Todays Big Giggle: Ayers Says Barack Obama is a “Moderate”

Posted by Tina

Only a died in the wool Marxist would say Barack Obama is moderate in his thinking and goals…or a liar who gets his kicks playing the public.

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6 Responses to Todays Big Giggle: Ayers Says Barack Obama is a “Moderate”

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Bill Ayers is a typical Progressive just like his student Barack Obama.

    Who is Ayers playing? Is he playing his fellow terrorist/totalitarian progressives when he says he is lying about writing “Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance” or is he playing conservatives who have (rightly or wrongly) taken him at his word?

    In any case, what does it matter? Ayers is a serial lying scum just like his pupil Barry Soetoro. Both are a couple of disgusting clowns and Ayers, at least, should be occupying a prison cell with Charles Manson without possibility of parole.

  2. Peggy says:

    Only from Ayers would Obama seem to be a moderate. Guess he couldn’t get him to learn how to make a bomb,

    Here’s another laugh from Jimmy Kimmel. Remember Obama couldn’t go to Gettysburg because he was working so hard on fixing the ObamaCare website? Well, you’ve all heard he did have the time to take off for the west coast for four days to fundraise and campaign. He even tied up traffic for hours in Hollywood preventing some of his movie star supporters from getting back to their own homes over two miles away. One very unhappy well known supporter I read about was only a block away from her house and they wouldn’t let her walk to it to let her dogs out.

    Big oops, you know how those starlets are with their little furry loved ones.

  3. Soaps says:

    Shouldn’t that be dyed in the wool? Or maybe it is a pun or even wishful thinking.

  4. Tina says:

    LOL Soaps…take your pick.

    However, I cannot tell a lie…call it an old lady mental lapse…should have been dyed!

    Two giggles for the “pryce” of one.

  5. Harold says:

    Peggy writes: Only from Ayers would Obama seem to be a moderate. Guess he couldn’t’t get him to learn how to make a bomb,

    Well Obama must have studied bomb making a bit between hits on the ol’weed of hallucinogenic inspiration, because he sure as hell BLEW UP Amercias economy

  6. Peggy says:

    And Krauthammer says …

    Krauthammer: Obama ‘tossed away’ George W. Bush’s Iraq War victory [VIDEO]

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