Thanksgiving Treat: a Look at Founder George Mason

Posted by Tina

Charles Hurt offers us a rare Thanksgiving treat in the form of an article featuring the founder George Mason titled, “Let us all give thanks for George Mason and the Bill of Rights”. It’s an informative read and a welcome change from the contentions of modern day political events:

…Commonly referred to as the “forgotten founder,” George Mason IV had a fair amount of contempt for politics. Especially politicians. It was a dirty, grubby affair that attracted mostly dirty, grubby people.

In other words, Mason was clairvoyant.

He would certainly recognize today’s crop of sleazy hucksters peddling free lunch, free money and free health care. And when the whole fraudulent scheme collapses of its own weight, the hucksters blame it on the people who warned it would collapse.

Mason authored the Virginia Declaration of Rights. Deemed “the first and greatest charter of human liberty ever penned by man,” Mason’s list of rights inspired Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence.

Take a break from holiday preparations to take in the wonder of Mason’s ideals…we owe him thanks for The Bill of Rights.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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7 Responses to Thanksgiving Treat: a Look at Founder George Mason

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Thank you George Mason.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    And thank you Post Scripts!

  3. Harold says:

    Merry Cranberry all…………

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Re #4 Peggy :

    Pure gold.

  5. Peggy says:

    #6 Pie

    Guess those nonpartisan ambassadors haven’t heard about the pistol-packing Florida Grandmas.

    Messiah or false prophet? Guess what third graders are being taught.

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