Posted by Tina
Obamacare has been pushed to the sidelines during the budget battle but there is news and none of it good. As The Hill reports today, only 1% of those visiting the Obamacare exchange have signed up. That’s a measly 36,000 out of 9.5 million unique visitors. If correct, these figures are pathetic and indicate a system that is far from the seamless enrollment the administration promised.
CBS reports that the House Energy and Commerce Committee will launch an investigation into the problems plaguing the system.
One reason could be this:
Federal officials considered only one firm to design the Obamacare health insurance exchange website that has performed abysmally since its Oct. 1 debut.
Rather than open the contracting process to a competitive public solicitation with multiple bidders, officials in the Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Medicare and Medicaid accepted a sole bidder, CGI Federal, the U.S. subsidiary of a Canadian company with an uneven record of IT pricing and contract performance.
CMS officials are tight-lipped about why CGI was chosen or how it happened. They also refuse to say if other firms competed with CGI, or if there was ever a public solicitation for building, the backbone of Obamacare’s problem-plagued web portal.
Instead, it appears they used what amounts to a federal procurement system loophole to award the work to the Canadian firm.
Notice the tame nature of this article. No screaming words of shame or blame for Obama or Pelosi and Reid. When will we begin to hold him and his party accountable?
If this isn’t enough to raise the anti, maybe 30 billion dollars blown on a non-operational medical records system will get you on board to scrap this expensive debacle:
The rollout of ObamaCare has been plagued by problems these past two weeks, as thousands complained they couldn’t sign up for coverage due to a deeply defective website.
But this process could have been easier if a nine-year, government-backed effort to set up a system of electronic medical records had gotten off the ground. Instead of setting up their medical ID for the first time, would-be customers would have their records already on file.
Are you sure you want these people in charge of our healthcare?
Wait till you get the bill for your insurance. People across the country are pretty upset with the rules for insurance deductibles, premiums and co-pays:
The bronze, silver and gold plans ranged from $202 a month to $586 a month. I searched just for myself, not family coverage. The story going forward is going to be that the low-cost plans are garbage. Plan after plan had $5,000 and $6,000 deductibles before they pay a penny in benefits, and even then you’d still be on the hook for 40% of your bill. Once you get to the $350/$400 a month range, there are a few plans with $1,500 and $2,000 deductibles. One silver plan (I think in the $450 a month range) had zero deductible, but sky-high copays and all kinds of limitations. Many of the plans only cover “in network” care and don’t pay a penny for anything out of network. And staying in networks can be a big challenge. If you go to an orthopedic surgeon who’s in network, great, but you can easily find out after the fact that the anesthesiologist he used isn’t in your network.
Can’t wait ’till the slow, agonizing, destructive roll comes to a full STOP! Scrap it!
“Can’t wait ’till the slow, agonizing, destructive roll comes to a full STOP! Scrap it!”
Or … dump the usurious insurance industry and go single payer!
Libby, why no comment about people who will be reducing their income to get subsidized healthcare?
Kathleen Pender at the San Francisco Chronicle had some Obamacare-related financial advice for her readers on Saturday: “Consider reducing your 2014 income by working just a bit less,” because doing so could get you a “huge health care subsidy.”
This is not news to anyone who has studied Obamacare in detail, and shouldn’t be a revelation to anyone in the business press, especially a financial advice columnist like Pender. Among several others, Robert Rector at the Heritage Foundation and yours truly sounded the alarm about Obamacare’s work-demotivating impact — as well as how it will encourage marital breakups and discourage couples from getting married — in early 2010.
HOW TO GAME THE SYSTEM AND MAKE MONEY OFF OBAMACARE: “If they can adjust (their income), they should,” says Karen Pollitz, a senior fellow with the Kaiser Family Foundation. “It’s not cheating, if it’s allowed.”
… If your income is higher than 400 percent of poverty, you can purchase a policy on or off the exchange, but in either case, you won’t get a subsidy and the policy must provide certain essential benefits that many low-cost individual policies lack today, such as maternity care.
For older people, getting below the 400 percent poverty limit could save many thousands of dollars per year.
