Has there ever been a time in history when two or more people were in complete agreement on the big issues of the day? Not that I am aware, not even in the Garden of Eden between Adam and Eve! So, when you come here to express an opinion know that it’s bound to be challenged! We know that every time we post an article and we appreciate the commentary, good or bad. Because this is what free speech is all about! We say this most humbly, being criticized and sometimes even being offended, is a very small price to pay for this great freedom.
Never forget how important free speech is and may we add, try to be respectful because no matter how far apart our views may be, we’re all sharing the same lifeboat!
Thank you for making our blog so successful – we owe it all to you. Keep expressing yourself! 8 Years and still going strong!
I’m glad you took the time to post this reminder Jack.
We’ve had only a handful of problems in eight years and we can still come here each day with impassioned and full-throated argumentation without being unreasonably hateful and harsh. I’d say we’ve managed something pretty remarkable as well as valuable.
I’d like to join Jack in thanking YOU…the many wonderful friends who join us at Post Scripts to discuss politics, social issues, and current events…you have all been absolutely great!
The coming years promise to be a wild and crazy ride for all of us. Let’s endeavor to make it an enjoyable experience.
With todays media offering more opinion than a fair and just accounting on issue along with stories of other origins posted on the Internet, I would venture these Thomas Jefferson quotes might well be applied to Post Scripts and its aim:
Educate and inform the whole mass of the people… They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty
A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned.
It is time for a damn reality check. Post Scripts is not merely dedicated to free speech. For Jack and Tina free speech is a moral imperative. They don’t just talk free speech, they don’t give lip service to free speech, they live and breathe free speech.
I know of no other I know of NorCalBlog that does that. That alone has to be worth something.
Oh crap, the last should have read, “I know of no other NorCalBlog that does that. That alone has to be worth something.”
You reminded me of how much I miss Quentin. Party line parrots like Libby, Chris and Dewey are so predictable that I can only manage one or two of their sentences before I click over to something less tedious, like the San Diego weather report.
Wouldn’t it be fun if one of them put on a Mad Hatter outfit and marched around City Plaza protesting the new downtown purge of undesirables, or threatened to use a bullwhip on Pie?
Ah, yes, ol Quentin…he was an original thats for sure.
Money is now free speech, Politicians can lie but if a citizens blows the whistle they will be arrested!
There is no free speech. People are arrested these days for standing up and saying something in a normal voice!
Texas searched the bags of women and confiscated tampons in their state legislature!
Free Speech! REPEAL CITIZENS UNITED then talk about free speech cause Money is speech not words.
Main Stream media controls everything for the 5 or 6 companies that own them. The money circles around like a professional laundering business. Money from foreign countries now considered speech is no problem for the nutjobs!
Who will the foreign money pick as the Presidential 2016 candidates?
The clowns are around to raise money then they will pull out their bought and paid for person!
Congress is no more than a brokering House for all that free speech money and it is quite cheap to buy a law!
Dewey, yes, and sadly contrary to what we want to believe, those whistleblowers are almost always punished rather than rewarded. The latest examples are found in the Benghazi incident. We still have free speech, although aftre the IRS and NSA events one must weigh that carefully. But, free speech inside government is a real problem and I say that knowing we have a need for secrets. However, often times we see really bad things being hidden away, things that should be exposed, but concealed from the public behind the label of secret and restricted put on there by a bureacrat doing a little CYA.
Dewey I agree freedom of speech has been under assault. I don’t always agree with your assessment about who is guilty or your proposed cure.
Corporatism is wrong. The government should be neutral. The solution I prefer is a dismantling of the huge bureaucracy and reduction in numbers of departments with unelected czars making policy. Another I am for is a simplification of the tax code. Loop holes and complex regulation make it necessary for corporations to try to influence decision making.
Ideally our representatives in government would make decisions based on the overall well being of all citizens and leave specifics to citizens, cities and states. Unfortunately they have inserted themselves as the ultimate controllers and manipulators…as rulers of the people “for our own good”. this is unconstitutional.
As long as big union money, big green money, and big communitarian money is allowed to participate in the political system, however, I don’t see any reason to deny big corporation the same participation.
I’m curious Dewey. In what ways do the corporate wealthy few that you worry about rule over your life. Please be specific. I want to know what power they have to write and enact law without the assistance of willing politicians. And can you see that unions, greens and other organizations enjoy the same influence using the power of money given or withheld? If not why not?
You reminded me of how much I miss Quentin. Party line parrots like Libby, Chris and Dewey are so predictable that I can only manage one or two of their sentences before I click over to something less tedious, like the San Diego weather report.”
Then, why post to tribute to free speech? If you won’t hear free speech … then just take yerself off, why don’t you?
Re #5 Cherokee Jack :
Ahhh yes, the good ol’ days. Sadly Chris, Libby, Dewey and other various and sundry drive-by progressive bullwhippers are poor substitutes for Quentin.
I completely forgot all about his bullwhip threat. Fond memories.
Not even Colgan believed in free speech except for, of course, Colgan. He also saw no conflict in championing the homeless one day and then attacking and berating them the next when they were inconvenient to his precious and bizarre “Occupy” campaign.
I recall his not-so-secret personal desire to be wealthy and occupy a towering donjon in downtown Chico. That would have been impressive to say the least.