance of previously perverted behavior and reciting collectivist slogans to convince students that government exists to take care of them.

Morality should be taught in the home. Our country has always respected the differences in moral standards that our citizens hold and managed at the same time to recognize those differences while establishing tolerance in the schools through the use of the golden rule. This program would replace parents as the ultimate moral authority in their children’s lives and make government controlled schools that authority:

CCSS expedites the process of making government schools a vehicle for propagandizing students. The centralized government would be able to “teach” moral relativism, fairness, political correctness, multiculturalism, tolerance for the progressive agenda and bigotry for the traditional moral values. These Marxist/progressive concepts are changing the culture to welfare dependency.

Citizens with school aged children who object to Marxist indoctrination should consider home schooling or one of the alternatives to public education. If that is not an option make your objections known at the local level. Freedom loving parents, parents who want their children to learn to think for themselves and want to maintain the authority for teaching moral values at home, should know that parents across the nation are winning this fight at the local level.

Whether you currently have children in school or not you do have a dog in this fight. Our beloved country will never be the same if we allow this final takeover of education by radical Marxists education activists to exist as the only educational option for young minds. The fight continues on many levels and in many ways. It is imperative that we keep the flame of liberty alive by preserving the ideal of independent thought in whatever way that we can.

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46 Responses to CCSS: Common Core a Marxist Propaganda Program to Indoctrinate America’s Children

  1. dewey says:

    Most textbooks are influenced by Texas as they purchase the most. Might take a look at the new Louisiana textbooks. They are so far from reality. math is bad, dinosaur and man lived together, most slave masters were nice ect.

    I prefer real facts and to fix things. The new books are being created not from the left but from an extreme faction of the right in our political system

    Independent Voters prefer real facts and solutions. No left or Right influence will fix anything.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    Re: “They bring with them the desire to make America a socialist state wherein the government has ultimate control of all sectors of life…education, energy, healthcare, retirement, food production, manufacturing, even leisure and travel.”


  3. Tina says:

    Dewey…everybody is crazy except you, right?

    You were misinformed, apparently, about Louisiana text books at least according to the National Center for Science Education:

    At its December 9, 2010, meeting, the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education voted 8-2 to approve high school biology textbooks, despite the ongoing complaints of creationists objecting to their treatment of evolution. As NCSE previously reported, a decision on the textbooks, expected initially in October 2010, was deferred by the board, which sought a recommendation from its Textbook/Media/Library Advisory Council. On November 12, 2010, the council voted 8-4 to recommend the textbooks. Then, on December 7, 2010, a committee of the board voted 6-1 to move forward with the purchase, “over the objection of a crowd of people who wanted books that at least mention creationism or intelligent design or say that evolution is not a fact,” according to the Lafayette Daily Advertiser (December 7, 2010).

    Since there are eleven members of the board, the six members of the committee who voted to move forward with the purchase constituted a majority, and so the committee’s vote was widely regarded as all but decisive.

    How incredible that some people are afraid of a concept that seems foreign to them but is accepted by millions and millions of people world wide. In fact there are also scientists among them who see a design factor in everything on earth down to the tiniest (discovered) particle.

    Darwin’s theory has not been proved and the evolutionists have yet to show bones that demonstrate transitions from species to species…what they have is mankind adapting to his environment.

    Nobody has suggested religious training but only information to make students aware of the theory of intelligent design.

    Children should be exposed to all kinds of ideas and theories so that they can learn to think for themselves. There is nothing to fear, unless our educational system is determined to be known as agents of indoctrination.

  4. Tina says:

    Good video Harold.

    People who rely on their Christian faith have through the decades noted signs signaling the end times. Jokes and movie characters have poked fun of these so-called crazies.

    Some people are noting these prophecies from the Bible again today but one difference now is that for the first time Christians are being asked to forsake their beliefs or be killed.

    There is no question that many of the people who run our education system and write or choose the material are non-religious Marxist types and they are some of the most closed minded, have to be right people.

    I say again…what are they afraid of?

  5. Princess says:

    I’m not worried about this at all. Especially for high school. Mostly because in Chico, the teachers don’t work hard enough to adopt a new curriculum and they can’t even be bothered to follow state standards. This is one more scam and corporate giveaway to the curriculum producers who want to junk the stuff they just convinced us to buy a few years ago, and start all over again using new materials ($$$) and taking all new developed tests ($$$) and send the teachers to the new trainings ($$$).

    Have you bought your raffle ticket to save the high school sports programs yet? Because our schools have no money (-$$$)

  6. Chris says:

    Princess: “I’m not worried about this at all.”

    Yeah, because you’re not insane. I mean, how mind-poisoned do you have to be to write, let alone believe, a paragraph like this:

    “CCSS expedites the process of making government schools a vehicle for propagandizing students. The centralized government would be able to “teach” moral relativism, fairness, political correctness, multiculturalism, tolerance for the progressive agenda and bigotry for the traditional moral values. These Marxist/progressive concepts are changing the culture to welfare dependency.”

    This is literally gibberish. It doesn’t mean anything. It’s just a bunch of buzzwords meant to scare a certain type of person.

    But it’s wonderful that conservatives are now flat-out admitting they don’t want fairness taught in schools.

  7. Tina says:

    Chris just because you don’t understand it and cannot relate to it doesn’t mean it is gibberish.

    That PC closed mind of yours is so locked in you haven’t the ability to consider that “fairness” in a liberals mind is a healthcare system that gives special treatment to some groups or businesses earning the big bucks and not to others. Fairness is taking money from someone who works to give it to someone else who is able bodied but doesn’t work. Fairness is creating a credit card for food stamp recipients so they don’t have to experience the stigma of not earning their keep…even when they are able bodied and spend the money on coke and lottery tickets. Fairness is transferring the responsibility for the family from fathers to government. Fairness is creating dependency in people because it translates to votes so that when young women think of a welfare check as her salary it’s not considered unusual…never mind thoughtless and lacking in any moral or civic grounding. Fairness is encouraging children in school to learn about Islam but making Christians students feel like second class citizens. I could go on all night but I won’t.

    We are very familiar with the liberal progressives concept of “fairness” and it is totally ignorant and anything but fair. Fairness to a liberal is all about social control and redistribution. Gibberish!

  8. Chris says:

    Happily, Common Core teaches students the importance of citing their sources, so maybe in the future we won’t have so many doctors who either don’t know how or don’t care enough to do so. Nowhere in that essay does Dr. Maglio give any evidence for his wild claims. Why should he? He’s got an audience ready and willing to accept anything that plays on their fears.

  9. Peggy says:

    Tina: “We are very familiar with the liberal progressives concept of “fairness” and it is totally ignorant and anything but fair.”

    Boy, are we ever. Did you hear about the new video series produced by our government on “American Muslims … and the general ignorance about what Islam is.”

    You can bet no video about Christianity or Judaism would have been done and their would have been a loud protest on the division between church and state.

    Since Jews have always been under attack and now Christians are too I do believe to keep things fair and equal a similar film for all religions should be produced and promoted by our government.