Take, for example, Jacqueline Proctor of San Francisco. She and her husband are in their early 60s. They have been paying $7,200 a year for a bare-bones Kaiser Permanente health plan with a $5,000 per person annual deductible. “Kaiser told us the plan does not comply with Obamacare and the substitute will cost more than twice as much,” about $15,000 per year, she says.
This new plan, Kaiser’s cheapest offering for 2014, would consume about 25 percent of their after-tax income. …
… To determine eligibility for a subsidy, the government uses modified adjusted gross income, or MAGI. To get this figure, start with the line labeled adjusted gross income on your tax return (it’s the last line on the first page of Form 1040). Then add in non-taxable Social Security benefits, tax-exempt interest and foreign earned income, and housing expenses for Americans living abroad. (For a synopsis, see
There are several ways to reduce MAGI. …
You might be able to take advantage of other deductions that appear above the AGI line on your tax return, such as student loan interest and tuition and fees.
You can also consider reducing your 2014 income by working just a bit less…( and paying a bit less in taxes and shrink our economy a bit less. )
America will be torn down bit by bit….
Single payer…that would be the big government monopoly…a system without checks and balances and without choice.
Obummercare is close enough thank you.
Progressives are such horrendous liars:
You can keep your insurance
You can keep your doctor
Your rates will be cut by $2500 per year
Blah blah blah
“Single payer…that would be the big government monopoly… .”
Under “single payer”, the government pays (actually, you pay, but much less per capita). All the purveyors of care remain just as they are.
So where do you get this “state monopoly” nonsense? … from the paranoid recesses of your tiny brain, it would seem.
There will be more glitches than there will be subscribers when all is said and done.
More likely, Obumblecare will strangle itself to death. Hopefully the sooner, the better, ’cause when was the last time ANYTHING rum by the Foolish Feds came in on time, on budget and actually WORKED?
I didn’t find it that provocative. People already refuse raises to stay out of higher tax brackets. We’s all workin’ the system.
Libby: “Under “single payer”, the government pays (actually, you pay, but much less per capita). All the purveyors of care remain just as they are.”
A fiction that you choose to believe.
Socialist single payer systems have been proven to provide inferior care with the poorest areas bordering on the criminal in some cases. Of course it changes and affects peoples lives!
A report comparing single payer systems can be read here. It calls the system in Briton mediocre. The following says it all:
This will cost more and more as we go along whether Obumblecare survives or the weasels turn it into a single payer system. It will destroy further destroy a system already compromised by government involvement.
“Workin the system”. There you have it! Socialism turns a vibrant society filled with capable human beings into a bunch of weasels and leaches “working the system”.
This is your utopian dream!
Bet its not what you imagined when off in that progressive dreamer stupor.
I already pay a fortune for garbage insurance to paying a small amount for garbage would be an improvement. But since I have affordable coverage for myself through my employer, I am not eligible for a subsidy to purchase it for my kids. We make less than $90k for a family of four and insurance for family coverage through my employer is $1,000 a month. This is a loophole that has gone unaddressed by our awesome congress and it shouldn’t have existed in the first place. The more I see about the ACA the happier I am that I live in California and don’t have to use the Federal exchange.
J. Random Computer-Illiterate Bum Signs Up For Obamacare.
So, do you have to do it online, and what if you haven’t got a computer and they won’t let you back into the public library after that unfortunate “stinkypants” incident in six of their brand-new chairs? And all the payphones along your patch have had the handsets ripped out and used to forcibly separate fools from money?
Somewhere in America atop a multi-story walkup flophouse, a panhandler is taping a crayon-scrawled Health Exchange application to a carrier pigeon. “Go, Mr. Feathers! Fly me to the future,” he says, as he kisses it and pitches it into the air.
Damn pity about the tape around the wings, though.
H/T to Roberta X at
The best article I’ve read all week.
Friday Fume
By Craig Andresen on October 18, 2013
“Well, rather than a 3rd episode of GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN FUMES…This week…We’re back to regular, garden variety liberal insanity.
My friends and fellow patriots…Today is Friday and we may as well laugh before we all go stark-raving MAD.
I’m fuming!
Well, we’ve found yet another BIG problem with Obamacare. Especially if you live in Maryland. Remember when the Dictator lied and told you…”If you LIKE your doctor…You can KEEP your Doctor?”
