Disturbing FDA Overreach

Posted by Tina

The big federal bureaucracy in the hands of central planners has been engaging in overreach that boggles the mind of freedom loving patriots all around this great nation. The latest comes from the FDA which has taken it upon itself to order a private company to end its activity…the reasons given are lame to say the least. The Weekly Standard Scrapbook fills us in on the details:

It’s difficult to think of a company doing anything as gee-whiz neat as 23andMe. The Mountain View, Calif., firm, which opened its doors to the public in 2007, provides comprehensive genetic tests to anybody with $99 to spend. Customers send in a saliva sample and about six weeks later get access to a detailed website explaining their unique genetic code along with an opportunity to connect with (usually distant) relatives who have also done business with 23andMe. For those who use it, the results are endlessly fascinating; for scientists, the company’s trove of genetic data is hugely valuable. And that’s why it’s outrageous that the Food and Drug Administration has ordered 23andMe to stop selling its kits.

What is the problem with citizens discovering their genetic heritage? They might do something rash…or force their doctor to do something rash:

As an example, the FDA speculates that false positive markers for breast cancer could lead women to “undergo prophylactic surgery, chemoprevention, intensive screening.”

As the Weekly Standard points out this notion is patently absurd since doctors would not perform such procedures without conducting their own extensive tests.

It’s more likely that the public bureaucrats can’t abide citizens having private control in these matters and certainly private business should not operate outside the control of the all powerful state.

Freedom people…it matters.

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3 Responses to Disturbing FDA Overreach

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Again the federal government proves itself an ass. Clearly we need more government control in our lives, no? The government is looking out for our best interests, always, right?

    Try this on for size. Post Scripts (and I) warned about this. Now it is being confirmed —

    No security ever built into Obamacare site: Hacker


  2. Dewey says:

    Lions and tigers and bears oh no the FDA wants to make sure the tests are accurate. I mean all those fake drugs on the internet! just sell them, heck sell arsenic as vitamins as long as there is no FDA

    poof the government is gone and the banks are in charge! your land is being seized and you must report to the slave camp a tea party haven!

  3. Dewey says:

    P.S. private company in which GH Bush is a part owner collects everything about everyone including what you buy. I can get your SS# in 5 minutes on the net, your medical records have been outsourced to a foreign country in which your information is not secure or subject to USA laws…ya really think there is any security? Ask manning and snowden

    Your information is sold on the internet all day long

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