Posted by Tina
National Journal is reporting that major news outlets have a bone to pick with the Obama administration. New York Times photographer Doug Mills delivered the letter signed by his collegues to Jay Carney:
New York Times photographer Doug Mills strode into Jay Carney’s office Oct. 29 with a pile of pictures taken exclusively by President Obama’s official photographer at events the White House press corps was forbidden to cover. “This one,” Mills said, sliding one picture after another off his stack and onto the press secretary’s desk. “This one, too – and this one and this one and … .”
The red-faced photographer, joined by colleagues on the White House Correspondents’ Association board, finished his 10-minute presentation with a flourish that made Carney, a former Moscow correspondent for Time, wince.
“You guys,” Mills said, “are just like Tass.”
Comparing the White House to the Russian news agency is a hyperbole, of course, but less so with each new administration. Obama’s image-makers are taking advantage of new technologies that democratized the media, subverting independent news organizations that hold the president accountable. A generation ago, a few mainstream media organizations held a monopoly on public information about the White House. Today, the White House itself is behaving monopolistic.
The fast-moving trend is hampering reporters and videographers who cover the White House, but Mills’ profession has probably been hardest hit. “As surely as if they were placing a hand over a journalist’s camera lens, officials in this administration are blocking the public from having an independent view of important functions of the Executive Branch of government,” reads a letter delivered today to Carney by the WHCA and several member news organizations including The Associated Press and The New York Times.
The letter includes examples of important news events that were not covered by media photographers, and yet pictures were taken by the White House image team and widely distributed via social media. This happens almost daily.
Hey…it’s about time somebody took a stand! Maybe having the IRS target journalists has lit an awakening by fire in the world of journalism. We can hope!
Fascinating. The water carriers are complaining about their burden.
Can the White House get any worse? I think we’ll find out with the next president. I’m actualy surprised that a media existing almost exclusively on taking dictation from pundits and politicians noticed this.
Those in the media that have touted and supported Obumble are finally realizing that they aren’t immune to his shenanigans after all.
Lookin’ more and more like Germany in the 1930’s. Wake up, people!
I can’t wait for the first robot journalist…oh wait.
Seriously, though, if the politicians take advantage of technology to produce their own photo ops and message then maybe that slight will be the thing that causes journalists to once again become the fourth estate…patriotic vigilant journalism…wow, what a concept!