Ummmm…Well…Apparently…1 person in Maryland managed to log on to the Obamacrap site and guess what???
That’s a problem.
Not only can you not KEEP your doctor in Maryland…YOU CAN’T EVEN FIND YOUR DOCTOR IN MARYLAND!!!!!
If that’s not bad enough…Experts are now saying it will take MONTHS…IF NOT YEARS…To fix the Obamacrap website.
We may have identified one of the issues however…
Personal stories of much higher premiums and deductibles are coming in from all around the country. A few states managed to lower premiums for some but that’s hardly encouraging.
I saw a manufacturer of medical devices on FOX Business this morning. He said this tax will ruin his business.
One has to ask, how can liberal claim to care about people? How can they claim to be the champions for the little guy?
The only beneficiaries of their policies, including the healthcare bill have been their close associates through kickbacks, corporate sponsors of Obamacare, and Wall Street which is being fueled by QE money printing that they claim is stimulating the economy…it isn’t on main street.
Oh, Peggy. What are we going to do with you? … and with poor Craig Anderson?
Maryland is running its own exchange. They are, indeed, not on the federal site.
You have to look, think, question what you read; you have to stop being sucked in by stuff on the net that feeds your prejudices, but is totally wrong.
If you will not do this, you will, single-handedly, sink the republic.
I mean, seriously, did it never occur to you that if there were “NO DOCTORS” on the site, something else must be going on? Why would you fail to wonder? I just don’t get it.
Seriously, Peggy–listen to what Libby is telling you right now. I knew that story was false the moment I read it. Libby knew that story was false the moment she read it. You didn’t. Why not? You have no sense of what is credible and what is not. This lack of intellectual curiosity, this desire to believe anything that fits your narrative no matter how ridiculous, is killing your party and our country.
Libby and Chris, your bubble is showing!
You double team Peggy as if the two of you were masters of the universe. Geez are all liberals such narcissists? Don’t bother to answer, your arrogant opinion of yourselves as being aware of the only possible reality is incredible.
One reality is that the unemployment rate for blacks and Hispanics is extremely high and has been since before Obama started telling people the economy is recovering. This statistic would set your hair on fire if a Republican were President…neither of you has bothered to acknowledge this reality much less complain about it. So who is in denial…who is playing partisan politics…who is disingenuous when acting as if all is well for the less fortunate among us, the little guy.
And what about the fact that big corporations are doing much better than anyone else in the Obama economy…that hasn’t bothered either of you either.
The reality is that, for all of Obamas stimulus, the economy has done nothing but sputter! This is mysteriously something you refuse to be angry about…yet you slammed Bush and his economy was better for everyone.
Obama created twice the debt in four years that Bush created in eight…not a peep from the two who were on this blog daily griping about Bush deficits and debt.
You two are a couple of hypocrites living in your own leftist bubble.
The Weekly Standard:
Doctors are anxious about accepting patients when they could end up receiving innaccurate information on their patients…they aren’t able to say whether they will participate.
“If you’ve got a doctor that you like, you will be able to keep your doctor,” President Obama assured the public as he worked to sell Obamacare in 2010. However, in July 2013, visitors to received a less confident “you may be able to” in answer to the question, “Can I keep my own doctor?” Beginning October 1, users of the Maryland Health Connection, that state’s Obamacare insurance exchange, might have an even more basic question: Are there any doctors?
A consumer information update dated the day the exchange opened informed users (at least those who took the time to read the updates) that the doctor search function was not yet operational and they would need to visit an external website to find out which doctors accept which plans. The full update reads as follows [emphasis added]:
Search for your physician. If you are interested in understanding which health plans a particular doctor participates in, please visit – a new service sponsored by Maryland Health Connection. For the time being, doctors and other providers are not yet available in Maryland Health Connection; therefore, if you choose to search for them on the website, you will receive a message that “no doctors are found” message.
“If you’ve got a doctor that you like, you will be able to keep your doctor,” President Obama assured the public as he worked to sell Obamacare in 2010. However, in July 2013, visitors to received a less confident “you may be able to” in answer to the question, “Can I keep my own doctor?” Beginning October 1, users of the Maryland Health Connection, that state’s Obamacare insurance exchange, might have an even more basic question: Are there any doctors?