    National Park Service produces videos praising Islam:

    A series of videos produced for the National Park Service shows American Muslim students blaming hatred against their faith on the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The videos also promoted Islam as a pioneer in women’s rights and addressed a “general ignorance about what Islam is.”

    “Islam within itself, Islam itself means peace,” the government video states. “Islam brings nothing but peace if you truly look into it.”

    The video was posted on the website for the Women’s Rights National Historical Park. It was filmed at the AnNur Islamic School in Schenectady, N.Y. by a National Park Service intern.

    According to the park’s website, the three-part series features children as they “discuss their experiences and challenges with negative Muslim stereotypes and assumptions.”

  10. Tina says:

    That audience is made up of a lot of parents that have witnessed liberal indoctrination in the schools first hand because they have children attending school.

  11. Tina says:

    Common Core as a concept was supported by both Republicans and Democrats. I can’t defend the Republicans, like George and Jeb Bush, that have contributed to this national takeover. I can offer information for consideration and will continue to do so trusting in your ability to absorb and decide for yourselves.

    The following might be of interest:

    Rachel Alexander of TownHall:

    Common Core eliminates local control over K-12 curriculum in math and English, instead imposing a one-size-fits-all, top-down curriculum that will also apply to private schools and homeschoolers.

    Superficially, it sounds good. It creates universal standards that supposedly educate all children for college. But along with the universal standards come a myriad of problems, which the administrators of Common Core are disingenuously denying. The American Principles Project released an analysis last year of Common Core, exposing the duplicitous language. Common Core describes itself as “internationally benchmarked,” “robust,” “aligned with college and work expectations,” “rigorous,” and “evidence-based.” None of this is true.

    Common Core proponents claim that it is not a federal mandate, instead using language like “state-led” and “voluntary.” The Common Core website asserts, “The federal government was NOT involved in the development of the standards.” It states that Common Core is not a national curriculum, but “a clear set of shared goals and expectations for what knowledge and skills will help our students succeed.”

    Diane Ravitch, a former assistant U.S. secretary of education who was appointed to office by both Clinton and George H.W. Bush, recently changed her mind about Common Core. Ravitch now refutes claims by Obama and Common Core that the standards were created by the states and voluntarily adopted by them. She writes in The Washington Post, “They were developed by an organization called Achieve and the National Governors Association, both of which were generously funded by the Gates Foundation. There was minimal public engagement in the development of the Common Core. Their creation was neither grassroots nor did it emanate from the states.” Instead, Common Core is being driven by policymakers in D.C.

    (Same tactics used to pass Obamacare…secrecy!)

    The math standards are equally dismal. Mathematics Professor R. James Milgram of Stanford University, the only

    mathematician on the Validation Committee, refused to sign off on the math standards, because they
    would put many students two years behind those of many high-achieving countries. For example, Algebra 1 would be taught in 9th grade, not 8th grade for many students, making calculus inaccessible to them in high school. The quality of the standards is low and not internationally benchmarked. Common Core denies this on its website as a “myth,” but Professor Milgram’s opposition contradicts this.

    The webpage Truth in American Education posted the following:

    Layton Elliot, the math chair at Brebeuf Jesuit Prepartory School in Indianapolis, IN, recently testified against the Common Core Math Standards during the Indiana Legislative study committee hearing last Tuesday.

    I’ve been told by those who live in the area that this school is well-respected in the community, in particular, their math department. (follow link for accompanying video) …

    Eagle Forum:

    Critics and some English teachers object to the emphasis on “informational texts” and the move away from literature that is necessitated to include those assignments.

    Although there are no hard and fast rules for using the texts suggested in the Appendices of the Common Core Standards for English Language Arts, it would make sense for teachers to adopt those suggested rather than choosing other readings. They will be teaching to a test so why would they deviate from what the testers suggest?

    Examination of two of the English Language “text exemplars” for high school students shows they have definite political agendas. “The Cost Conundrum:

    Health Care Costs in McAllen, Texas,” written by Atul Gawande and first appearing June 2009 in the New Yorker magazine, is at its heart a call for universal, government-run health care. “Executive Order 13423” is a presidential mandate that all government agencies become “sustainable” entities. It promotes controversial scientific ideas and purports them as factually accurate in a way that could unduly influence students.

    Sustainability Text Exemplar
    Another informational text suggested by Common Core is “Executive Order 13423 of January 24, 2007:

    Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management.” This document, signed by President George Bush in 2007, is a sweeping call for sustainability, greenhouse gas control, use of renewable resources, and recycling at all federal agencies. It incorporates green standards, such as renewable energy generation projects on agency property for agency use, meaning wind and solar.
    The Executive Order states that ‘‘‘sustainable’ means to create and maintain conditions, under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic, and other requirements of present and future generations of Americans.”

    Sustainability is also a leftist buzzword and rooted in the United Nations Agenda 21, which calls for developed nations to decrease energy usage. It aims to control the West, especially the United States, economically and politically. Another interpretation of Agenda 21 would be, “from each according to their ability, to each according to their need,” as stated by Karl Marx. …

    And from the grass roots, The Mommy Lobby (Catchy title)…the byline is: “We Tuck the Future in at Night!” The webpage list mommy concerns about Common Core.

    The larger point is that this is another example of the agenda to control every aspect of our lives from a central planning national government that progressives are determined to establish as a permanent Democrat majority in authority.

  12. Pie Guevara says:

    RE Tina: “Chris just because you don’t understand it and cannot relate to it doesn’t mean it is gibberish.”


  13. Tina says:

    Ahhh..with that I will say, “Goodnight!”


  14. Chris says:

    Tina: ““Executive Order 13423” is a presidential mandate that all government agencies become “sustainable” entities. It promotes controversial scientific ideas and purports them as factually accurate in a way that could unduly influence students.”

    This is not true. Global warming is not a “controversial scientific idea.” It is a controversial political idea. There is no scientific controversy regarding global warming. There is only a political controversy.
    – See more at:

  15. Tina says:

    Chris: “Global warming is not a “controversial scientific idea.”

    That is the stupidest thing you have ever said!

    Just because you don’t understand the controversy doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

    The global warming movement with its propaganda arm in politics AND Academe is also extremely controversial.

  16. Libby says:

    “Just because you don’t understand the controversy doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.”

    On the contrary, we completely understand that unhappy segment of the population that will not allow scientific fact to inform their political world view.

    What to do with them? Not a clue.

  17. Tina says:

    Libby you have just proven yourself to be totally uninterested in science and completely devoted to climate alarmist that have been shown to exaggerate findings, dominate and control publication and peer review (also a form of grant control), created the “consensus” myth, worked to disallow and discredit credentialed scientists with evidence that disputes the so-called “consensus” science, and forsaken the scientific method for ideological and political activism!


    Besides the due diligence required of scientists, in order to prove a theory, there is the problem of political interference and social implications. All new theories are controversial, because they challenge the prevailing wisdom. Nicolaus Copernicus, as a canon in the church, knew the implications of his scientific theory, and he delayed approving publication until his deathbed. Darwin’s theory was equally challenging to religion, but it also addressed the heritage of every person, and hence was especially controversial.

