Posted by Tina
You gotta read “Government Shuts Down, Nation Decends into Riots, Looting and Cannibalism over at Sultan Knish:
The United States of America (1787-2013) came to a swift and sudden end last night as the government shut down. The nation which had survived Pearl Harbor, the War of 1812 and Jimmy Carter ceased to exist….
It’s a hoot!
I certainly hope the GOP holds the line and does not compromise. This is a battle over an incredibly destructive law. I received a letter from Blue Shield yesterday. Beginning January 1 the health insurance plan I have will cease to exist. The plan that replaces it is not as good but will cost me 68% more per month.
My question is this On Obamacare, with the Government shut down, how is it that Obamacare site is up and running considering it is not funded (Obamacare itself) and theres a is a law (another LAW) from “1870 called the Anti-deficiency Act”.
If I’ve read that correctly it’s purpose is to prohibit the government from “incurring any monetary obligation for which Congress has not appropriated funds”. And we know that the shut down is in part because one branch did not wish to fund Obamacare until it was reviewed and possibly corrected.
Harold: A good point for which I do not have a good answer…but, no doubt it has to do with something crooked.
Actually Harold and Jack this is a legal point that Republicans can stand on as part of their fiduciary obligation to the people.
They represent the people who elected them. They must consider the people that have not been happy about how this bill was passed, the bribes used to get it passed, the special waivers and set asides, and the bad news from their insurance companies and employers. The House has the duty to fund government but Obamacare is unpopular and became law by the nefarious doings of a single party. Not funding the bill as they request the Senate negotiate is a responsible position. Obama and the Democrats should consider this very carefully.
Politico – 54% Against…
Daily Beast-61% Oppose
NewsMax – 73% Independents Oppose
Another history lesson from Andrew Stiles, NRO, “When Tip Did It”:
The shutdown took an estimated 24 Billion out of the economy. The shutdown hurt Americans. The Supreme court has upheld the law. I see all this talk. Talking points but never anyone who actually knows anything about the law.
I personally saved money on a new policy. My sisters kid in college gets to stay on her plan. Being pregnant is not a pre existing condition anymore.
That stunt was disgusting and unAmerican. We need to fix our gov not get rid of it for the corporations to rule.
I believe we had an election in which the ACA and Paul Ryan Austerity plan were the main issues. The ACA won.
This is an act of economic terrorism by those who lost the election.
Sedition ? Should the Tea Party be charged with Sedition? Americans have had it. We will not do this again in January.
A true patriot does not shut down the gov nor hate it. A true patriot wants to take our gov back to the people from the banks and corporations who have threatened and bullied the politicians by their Citizens United Millions.
Yes I was on that town hall call with Cruz and I also have fact checked it. He is a Koch Brothers liar who believes he is the chosen king.
Well Dewey, there are millions of people who would agree with everything you just said. I can’t argue that part. I still don’t agree, but you do have a lot of people on your side.
I have no side. This is not a football game. I am tired of good people being fed lies by Propaganda. I believe in Democracy.
Try getting to know the TPP. Trans Pacific Treaty it is NAFTA on steroids. It is bad. It has been in the making for 11 years in secret. Only corporations and the presidents can see. One congressman was finally allowed to look at it and it is classified.
From what has been shown ……it will destroy our sovereignty as a Nation. A corporation can sue for lost profits if they are denied anything by a person, city, state, country.
Ross Perot was correct about NAFTA sucking away our jobs. This one will eventually put our country at the mercy of a world tribunal court where corporations can sue a country? fascist world of kings and serfs
Obama drank the Kool-Aide as well. They want to sneak it through Congress on a fast track vote. We need to tell Congress do not renew the FAST TRACK.
Fast Track means Congress gets a 90 day view, up or down vote only. NAFTA passed fast track.
Americans deserve to see this treaty and debate it
I know the Tea Party means well but we are Americans not Liberals and Conservatives. I am Independent.
Please spread the word for all citizens to get to know the TPP.
I suspect the Koch brothers will tell tea Party to support it with talking points as then they can tear up whatever they want to supply China with Oil.
We need to tell the Congress no on fast track and the people want to see and debate the treaty
This Divisional hate they billionaires are creating is no more than a weapon for them to take over. We are Americans and we do not always get our way we vote. The patriot act and NDAA took away our rights the TPP will take away our sovereignty
Dewey you seem to be nothing more than a propaganda tool. You repeat yourself without saying much of anything.
“Trans Pacific Treaty it is NAFTA on steroids. It is bad. It has been in the making for 11 years in secret. Only corporations and the presidents can see.”
Not true.
This announcement by the Office of the US Trade Representative reveals the public’s involvement:
Also Ross Pero was wrong about Nafta. Nafta has created more opportunity in America for business and jobs. It worked particularly well when our government had policies that encouraged business and investment IN AMERICA! The current policies of higher taxes on investment, QE, and extreme regulation is stifling business and jobs.
Trade agreements benefit all countries by opening markets.
The US Chamber of Commerce writes a review of the 20 year success. Heres a few stats:
It stands to reason that more customers means business expansion, more jobs, and greater prosperity for all.