A consumer information update dated the day the exchange opened informed users (at least those who took the time to read the updates) that the doctor search function was not yet operational and they would need to visit an external website to find out which doctors accept which plans. The full update reads as follows [emphasis added]:
Search for your physician. If you are interested in understanding which health plans a particular doctor participates in, please visit – a new service sponsored by Maryland Health Connection. For the time being, doctors and other providers are not yet available in Maryland Health Connection; therefore, if you choose to search for them on the website, you will receive a message that “no doctors are found” message.
See also Forbes, 40 Percent of Doctor Practices Unsure About Obamacare Exchanges.
Maybe you two should think about expanding your worlds…try something new…consider that maybe, just maybe, you don’t know it all!
“Libby and Chris, your bubble is showing!
You double team Peggy as if the two of you were masters of the universe. Geez are all liberals such narcissists?”
Tina, it isn’t narcissistic to point out that Peggy (and you) constantly posts things that are not only factually wrong, but OBVIOUSLY factually wrong. It is not narcissistic to get tired of people who constantly post lies because they are too lazy to fact-check themselves.
“Don’t bother to answer, your arrogant opinion of yourselves as being aware of the only possible reality is incredible.”
It’s amazing how quickly conservatives become subjectivists the moment they are proven wrong. There is such a thing as objective facts, Tina. I understand why you’d wish to deny that, since the facts are so rarely on your side, but you cannot wish away reality.
“One reality is that the unemployment rate for blacks and Hispanics is extremely high and has been since before Obama started telling people the economy is recovering.”
This has nothing to do with Peggy’s false claim. As usual, when cornered with facts that don’t agree with your narrative, you just shift to a totally unrelated aspect of the narrative. This narrative can only survive if you keep shifting, keep distracting, so that no specific point needs to be true in order for the overall narrative to be true. You argue in generalizations and vagaries because when we get into the details, you always come up short.
“This statistic would set your hair on fire if a Republican were President…”
But you didn’t use a statistic. You just said “extremely high.” And you’re wrong about what I “would” believe; I’m not dumb enough to believe that one president controls the entire economy. I also am not dumb enough to believe that history began when Barack Obama was elected. 2008 saw the beginning of a worldwide financial crisis. Bush is not responsible for that, though I don’t think his policies helped. To blame Obama for the high rates of black and hispanic unemployment (which are actually falling right now, along with the overall unemployment rate) is to blame him not only for the Great Recession, but for the past 50 years in which black unemployment has been consistently twice as high as white unemployment.
“neither of you has bothered to acknowledge this reality much less complain about it.”
Please. You don’t know what other sites I comment at. The left is well aware of the problems facing the black community. The difference is they’re actually trying to do something about it. You only bring up the black unemployment rate and other problems in the black community as a club with which to beat Democrats and the president.
“So who is in denial…who is playing partisan politics…who is disingenuous when acting as if all is well for the less fortunate among us, the little guy.”
When have I EVER acted as if “all is well for the less fortunate among us?” I have been demanding more for the average American for years. Your side is the one who has pooh-poohed any and all policies that directly put more money in the pockets of the poor under the justification that, hey, they have refrigerators and microwaves, how can they call themselves poor? Your most influential talker suggested dumpster-diving as a solution for kids who go hungry over summer break. You’ve called for a regressive flat tax and the elimination of the minimum wage. You’ve defended the wealthiest corporation in the world from those who are simply asking for fair pay. Don’t you dare pretend to care more about the little guy than I do.
“And what about the fact that big corporations are doing much better than anyone else in the Obama economy…that hasn’t bothered either of you either.”
Senility is the only explanation for the above statement. You know this is not true. What you mean to say is that we haven’t blamed Obama for this.
“The reality is that, for all of Obamas stimulus, the economy has done nothing but sputter!”
And you know that Libby and I (as well as hundreds of economists) have both said that what we need is MORE stimulus; the original package wasn’t enough. But you were against even the original stimulus, and have argued–against all available evidence–that the stimulus had no positive effects.
“Obama created twice the debt in four years that Bush created in eight…”
Much of that debt was “created” before Obama was in office, it just didn’t kick in until later:
“not a peep from the two who were on this blog daily griping about Bush deficits and debt.”
