Chicoan Makes Navy Hall of Fame

by Jack Lee

usngreatlakes A Chico native and recent U.S. Navy recruit, earns the Navy Hall of Fame award. It has been confirmed before a crowd of thousands, while broadcast live on the internet, the USN Division 18, an all volunteer graduating class at the the Great Lakes Naval Training Center, has made the Navy Hall of Fame. This award is for their overall outstanding physical and academic performance. No other class has achieved this honor for over twenty years.

USN’s recruit, Miles Satterfield, was a 2010 graduate of Pleasant Valley High School and was among 79 other new recruits attached to Div-18 that won this prestigious honor.

His proud parents (Gary and Cassandra) watched the graduation ceremonies on the internet from their home in Chico.

Seaman recruit Satterfield, now promoted to Seaman Apprentice, was instrumental in leading his class to score high marks in a number of critical exercises that included mock battle stations on-board a training ship and ship-board fire fighting. He also bested the required high standards for a Navy rescue swimmer during basic training. Satterfield was a highly regarded competitive swimmer while on the PV swim team.

Satterfield will soon leave the Great Lakes for nearly two years of advanced training at Pensacola, Fl. His field of study will be in high-tech electronics, specifically aircraft avionics. During this time he hopes to earn his Navy wings as an air crew member. Being certified for air crew is not easy, it requires a lot of physical ability to pass the Navy’s escape and evasion course, which involves living off the land for days without food, water or shelter while being hunted by an op-force often made up of Navy Seals.

Satterfield’s school of choice is one of the Navy’s most challenging schools. It required exceptionally high scores on the ASVAB, a standardized test used by the military to determine a recruit’s education, aptitude and overall suitability. Satterfield scored in the top 3% of his peers.

A group picture and plaque will be on permanent display at the Great Lakes Training Center noting Div-18’s high achievement award.

And now the story after the story….

Mile’s mother told me that he made a great decision to enlist in the Navy. Despite the normal parental concerns about how difficult the training would be, their son rose to the occasion and did just fine. Miles called home after the graduation and told his parents boot camp wasn’t so bad, he actually enjoyed most of it. His Mom then repeated exactly what he told her, “To make it, you listen to your RDC, then you do it exactly as you are told, it’s that simple.” Listening and doing as told… this is one of those great life lessons that sometimes gets lost on those who feel [entitled] to get by without making any sacrifice, his mom said. He also told his Mom and Dad, “In the Navy if you show up on time, you’re already late!” (Another good life lesson) If there was ever any question about what it takes to make it in this world, the Navy removed all doubt! They instilled the kind of values and work ethics our kids need these days and I can’t thank them enough for what they have done for my son. They backed up everything we’ve been saying! Satterfield told his parents, “It doesn’t matter that much what my job will be, I just want to serve my country.”

I could have stopped right there, but you know me, I always have to put my two cents worth in! Because sometimes, when this country looks like it’s falling apart, along comes a good story like this one. A story about honorable young Americans and it restores a little of our lost faith. But, perhaps more importantly, it ought to remind us of who we are, where we came from and what made us the best country in the world. Then, whenever the opportunity permits, we ought to remind our politicians… so they get it too! It’s time we embrace what is good and start fixing what isn’t…and as Mile’s Mom says, “It’s just that simple.”

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5 Responses to Chicoan Makes Navy Hall of Fame

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Wow! Outstanding. Three cheers for Miles Satterfield!

  2. Me2 says:

    A small story perhaps, but note worthy because it speaks well of his parents, high school and Chico. I would like to see more of these local stories.

  3. Tina says:

    Congratulations to Miles and many thanks for his dedication in service to our country! Wow indeed.

    Many thanks to his parents too for raising such an outstanding young man.

  4. Sharon says:

    Congratulations to Miles! Outstanding! (Jack is this your grandson?)

  5. Peggy says:

    What an outstanding young man and a great reflection of his parents.

    Hopefully, he’ll have a true commander in chief who will know how to lead, will support our troops and not abandon any more of our dedicated men and women to die alone in a battle after issuing a do not respond or stand down order.

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