    There is currently a controversy over global warming. The American meteorologist and atmospheric physicist Richard Lindzen explains that the supposed ‘scientific consensus’, that supporters of the Kyoto Protocol claim exists, was reached before the research had even begun. Lindzen underlines a major problem confronting science today – namely, that through the media and political exploitation, theories become law before they are tested.

    Hello Al Gore and the leftist environmental organizational activists!

  18. Chris says:

    Tina, what I said was factually true. 97% of climate scientists believe AGW is occurring. That is a fact. That is not a scientific controversy.

    I repeat: There is no scientific controversy about global warming. There is only a political controversy.

  19. Tina says:

    Thanks Jack!

    Here’s more! A February 13, 2013 article in Forbes, “Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis,” clarifies the matter:

    According to the newly published survey of geoscientists and engineers, merely 36 percent of respondents fit the “Comply with Kyoto” model. The scientists in this group “express the strong belief that climate change is happening, that it is not a normal cycle of nature, and humans are the main or central cause.”

    The authors of the survey report, however, note that the overwhelming majority of scientists fall within four other models, each of which is skeptical of alarmist global warming claims.

    The survey finds that 24 percent of the scientist respondents fit the “Nature Is Overwhelming”
    Another group of scientists fit the “Fatalists” model. These scientists, comprising 17 percent of the respondents, “diagnose climate change as both human- and naturally caused. ‘Fatalists’ consider climate change to be a smaller public risk with little impact on their personal life. They are skeptical that the scientific debate is settled regarding the IPCC modeling.”

    The next largest group of scientists, comprising 10 percent of respondents, fit the “Economic Responsibility” model. These scientists “diagnose climate change as being natural or human caused. More than any other group, they underscore that the ‘real’ cause of climate change is unknown as nature is forever changing and uncontrollable… They are also less likely to believe that the scientific debate is settled and that the IPCC modeling is accurate. In their prognostic framing, they point to the harm the Kyoto Protocol and all regulation will do to the economy.”

    The final group of scientists, comprising 5 percent of the respondents, fit the “Regulation Activists” model. These scientists “diagnose climate change as being both human- and naturally caused, posing a moderate public risk, with only slight impact on their personal life.” Moreover, “They are also skeptical with regard to the scientific debate being settled and are the most indecisive whether IPCC modeling is accurate.”

    Taken together, these four skeptical groups numerically blow away the 36 percent of scientists who believe global warming is human caused and a serious concern.

    One interesting aspect of this new survey is the unmistakably alarmist bent of the survey takers. They frequently use terms such as “denier” to describe scientists who are skeptical of an asserted global warming crisis, and they refer to skeptical scientists as “speaking against climate science” rather than “speaking against asserted climate projections.” Accordingly, alarmists will have a hard time arguing the survey is biased or somehow connected to the ‘vast right-wing climate denial machine.’…

    … People who look behind the self-serving statements by global warming alarmists about an alleged “consensus” have always known that no such alarmist consensus exists among scientists. Now that we have access to hard surveys of scientists themselves, it is becoming clear that not only do many scientists dispute the asserted global warming crisis, but these skeptical scientists may indeed form a scientific consensus.

    The necessity for conservative backlash and the ensuing revealed alternate opinion was because of the leftist politization of the “opinion” or “agenda” scientists!

    Let’s not pretend you haven’t played the game, Chris.

  20. Chris says:


    I have responded to that article on this site before. The study in question focused on one groups of geoscientists and engineers in Alberta, Canada. No climate scientists were polled. As the study clearly states, the results cannot even be taken as a representation of all geoscientists and engineers, let alone all scientists. You should read the comments below the article, many people called the author out on his misrepresentation. The title, “Study Finds Majority of Scientists Skeptical…” is simply a lie. The study did not conclude that, and could not possibly have concluded that based on their findings.

  21. Chris says:

    Tina, it is disingenuous of you to allow yourself to launch critiques against scientists who don’t share your viewpoint when you so frequently cite articles which clearly misrepresent scientific data. How about we make a deal: when you learn to read scientific studies, rather than inaccurate articles misrepresenting said studies, then you can critique the vast majority of scientists. Does that sound fair to you?

  22. dewey says:

    Amen Chris!

    A constant rant of prepared statements seem to flourish round these parts.

    Americans need to drop the crap, realize allot of media is corrupt, and talk about subjects using actual facts, learn from each other, and agree to disagree on some issues.

  23. Chris says:

    It should also be noted that most of scientists and engineers polled for that study work in the oil industry. The study anticipated that there would be a bias among respondents against AGW; the point of the study was not to determine if they agreed with the consensus view, it was more about the specific answers given by each group of respondents. And the majority of respondents actually did say that some degree of global warming is occuring. Again, Tina, you’d know all this if you’d read the actual study, but you have no interest in doing that.

  24. Tina says:

    Chris yours is a covert, snide, deceptive ruse. No thanks.

    I don’t make deals with authoritarians who continue to support liars and manipulators bent on destroying businesses, that push politically for punishing taxation and regulation that has destroyed jobs and economies around the world, and that push the indoctrination of children so they can continue to obtain government grants, dominate politically, and/or make a fortune peddling a fraudulent “carbon credit exchange” scheme that rivals the most evil Wall Street scheme you can think of.

    You can take that critical eye of yours and turn it toward the so-called scientists (some of them physicians…how’s that for unqualified “scientist”?) who have been the signatores of the global warming hoax.

    How about you turn that critical eye on the fraudulent, agenda driven articles that have pushed junk science as “settled” science? Hockey stick anyone?

    Einstein wrote/said that if a single scientist disagreed with his theory then there was an obligation to continue to do research. Global warming scientists have ignored or dismisses the findings and opinions of highly respected, credentialed scientists from many climate related fields in complete defiance of this honorable method. I have posted the findings and opinions of some of them AND cited their credentials.

    As far as I’m concerned you are out of line and seriously in need an attitude adjustment.

  25. Tina says:

    500 Scientists Refute Global Warming Dangers – WND


    31,487 American scientists have signed this petition, including 9,029 with PhDs.

    All of the listed signers have formal educations in fields of specialization that suitably qualify them to evaluate the research data related to the petition statement. Many of the signers currently work in climatological, meteorological, atmospheric, environmental, geophysical, astronomical, and biological fields directly involved in the climate change controversy.

    See also this Forbes article which suggests:

    …ask any advocate of human caused catastrophic global warming what their response is to Climate Change Reconsidered. If they have none, they are not qualified to discuss the issue intelligently.

    Check out the 20th century temperature record, and you will find that its up and down pattern does not follow the industrial revolution’s upward march of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), which is the supposed central culprit for man caused global warming (and has been much, much higher in the past). It follows instead the up and down pattern of naturally caused climate cycles.

  26. Libby says:

    Tina, that petition was signed six years ago. Folk gather data, they learn, they change their opinions … well, some folk do.

    Like Chris has said, at this point: “There is only a political controversy.”

