Posted by Tina
Chief Hall made an appearance on Fox Business this morning. He represents three tribes from the Black Hills of North Dakota and he shared fantastic news that will make a real difference in the lives of his people. The tribes are getting into the oil business.
Chief Hall has negotiated with oil companies, as Sarah Palin did in Alaska, so that individual tribe members will receive a portion of the profits from oil and gas fracked on Indian land. Half of the wells that are scheduled to go online are already operating and producing more oil than Syria produces. The wells will do a lot to help his tribe but that isn’t the only benefit. The tribe will build a refinery on Indian land and ultimately help America to become energy independent.
Chief Hall was asked whether the tribes have been harassed by environmentalists. He replied that they are always around but that after investigating fully he discovered that drilling goes miles below the aquifer and poses no danger to their water. He went on to say that fracking is a clean process that will not harm Mother Earth or Father River. Wells on Indian Land are already producing more oil than Syria.
I say good for Chief Hall and the tribes he represents!
Casinos and oil production. What is not to like? No doubt this rile the lily white, deep green, enviro-Nazi faction of the environmental movement.
Uh … the wells are drilled THROUGH the aquifer … and BP never used inferior concrete in the Deepwater Horzion well, and the well never blew.
But greed conquers all.
Yeah Libby, like the greed that exists in the environmental movement!
Accident: 1. a. An unexpected and undesirable event, especially one resulting in damage or harm, b. An unforeseen incident
2. Lack of intention; chance
Human’s cannot avoid accidents, they are a part of life. Fortunately we have been given the intellectual and creative capacity to clean up the messes caused by accidents.
The immeasurable benefit to society, in terms of well being, that oil and gas have brought far outweighs the few accidents and mistakes that have been made through the years. The fact that companies have cooperated, indeed led the way, to find ways to make the process safer and cleaner is a testament to their commitment to the planet.
Libby no chemicals are used when the hole is drilled through the aquifir. Double layer piping is put into the hole and sealed before the fracking takes place.
See oil industry produced video here. Yes Libby, oil industry produced…they are the experts…the people who know what actually happens because they do it!
Detractors don’t have the same level of knowledge or experience. What they have is fear and loathing based on their fears. No comparison!
Read this blog for a reasonable, well articulated counter to five of the myths the greens float about fracking.
One of the President’s favorite corporations, G.E., has built a brand new research facility in Oklahoma to find even better ways to improve the safety of fracking.
Progress! Isn’t that the root word for progressive? How is it that progressives have turned to control, power grabs, and stifling progress instead of recognizing that free men and women following their dreams contribute mightily for the betterment of civilization?
Because of innovations made by entrepreneurs we have discovered ways to feed the world and bring light, warmth, and cooling…and healthier environments to people all around the world.
Of interest to those who love to hate the white European people that “invaded” North America is a report from National Geographic reports that native American Indians have West Eurasian origins.
The world is our stage, just as Shakespeare, and God, wrote.
“Double layer piping is put into the hole and sealed before the fracking takes place.”
Which is where the cost-cutting, inferior materials come in.
You simply cannot say that they won’t … because they have.
And we’re not talking a mere umpteen billion barrels or oil into the Gulf of Mexico (which was bad enough). We are talking (for all practical purposes) the permanent poisoning of drinking water for millions of people.
Libby: “Which is where the cost-cutting, inferior materials come in.”
“You simply cannot say that they won’t … because they have.”
And the number of incidents and the severity of the problems are exaggerated greatly. It’s ridiculous when set against the benefit we all experience as a result of having warmth in winter and cooling systems in summer and the positive affects from moving goods and services to wide markets. People get sick and die from hunger or freezing to death too!
“…the permanent poisoning of drinking water for millions of people.”
More exaggeration. Give me a death count. Tell me that the problem couldn’t be resolved with technology…cleaning and filtering the water.
We’ve been fracking for over sixty years. Technology and safety measures have improved dramatically in the last ten years. Alternatives aren’t the panacea the greens would have us believe they are.
Electricity Delivery Forum:
We’re killing birds and bats by the thousands.
How Stuff Works:
San Bernardino Sentinel:
Life is not devoid of risk. The risk in oil and gas production is worth the risk, especially as we find more and better ways to cleanly produce as well as better ways to deal with the occasional spill..