I don’t recall griping very often about the deficits and debt under Bush. Deficits and debt don’t really matter much to me. If I did gripe about this, I was wrong at the time.
RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense.
Chris, you seem to apply Alinskys rules in the greatest percentage of your replies. Always, first the negative, and what is sad about it, is that it detracts from any meaningfull imput you may have to offer.
Since the liberals on this blog seem to have a problem with my previous post here’s a couple more they shouldn’t have a problem with, but one never knows.
I think it’s funny how liberals say they want to help the poor and the minorities, but fail to understand that nothing is free, someone has to pay. Paying more for premiums, deductible increasing and footing the bill for those who can’t pay just means less funds available to pay for other essential and non-essential items. When goods and services demands goes down jobs will be lost and the US economy will spiral down just like Detroit and California.
I wonder who they’ll blame when we hit bottom and there isn’t enough money any where to bail us out? Rhetorical question, cuz we all know they will deny they had anything to do with it.
The first from Investors Business Daily (IBD) and the second from Forbes.
Americans Are Right To Oppose ObamaCare:
Blame Game: Everybody who dislikes ObamaCare is being duped by GOP propaganda, says President Obama. That must include all those unions calling it a disaster, and all those who’ve lost jobs and pay because of the law.
Telemundo, the only news outlet that appears willing to ask Obama a tough question, pressed him this week about polls showing most Americans oppose ObamaCare. “Is everybody wrong?” the host asked.
“Yes, they are,” Obama responded. The problem, he said, isn’t his law. It’s those evil Republicans who’ve spent “billions of dollars … misinforming people.”
Let’s leave aside the fact that the Obama administration has spent a king’s ransom promoting ObamaCare, and that Democrats and the liberal press have devoted three years to extolling its alleged virtues, and the fact that the public never supported this law to begin with.
Truth is, ObamaCare is a rolling disaster that is creating new enemies every day as its harmful effects ripple through the economy.
This week, the prestigious Cleveland Clinic announced plans to lay off as many as 3,000 workers “to prepare for health care reform.” And hundreds of franchise owners came to Washington to explain how ObamaCare’s employer mandate will force many of them to cut worker hours to avoid its massive costs.
Last week, Connecticut’s Lawrence and Memorial Hospital cut dozens of jobs, citing “massive structural change” brought on by ObamaCare. More than a dozen other hospitals have recently announced job cuts.
That same week, the AFL-CIO voted overwhelmingly for a resolution calling ObamaCare “highly disruptive,” despite concerted efforts on the part of the White House to convince labor leaders not to do so.
Other unions have been far less polite.
Then there are the jobs killed by ObamaCare’s excise tax on medical devices. Last fall, device maker Stryker Corp. laid off 1,170 workers because of that tax — which both Democrats and the GOP are now trying to repeal.
IBD has been cataloguing businesses, public institutions and local governments that have cut jobs or worker hours specifically citing ObamaCare. That list is now more than 250.
Other companies are cutting benefits for part-time workers, spouses, early retirees or their entire workforce, because of ObamaCare. Every one of those workers has a good reason to want the law killed.
On top of this, the public may be noticing the growing pile of ObamaCare’s broken promises. Among them:
• Family premiums haven’t gone down by $2,500 annually, as Obama repeatedly said they would. They’ve gone up $2,976.
Read More At Investor’s Business Daily:
From Forbes:
No, Mr. President, ObamaCare Will Hurt Blacks and Hispanics:
President Obama is taking a new messageto the African American and Hispanic populations: ObamaCare means these communities “will finally know the security of affordable care.” If only it were true. But like so many of the president’s promises, his dream is better than his scheme.
The fact is:
Most uninsured blacks and Hispanics will be dumped into Medicaid, the worst health insurance program in the country;
Millions of seniors, and especially minorities, could lose access to Medicare Advantage, one of the best government-offered health programs; and
The added cost to hiring a worker will mean employers will hire fewer workers, or stop offering health coverage, which will hit younger, less-educated and lower-skilled workers particularly hard.
It’s easy to understand why the president is making a special effort to connect with African Americans and Hispanics: about 22 percent of blacks and 32 percent of Hispanics are uninsured, as compared to about 14 percent for whites.