    And the political controversy is between people who want to take responsibility for remedial actions and people who care only about preserving their own comfort.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Libby is it comfort their preserving? I think its far more than that. Some of the GREEN changes demanded place the US at an severe economic disadvantage while other nations have almost no impact, yet they are some of the more gross pollutors. We can’t afford to give up too much of our economy to a world that is eager to eat our lunch. Our status as a world power is being challenged on so many levels we need to be careful what we do here.

  27. Chris says:

    Tina, you once again posted an article here that clearly misrepresents a scientific study. The title is a flat-out lie. Instead of acknowledging that fact, you come back with vague, unsupported accusations against scientists who disagree with you. That is unjust and unconvincing. You need to acknowledge and correct your specific error before launching into an attack on someone else.

    As I’ve pointed out, you have no qualifications and no credibility to make the accusations you’re making when you CONSTANTLY post articles that misrepresent scientific studies, and you admit that you don’t know how to read the actual studies themselves. It is amusing that you think asking you to know what the hell you’re talking about before you go on a rant about it is somehow “authoritarian,” but apparently that’s the culture we’re living in now.

  28. Tina says:

    Chris I can see no reason to take your word for anything. You also have no credentials whether or not you have “read” reports and although you like to present yourself and your sources as if you are a final, ultimate authority, I find your behavior ridiculous.

    “You need to acknowledge and correct…”

    You need to back off.

    “…and you admit that you don’t know how to read the actual studies…”

    Correction! You made the accusation and I said nothing. I have acknowledged on more than one occasion that I do not have the credentials to argue the science…I have said nothing about my ability to read. I do however have the authority to post opinions from those in positions of authority who happen to disagree with your opinions and the science you believe is “settled”.

    “It is amusing that you think asking you to know what the hell you’re talking about”

    Rarely do you ask and, more often than not, you give orders (see example above). I do not appreciate your tone or your attitude. You are a guest here and I think you should respect that if not me.

    I have explained to you more than once that I trust our readers to decide for themselves if something posted by you or by me is true.

    You have the power to post what you believe is the truth….do it. If it is true it should be sufficient to convince our readers AND make me look foolish.

    I find it amusing that you choose me as an object of derision about truth when in fact the entire global warming hoax has been based on exaggeration, manipulation of findings, and outright lies from the beginning:

    Top Ten Science Based Predictions That Didn’t Come True is posted at WUWT. Number one is a doozy:

    1. “Telltale signs are everywhere —from the unexpected persistence and thickness of pack ice in the waters around Iceland to the southward migration of a warmth-loving creature like the armadillo from the Midwest. Since the 1940s the mean global temperature has dropped about 2.7° F.” — Climatologist George J. Kukla of Columbia University in Time Magazine’s June 24th, 1975 article Another Ice Age?

    So the next time you hear about worldwide crop failure, rising sea levels, species extinction, or “climate grief” you might want to remember that just being an expert, or even having a consensus of experts, doesn’t necessarily mean that a claim is true.

    In 2010 Maxim Lott at Fox News posted the following quote:

    1. Within a few years “children just aren’t going to know what snow is.” Snowfall will be “a very rare and exciting event.” Dr. David Viner, senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, interviewed by the UK Independent, March 20, 2000.

    Ten years later, in December 2009, London was hit by the heaviest snowfall seen in 20 years. And just last week, a snowstorm forced Heathrow airport to shut down, stranding thousands of Christmas travelers.

    There are seven more posted at that link.

    Here are a couple other opinions by “experts”:

    “…civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind,” – biologist George Wald, Harvard University, April 19, 1970

    The world will be “…11 degrees colder in the year 2000 (this is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age),” – (ecologist) Kenneth Watt, speaking at Swarthmore University, April 19, 1970

    Another couple of oldies but doodies:

    “Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make,” Paul Ehrlich, interview in Mademoiselle magazine, April 1970.

    “We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation,” biologist Barry Commoner, University of Washington, writing in the journalEnvironment, April 1970.

    People take the things these so-called experts say seriously. They then press for action from the government. In today’s world that activism and the resulting taxation and regulation has caused extreme, unnecessary harm. My purpose in posting dissenting opinions and evidence is balance.

  29. Tina says:

    Chris: “It should also be noted that most of scientists and engineers polled for that study work in the oil industry.”

    A lot of those people have degrees and experience that give them a hell of a lot more authority to speak than have you.

    Being in the oil industry is only an automatic indication of ignorance if you are among those who demonize opponents with differing opinions rather than recognizing they have something to contribute.

    Rule number 12, I believe, of the Saul Alinsky manual for leftists.

  30. Tina says:

    Libby I appreciate the attempt at diplomacy but at this point it isn’t, “…only a political controversy.” It is also the abuse of science and the integrity of the science community!

    Scientists faked the hockey stick and influenced the science community, the politics, and the narrative in media for a good long time. Others fabricators have followed. Consensus was built on lies.

    I will give you leftists this…it take incredible cheek to go on the attack when prominent warming scientists have been proven wrong…or found out.

    Here’s another favorite untruth issued by a famous glo-warm scientist:

    Dr. Stephen Schneider, Professor of Environmental Biology and Global Change at Stanford University, told Discover magazine in 1989, “So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have.”

    There ya go!

  31. Chris says:

    Tina: “Chris I can see no reason to take your word for anything.”

    But you don’t HAVE to take my word for it. I told you to look at the comments on that article–nearly every single one points out the obvious inaccuracies in James Taylor’s piece. You can verify those inaccuracies for yourself; you don’t have to be a scientist to see how Taylor misrepresented the study. You just have no interest in doing so.

    “You are a guest here and I think you should respect that if not me.”

    I respect the truth. When I see people showing profound disrespect for it, as you do when you post articles such as James Taylor’s and then refuse to acknowledge the critiques against them, I get rankled.

    “I have explained to you more than once that I trust our readers to decide for themselves if something posted by you or by me is true.”

    But most of your readers won’t look any further to verify whether Taylor’s piece was true. You didn’t even do that yourself; you read his claims and automatically believed them, even though we’ve discussed that exact same study before and I’ve shown you it doesn’t say what he claims! Why would you trust your readers to do more work than you, the blogger, has done?

    Your readers trust you, and you are misleading them.

    “A lot of those people have degrees and experience that give them a hell of a lot more authority to speak than have you.”

    Tina, I never questioned the credibility of the scientists polled in that study. I merely said there was an expectation of bias given their industry. And again, the majority of respondents DID agree that some global warming was occurring, so why would I try to discredit them? The study shows the exact OPPOSITE of what James Taylor claimed.

    “Scientists faked the hockey stick”

    The problem is that you literally have no way of knowing that. You believe it because certain people have told you that, but you’ve believed and repeated so many other things that aren’t true about global warming here that it is clear you lack the ability to objectively analyze the actual data. You are just parroting what you’ve heard. This is the second time in a week you’ve linked to an article misrepresenting scientific research; how many more times do you have to be shown you are doing this before you realize you just don’t know what you’re talking about?

  32. Tina says:

    Chris: “I respect the truth.”

    No sir, you selectively play at respecting truth.

    “When I see people showing profound disrespect for it, as you do when you post articles such as James Taylor’s and then refuse to acknowledge the critiques against them, I get rankled.”


    “But most of your readers won’t look any further to verify whether Taylor’s piece was true. You didn’t even do that yourself…”

    It is obvious that you will continue to act as if I, and our readers, much dance to your tune!

    Frankly, Chris you are a bore and a bit of a tyrant. You create unnecessary animosity and blog clutter by issuing orders and demands. Making the point that you believe the article is filled with inaccuracies isn’t enough for you. No, no no. no no! You find it necessary to bring up charges and issue homework and then become incensed, and ridiculously self-righteous, when others refuse to be ordered about.

    All of this is tiring. Again and again you demonstrate that you are quite willing to defend and support people on the left who have been shown to be liars and manipulators, people who use as their bible a book that teaches methods for intimidation and personal destruction of the opposition, people who refuse to argue the facts but instead engage in personal attack.

    “The problem is that you literally have no way of knowing that. You believe it because certain people…”

    Certain people? That’s your problem. You run around drawing lines. Anyone who disagrees with what you believe to be true must be managed. You’re not willing to just let it be that there is disagreement. You have to crush the opposition.

    That type of behavior is quite typical of indoctrinated leftists. Leftists have no room for real diversity and disagreement. When confronted with even credentialed opinion leftists look for ways to discredit and demean the messenger as a means of crushing all opposition to the cause.

    “You believe it because certain people have told you that…”

    No Chris I was shown how the hockey stick was created by manipulating data and graphs. I read and understood the explanation. I followed the controversy as it unfolded.

    Your arrogance knows no bounds; your ignorance and disrespect for the opinions of others, educated with big degrees or not, may be the cause of it.

    I have indulged your behavior thinking that dialogue might produce an epiphany; it appears that has been a fools erand.

  33. Chris says:

    Tina: “Again and again you demonstrate that you are quite willing to defend and support people on the left who have been shown to be liars and manipulators,”

    Typical. I point out specific inaccuracies in a specific article that Tina herself has posted, and instead of engaging or even trying to defend those specific points, Tina responds with vague accusations that imply I am responsible for everything ever said by everyone to the right of Sarah Palin.

    I am then called a “tyrant” for reasonably asking that Tina respond to the specific inaccuracies she has posted here.

    I mean, is there anyone here who actually thinks these tactics are convincing?

    Join a freaking debate club.

  34. Chris says:

    Again, just so we’re clear:

    Tina linked to an article titled, “Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis.” The article repeated the assertion several times that the survey found that a majority of scientists were skeptical of global warming.

    That assertion was not, in any way, shape, or form, true.

    The study’s own authors had to issue a statement explaining that their work had been misrepresented, and that their results could not possibly have found what a majority of scientists believe, given that they only polled geoscientists and engineers working in a specific industry in Alberta, Canada.

    They had to issue this statement because Taylor’s claims had become amplified by the conservative media, and many people like Tina believed his claims even though they were completely removed from reality, because they had no interest in reading the study or doing any further research.

    Tina said she posted this article because it “clarifies the matter.” In actual reality, that article served to muddy the waters and spread scientific disinformation.

    Tina has yet to address this factual error, and calls me a “tyrant” for pressing her to do so.

    Despite her clear misrepresentation of a scientific study, and her lack of any pretense of remorse for doing so, she feels that she is justified in continuing to make vague, unsupported accusations against the 97% of climate scientists who agree that AGW is occurring.

    Those are the facts. That’s what happened.

    How can anyone take anything she says seriously from this point on?

  35. Tina says:

    Chris gave it a valiant try…started by simply stating what he thinks….but he just couldn’t help himself.

    It is not pleasant dealing with indoctrinated authoritarians and my first thought was to completely ignore his ridiculous petty gripe. But then I thought no…those of our readers who might be curious about the uproar deserve to see that I am quite capable of understanding what qualified credentialed scientists, and the people who write about them, have to say on the subject of man caused global warming and the politics that is destroying economies, businesses, jobs, lives, and the integrity and reputation of the science community.

    I am not a scientist and even if I had a degree in English Lit, I wouldn’t pretend to be one. The following represents a sampling of opinion and information gathered from people who are scientists and people who report on what scientists are saying.

    Discover similarities between the notion of “science consensus” held by glo-warmists of today and Lysenkoism, a theory canonized by in the 1930’s under Stalin in Forbes. This bit of history has something to teach us.

    Two climate experts debate the question, “Any Global Warming Since 1978″ in Forbes.

    CATO takes great exception to the sloppy work in the US government’s “Federal Advisory Committee Draft Climate Assessment”, highlighting the hysteria:

    In the Assessment’s 1200 horror-studded pages, almost everything that happens in our complex world — sex, birth, disease, death, hunger, and wars, to name a few — is somehow made worse by pernicious emissions of carbon dioxide and the joggling of surface average temperature by a mere two degrees.

    Virtually every chapter in the Assessment perseverates on extreme weather, despite the U.N.s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change statement that:

    There is medium evidence and high agreement that long-term trends in normalized losses have not been attributed to natural or anthropogenic climate change

    The Assessment is woefully ignorant of humanity’s ability to adapt and prosper in response to challenges. The quintessence of this is the truly dreadful chapter on human health and climate change.
    While death, disease, poverty and injustice are all conjured by warming, there is not one mention of the fact that life expectancy in the U.S. is approximately twice what it was in the year 1900, or that per-capita income in real dollars is over ten times what it was then. It emphasizes diseases that will somehow spread because of warming, neglecting the fact that many were largely endemic when it was colder and were eradicated as we warmed a bit.
    Further, it conspicuously ignores the fact that doubling the life expectancy of some 200 million Americans who lived in the 20th century is the same as saving 100 million lives. The society that achieved this powered itself on the combustion of fossil fuels. Does this community of experts understand that the number of lives that it effectively saved is orders of magnitude above and beyond it could possibly cost? It seems, given the panoply of horrors due to start pronto, to prefer that we not have emitted carbon dioxide in the first place. Perhaps they ought to look a place that didn’t. Surely part of the $3.5 billion that the US Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) consumes per year could finance a field trip to Chad, so they can see the world without cheap and abundant energy.

    And what is the purpose of this Assessment? The motto of the USGCRP says it all:

    Thirteen Agencies, One Mission: Empower the Nation with Global Change Science.

    The operative word is “empower,” which is the purpose of the Assessment. It is to provide cover for a massive regulatory intrusion, and concomitant enormous costs in resources and individual liberty.

    History tells us that when scientists willingly endorse sweeping governmental agendas fueled by dodgy science, bad things soon happen.

    Read also the opinion of Chip Knappenberger, M.S. and B.A. degrees in Environmental Sciences from the University of Virginia., also of CATO, regarding the embarrassing latest UN IPCC report:

    Friday, the world was treated to the latest, greatest report on global warming from the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in the form of its Fifth Assessment Report. It is an embarrassment of internal inconsistency, entirely self-serving, and is beyond misleading.

    That’s because the IPCC is more intent on maintaining the crumbling “consensus” on global warming than on following climate science to its logical conclusion; a conclusion that increasingly suggests that human greenhouse gas emissions are less important in driving climate change than commonly held.