But more importantly, he’s losing support or seeing increased apathy among many of those who put him over the top in 2008. By reaching out to African Americans and Hispanics, the president is hoping to energize them, even though they have been disproportionately damaged by his failed economic policies.
Uninsured blacks and Hispanics tend to have lower levels education and fewer job skills, which means lower incomes. And that means that many of them will get their new coverage from Medicaid.
However, Medicaid pays so little that most doctors won’t take new Medicaid patients because they lose money on every visit. A recent Texas Medical Association survey found that in 2010, 42 percent of Texas doctors would take new Medicaid patients. By 2012, that number had fallen to 31 percent.
Bonus point:
Toddler who amazed the world with basketball skills faces Obamacare dilemma:
While the media is desperate to find someone, anyone who has had a successful Obamacare signup experience, there are plenty of stories of Americans who have been forced into the exchanges only to find their premiums will increase dramatically. The latest example? Joseph Ashby, father of ‘Trick Shot Titus,’ the toddler who won the world over with his incredible basketball skills, who recently lost his insurance because of Obamacare regulations.
“I’m a contract engineer in addition to hosting the radio show on your affiliate here in Wichita, and we had an individual [healthcare] plan because, you know, being a contract engineer, you have less job security, you don’t get benefits, but you get paid more,” Joe explained. “And we got a letter from BlueCross BlueShield of Kansas a few weeks back that basically said, ‘Hey, your plan is illegal now, but great news: You can sign up for a new one.’ And we started looking at the prices and the deductibles [of Obamacare], and it is shockingly expensive.”
So what exactly qualifies as “shockingly expensive”?
“Well, we already pay kind of a lot. I mean we pay all of it. We don’t have any employer matching. So we paid just over $600 a month for our health insurance. But that’s a $1,000 deductible, and then your coinsurance starts in and all these other things,” Joe said “If I were to sign up for the closest plan to my premium price, which is a $50 more per month premium, but the deductible on it, before you get a red cent from the plan, is $6,350 a person. And I’m thinking to myself, what if we have a baby next year? We’re thinking about having a new baby. Like, we’re going to pay all of that. I mean I could spend $8,500 a year in insurance premiums.”
In an interview with TheBlaze, Joe concluded the family could end up paying as much as $10,000 more over the next year in medical costs under the new Obamacare-compliant plan. The $10,000 estimation is based on a combination of higher premiums and likely medical payment his family would have to make with the increased deductible.
(Radio interview at bottom of article.)
One more time!
Lookie here, a financial advisor believes as I do. Most of us will be paying MORE for health care because of ObamaCare.
Dave Ramsey Says People Will Pay More for Obamacare — It’s Simple Math:
When it comes to your position on Obamacare, financial guru Dave Ramsey says political parties don’t matter—only math.
“Your health insurance premiums are going to go way up,” Ramsey said on his Oct. 4 show. “They have to . . . it’s not a political statement. It’s that I know how to do math.”
Starting January 1, every health insurance company in America is required to take anyone as a customer, regardless of their health, and cannot charge them more. Before Obamacare, insurance companies charged “sick” people higher prices because they were receiving medical care more often. But Obamacare forces healthier (often younger) people to pay for that care. While Ramsey understands the moral underpinnings, he said it doesn’t change the math — you will be forced to pay more.
If your insurance has not gone up, your employer’s has, and he will likely pay for this by cutting expenses that directly affect you—something Ramsey calls a “pass through.”
“Employers aren’t going to pay for this,” Ramsey said. “They aren’t going to accept less profit. They’re going to cut expenses like not hire as many people or not give as many raises . . . you are going to pay for it.”
For those Americans who don’t have a job and rely on the government for help, you will not pay for it; the rest of America will, Ramsey said.
Just to make it clear since the ACA does not start until Jan 1 many have signed up but not paid yet. They are not counted as fully enrolled until payment is received.
besides the fact paid trolls are visiting the site the bottom line is This is all a waste of time and taxpayers money. To destroy the ACA for the Koch’s who are the primary funders of the Tea Party and the fight against Healthcare. The Koch Agenda has been written absolutely no Healthcare reform. They want people weak to corporate rule