    That’s right, the latest climate science (some 10 studies published in just the past 3 years) indicates that the earth’s climate sensitivity—that is, how much the global average surface temperature will rise as a result of greenhouse gases emitted from human activities—is some 33 percent less than scientists thought at the time of the last IPCC Assessment, published in 2007.

    A little climate 101: climate sensitivity is one of the key parameters for understanding the future impacts from climate change.

    Virtually all elements of climate are related in some way to changes in the earth’s average temperature.

    The less the earth warms up, the fewer the resulting impacts, and the lower the urgency to try to do something to alleviate them.

    Meaning, initiatives like President Obama’s Climate Action Plan—the motivation for such things as the EPA’s just-announced effective moratorium on future coal-fired power plants—would be even more unnecessary and ineffective than they are already.

    The IPCC is not altogether blind to the new scientific findings indicating a lower climate sensitivity, but it barely pays them lip-service in its new report.

    It can’t.


    The meat of the new IPCC report — and the part that politicians predominantly look to for new legislation — is its projections of future climate change.

    The problem is that the climate models the IPCC relies upon to produce these projections have a climate sensitivity that averages some 50 percent higher than what the latest science suggests.

    This means that the IPCC’s projections of future climate change and the resulting impacts are nearly twice as large as they likely should be. In other words, the models don’t work.

    The IPCC can’t very well admit to the fact that observations say one thing, but the climate models say another. If they did, they would have to throw out virtually the whole report.

    Die hard researchers can also read CATO’s addendum to the above report here.

    Even a Man Made Glo-Warmist from MIT was shocked at the bad math and procedural errors cooked into the Hockey Stick graph:

    Canadian scientists Stephen McIntyre and Ross McKitrick have uncovered a fundamental mathematical flaw in the computer program that was used to produce the hockey stick. In his original publications of the stick, Mann purported to use a standard method known as principal component analysis, or PCA, to find the dominant features in a set of more than 70 different climate records.

    But it wasnt so. McIntyre and McKitrick obtained part of the program that Mann used, and they found serious problems. Not only does the program not do conventional PCA, but it handles data normalization in a way that can only be described as mistaken.

    Now comes the real shocker. This improper normalization procedure tends to emphasize any data that do have the hockey stick shape, and to suppress all data that do not. To demonstrate this effect, McIntyre and McKitrick created some meaningless test data that had, on average, no trends. This method of generating random data is called Monte Carlo analysis, after the famous casino, and it is widely used in statistical analysis to test procedures.

    When McIntyre and McKitrick fed these random data into the Mann procedure, out popped a hockey stick shape!

    That discovery hit me like a bombshell, and I suspect it is having the same effect on many others. Suddenly the hockey stick, the poster-child of the global warming community, turns out to be an artifact of poor mathematics. How could it happen? What is going on? Let me digress into a short technical discussion of how this incredible error took place. (continues)

    Read the saga of the Sackettes up in Idaho to see how the radical leftists glo-warm agenda bleeds into government to empower tyrannical bureaucrats.

    The Canadian site, Friends of Science has a lot of good information and graphs for consideration. More here and here. The people that started this site were alarmed at the level of propaganda going on in Canadian schools and wanted to create a virtual library of scientific information on this subject for all students.

    If the science is so compelling what is all the controversy about? I think we have a right to ask questions, to be skeptical, and to dissent. Apparently our leftist friends do not.

  36. dewey says:

    Wow for a second I thought I was reading WW2 propaganda.

    The textbooks are being changed by the Koch brothers party Plain and simple.

  37. Chris says:


    Please address the factual errors in the article you cited which falsely claimed that a survey found “a majority of scientists” believed that AGW was not occurring.

    It is hypocritical and dishonest of you to accuse others of lying and spreading false information without first acknowledging the false information you yourself have spread.

    When you acknowledge and correct your own factual errors, then you may in good conscience criticize those of others. Until that point, you are being disingenuous and arguing in bad faith.

  38. Chris says:

    The idea that the hockey stick graph was “faked” is a discredited myth. Numerous independent investigations as well as many further reconstructions have shown that Mann’s graph was very accurate.

    “If the science is so compelling what is all the controversy about?”

    Again, the controversy does not come from the scientific community, it comes from politicians and the oil industry. Some scientists have hitched their wagon to denialism, but they are a tiny minority.

  39. Tina says:

    ” Numerous independent investigations as well as many further reconstructions have shown that Mann’s graph was very accurate.”

    So you keep saying.

    “…the controversy does not come from the scientific community, it comes from politicians and the oil industry.”

    So you are saying that the oil industry as a whole created the science and politics behind the radical environmental message and UN push for regulation that would ultimately harm the oil industry?

    That’s quite a stretch, Chris.

    Individuals in oil, opportunists in oil, those who are committed Marxists (yes they exist) or those who just sense the lefts momentum and want to protect their investments have joined the parade.

    As for politicians the majority of them have been leftists with Democrat Al Gore front and center on the world stage. Conservative politicians have (perhaps naively) made decisions that have given glo-warming radicals vehicle to drive in the parade.

    Margaret Thatcher was the first to acknowledge the warming theory in England, Nixon created the EPA, and lightweight Republican Governor Schwarzenegger created a carbon credit scheme, joined by five states.

    Prior to the onset of reporting by opposition thinkers on the subject politicians of all stripes believed what we were all being told and campaigned offering the usual lip service to the enviro movement for votes. But to suggest that Republicans have been out front in the MMGW parade would be flat out wrong. MMGW is a leftist parade of scientists, enviro groups, and opportunists. They defend their scheme with the typical leftist tactics of labeling dissenters as crazy, fringe, discredited, etc.

    Name a green group and then tell me which party receives the majority of their donations and activist support. If it is political, as in having a political agenda, it has been a movement almost exclusively of the left.

    “Denialism” is a word coined by leftist green activists…hello!

    Al Gore’s daddy was a big supporter of oil but the son wanted to be President so he turned against “dirty oil” and tied his fortunes to radical environmentalist science…even when they fake their predictions and manipulate their models. There is no honor among thieves…most have likely positioned themselves to make big bucks on the carbon trading market scheme and are squawking because it aoppears to be falling apart.

    Follow the money. Al Gore buys carbon credits from his energy gobbling self! That’s how dedicated to the science and the earth he is:

    The ‘Cap-and-Trade’ System

    To resolve the “climate crisis,” Gore wants to put a cap on the production of greenhouse gases. He calls for an immediate freeze on U.S. emissions, a ban on new coal-fired power plants, tough new fuel-economy and energy-efficiency standards, renewable energy mandates, carbon taxes and mandatory targets and timetables for reducing greenhouse-gas emissions. Those emissions consist mostly of carbon dioxide (CO2), the byproduct of fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas, which supply 85% of all U.S. energy. Gore’s blueprint to save the planet moves the United States towards a command economy in which government regulators hold sway over what kinds and amounts of energy will be made available to the private sector. His principal regulatory tool is what’s called carbon-credit trading.

    Under a so-called “cap-and-trade” system, government places a ceiling or “cap” on private-sector emissions of CO2 and other “greenhouse gases.” Each sector, industry or business is allocated a fixed quantity of carbon credits that allow it to emit specific quantities of greenhouse gases. As an example, one tradable carbon credit might permit the emission of one ton of CO2. If a business emits more tons of CO2 than its supply of credits allows, it has the option to buy surplus credits from other firms — or it will have to pay a fine in proportion to the amount of the excess emission. By contrast, businesses that emit less than their allocation can sell their excess credits. …

    …Whatever its impact on the environment, the cap-and-trade carbon scheme is sure to boost the economic and political prospects of people and groups that are behind it. Before the company collapsed under the weight of financial scandal, Enron under CEO Ken Lay was a key proponent of the cap-and-trade idea. So was BP’s Lord John Browne, before he resigned last May under a cloud of personal scandal. In August 1997, Lay and Browne met with President Bill Clinton and Vice President Gore in the Oval Office to develop administration positions for the Kyoto negotiations that resulted in an international treaty to regulate greenhouse gas emissions.

    The U.S. Senate voted 95 to 0 not to ratify the Kyoto treaty in 1997. But that hasn’t stopped Al Gore.

    Gore’s Circle of Business

    Al Gore is chairman and founder of a private equity firm called Generation Investment Management (GIM). According to Gore, the London-based firm invests money from institutions and wealthy investors in companies that are going green. “Generation Investment Management, purchases — but isn’t a provider of — carbon dioxide offsets,” said spokesman Richard Campbell in a March 7 report by CNSNews.

    GIM appears to have considerable influence over the major carbon-credit trading firms that currently exist: the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) in the U.S. and the Carbon Neutral Company (CNC) in Great Britain. CCX is the only firm in the U.S. that claims to trade carbon credits.

    CCX owes its existence in part to the Joyce Foundation, the Chicago-based liberal foundation that provided $347,000 in grant support in 2000 for a preliminary study to test the viability of a market in carbon credits. On the CCX board of directors is the ubiquitous Maurice Strong, a Canadian industrialist and diplomat who, since the 1970s, has helped create an international policy agenda for the environmentalist movement. Strong has described himself as “a socialist in ideology, a capitalist in methodology.” His former job titles include “senior advisor” to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, “senior advisor” to World Bank President James Wolfensohn and board member of the United Nations Foundation, a creation of Ted Turner. The 78-year-old Strong is very close to Gore.

    CCX has about 80 members that are self-confessed emitters of greenhouse gases. They have voluntarily committed themselves to reduce their emissions by the year 2010 to a level 6% below their emissions in 2000. CCX members include Ford Motor Company, Amtrak, DuPont, Dow Corning, American Electric Power, International Paper, Motorola, Waste Management and a smattering of other companies, along with the states of Illinois and New Mexico, seven cities and a number of universities. Presumably the members “purchase” carbon offsets on the CCX trading exchange. This means they make contributions to or investments in groups or firms that provide forms of “alternative,” “renewable” and “clean” energy.

    CCX also has “participant members” that develop the carbon-offset projects. They have names like Carbon Farmers and Eco-Nomics Incorporated. Still, other participant member groups facilitate, finance and market carbon-offset projects to “sequester, destroy or displace” greenhouse gases. CCX aspires to be the New York Stock Exchange of carbon-emissions trading.

    Along with Gore, the co-founder of GIM is Treasury Secretary and former Goldman Sachs CEO Hank Paulson. Last September, Goldman Sachs bought 10% of CCX shares for $23 million. CCX owns half the ECX, so Goldman Sachs has a stake there as well.

    GIM’s “founding partners” are studded with officials from Goldman Sachs. They include David Blood, former CEO of Goldman Sachs Asset Management (GSAM); Mark Ferguson, former co-head of GSAM pan-European research; and Peter Harris, who headed GSAM international operations. Another founding partner is Peter Knight, who is the designated president of GIM. He was Sen. Al Gore’s chief of staff from 1977-1989 and the campaign manager of the 1996 Clinton-Gore re-election campaign.

    Clearly, GIM is poised to cash in on carbon trading. The membership of CCX is currently voluntary. But if the day ever comes when federal government regulations require greenhouse-gas emitters — and that’s almost everyone — to participate in cap-and-trade, then those who have created a market for the exchange of carbon credits are in a position to control the outcomes. And that moves Al Gore front and center. As a politician, Gore is all for transparency. But as GIM chairman, Gore has not been forthcoming, according to Forbes magazine. Little is known about his firm’s finances, where it gets funding and what projects it supports.

    We do know that Goldman Sachs has commissioned the World Resources Institute (affiliated with CCX), Resources for the Future, and the Woods Hole Research Center to research policy options for U.S. regulation of greenhouse gases. In 2006, Goldman Sachs provided research grants in this area totaling $2.3 million. The firm also has committed $1 billion to carbon-assets projects, a fancy term for projects that generate energy from sources other than oil and gas. In October 2006, Morgan Stanley committed to invest $3 billion in carbon-assets projects. Citigroup entered the emissions-trading market in May, and Bank of America got in on the action in June.

    Some environmentalist groups disparage Gore and his investment banker friends. They say the Gore group caters to others who share their financial interest in the carbon-exchange concept. The bulletin of the World Rainforest Movement says that members of a United Nations-sponsored group called the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stand to gain by approving Gore’s carbon-trading enterprise. The IPCC has devised what it says is a scientific measure of the impact of greenhouse gases on global warming. In fact, the critics charge, the IPCC sanctions a mechanism that mainly promotes the sham concept of carbon exchange.

    The global non-profit organization Winrock International is an example of one IPCC panel member that seeks out groups and individuals with an interest in carbon trading. Arkansas-based Winrock provides worldwide “carbon-advisory services.” Winrock has received government grants from the EPA, USAID and the Departments of Labor, State and Commerce, as well as from the Nature Conservancy (whose chairman used to be Henry Paulson). Winrock argues that cap-and-trade carbon trading is the best way to prevent a climate change crisis. But consider this: When a non-profit group takes money from oil companies and advocates drilling for oil as a solution to energy shortages, it is certain to be attacked as a tool of Big Oil. So far, the groups linked to Al Gore have avoided similar scrutiny.

    Then there’s the World Resources Institute (WRI). It was the first nongovernmental group to join CCX as an associate member (a designation for virtuous groups whose greenhouse-gas emissions are negligible). Many of its donors are CCX members or otherwise support carbon exchanges, including the Shell Foundation, Whole Foods Market, the Nature Conservancy, American Forest and Paper Association, and the Pew Center for Climate Change, as well as the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Ford Foundation.

    1965 – U.S. President Lyndon Johnson tells Congress: “This generation has altered the composition of the atmosphere on a global scale through … a steady increase in carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels.”
    2001 – President George W. Bush notes the U.S. National Academy of Sciences says greenhouse gases are rising “in large part due to human activity.” He adds: “Yet, the Academy’s report tells us that we do not know how much effect natural fluctuations in climate may have had on warming. We do not know how much our climate could, or will change in the future.”

    Radicals have pushed the political agenda all right but it was pushed from the Marxist left (of which there very well could be a few oil execs) but it is still the radical left!

    (apologies for the length of the cut and paste of that 2007 Human Events article but I think this is important)

  40. Chris says:

    Tina: “Margaret Thatcher was the first to acknowledge the warming theory in England, Nixon created the EPA, and lightweight Republican Governor Schwarzenegger created a carbon credit scheme, joined by five states.”

    Right, which just goes to show how radicalized the modern right has become. A candidate could never survive a Republican primary today on Nixon’s platform, or even Reagan’s.

    The obsessive focus on Al Gore does nothing to disprove the scientific evidence supporting the theory of AGW. It is a strawman argument. Al Gore is not a scientist and does not represent the totality of global warming research.

    I have asked you to address the actual science, starting with acknowledging the misrepresentation of science you promoted by citing that James Taylor article, and you won’t do it. You won’t engage the relevant facts at hand and when you do try and cite scientific research, you misrepresent it.

  41. Tina says:

    No, actually it shows how radicalized and looney the left has been for decades. The leftist use conservation as an excuse to push for political redistribution of wealth, power and control.

    People in leftists politics today like to think that conservatives/Republicans are greedy beastly people who care nothing about conservation and for money would purposely destroy the planet killing everyone and everything in the process. Since they also narcissistically imagine themselves as the saintly hope for mankind’s survival any actions, like Nixon’s creation of the EPA, can seem like agreement with the lefts radical agenda. It was not. There’s no excuse for Awnuld’s support of the carbon credits scheme. As a businessman he has to know that it represents a terrible job destroying, company destroying, useless radical redistribution solution that will do nothing to preserve the planet. Perhaps he was motivated by problems in his marriage…

    The “obssesive focus” on Al Gore is about the politics that uses the GW issue for power, domination, control, personal gain, and redistribution of wealth. You made a big point that the argument is political so what’s the problem?

    Some have averred that the politics has been driven by big oil (read greedy capitalists on the right) but Al Gore, radical leftist Democrat, has been the poster boy at the forefront pressing for extreme legislation and regulation to “save the planet” and support of U.N. solutions.

    Our readers (and the duped) should know big oil CEO’s are not all Republicans/conservatives…Al Gore’s dad was a big pal of lifelong Democrat oilman
    Armand Hammer.

    “I have asked you to address the actual science”

    I am not qualified to do anything but present for consideration the opinions of those who are qualified to address the science. There is disagreement in the science world whether you are willing to acknowledge it or not.

    Someone who certainly seems to have the background and authority argues the notion of “settled science” here. I comment on only that which, as an untrained lay person makes sense to me:

    If you’ve misspent your youth conducting experiments, taking graduate courses in physics and chemistry, and learning about thermodynamics, molecular spectroscopy, fluid mechanics, modeling data and publishing scientific papers, then the current debate over anthropogenic global warming can make you hurl.

    While I won’t fault journalists and politicians for their stupendous ignorance when discussing most scientific subjects, I will condemn their utter lack of coherence concerning basic scientific definitions, processes, and principles.

    Specifically, the chattering classes have no appreciation of the following truisms: settled science comes only in the form of physical laws, while the causes behind specific phenomena are sometimes never definitively settled. And the more complex the system being observed, the longer it takes to reach a consensus about the causal mechanisms.

    The earth environment seems like a complex system to me.

    Even Al Gore (just can’t get away from that dude) can probably remember being introduced to Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion in high school: F=ma. This is usually our first introduction to settled science. That’s why it’s called a law of physics. It didn’t matter that Einstein generalized its form in the theory of relativity or that in the 1920’s it had it be replaced with new mechanics valid at the atomic scale. At velocities small compared to the speed of light and for macroscopic objects, F=ma is settled science.

    Despite Al Gore’s foolish protestations, there is no law of global warming. (emphasis mine) To the extent that global warming exists at all, it’s a complicated phenomenon with multiple inputs (human and natural), and its causes are speculated upon but hardly known. Global warming is unsettled science, and honest investigators use settled laws of physics along with models to try to unravel its origins and implications.

    Indeed, most big scientific questions are unsettled, from galaxy formation to the origins of the moon. Closer to home, even 150 years after the first commercial extraction of oil in western Pennsylvania, the mechanism of hydrocarbon formation is still a hotly contested issue. While most petroleum geologists believe that oil and natural gas resulted from the slow anaerobic decomposition of biomass over eons, many others believe that hydrocarbons are an abiotic product of simple chemical reactions in the deep earth crust. The relative numbers of scientists in the two camps do not speak to which explanation is correct.

    Scientific truth is not decided by polls. Only new experiments, shared, reproducible data, and careful modeling can ultimately lead to consensus. But here, at least, the basic facts are uncorrupted and not in dispute: there are oil and gas in the ground.

    To appreciate how unsettled global warming science really is, the book Unstoppable Global Warming, Every 1,500 Years, by S. Fred Singer and Dennis T. Avery, serves as an indispensable and relentless handbook. Published in 2007 and stuffed with over five hundred references, it shatters almost every common global warming myth.

    The article goes on but that’s more than enough, at least for most of our readers, to demonstrate that both the politics and the science are not settled…at least not in every mind.

    I submit that no person or scientist on the glo-warming left is willing to “engage the relevant facts” or discuss or debate the science in any responsible way. Duh! They have proclaimed that the science is “settled”, the argument is over, and that’s that!

    I have ignored your demands purposely because of the blatant disrespect you continue to display. It is you I resist; you and your arrogant, authoritarian demands.

    As most of us on the right know arrogance is rife in the leftist MMGW/GW movement.

  42. Chris says:

    Tina: “I have ignored your demands purposely because of the blatant disrespect you continue to display. It is you I resist; you and your arrogant, authoritarian demands.”

    Again I have to protest: It is not “arrogant” or “authoritarian” to ask someone to correct a lie. And even if I were all of those things, that would hardly justify your decision. You are basically saying that you refuse to correct something you know is not true because the person asking you to do so is being a big meanie. That is beyond immature and irresponsible. Another person being rude is not an excuse for you to be dishonest.

  43. Chris says:

    Tina: “There’s no excuse for Awnuld’s support of the carbon credits scheme. As a businessman he has to know that it represents a terrible job destroying, company destroying, useless radical redistribution solution that will do nothing to preserve the planet.”

    Or…maybe he knows it won’t do any of those things? You’re talking about a plan that was first introduced by the first Bush administration. This idea was previously embraced by both liberals and conservatives. You’re proving once again how radical the right has become.

    “Perhaps he was motivated by problems in his marriage…”


    The American Thinker piece by Claude Sandroff starts off sounding like genuine skepticism rather than denialism, pointing out that the science is not settled on global warming, and that the standard of proof in science is very strict. Good points, but in other articles Sandroff totally contradicts himself, and states as fact that man-made global warming does not exist. To Sandroff, the science IS settled, just in a different way. He is being disingenuous and employing a double standard, criticizing the majority of scientists for viewing AGW as “settled” while at the same time believing that his own views are settled. He also relies heavily on the work of Dr. Roy Spencer, a creationist who believes that climate change can’t happen because God said so. Oops. How arrogant of me to point that out.

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