King of Steam Trains – The Big Boy

bigboyFor RHT and others who like trains!   Click here to read the story on this impressive locomotive.  This is one of the last coal fired trains to be built.  When you consider when it was built and what it could do, you really get an appreciation for Yankee ingenuity.

BBWreck2    The story of the wreck of the 4005 (Big Boy).

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2 Responses to King of Steam Trains – The Big Boy

  1. Jim says:

    Clicking on the photo, doesn’t go to the story, please correct it.

    On of my favorite train photographers is O.Winston Link, check out some of his work here:

    • Post Scripts says:

      Thanks Jim, appreciate the heads up. I don’t know why the picture would not link, but I changed it to the script and added one other short story about the derailment of a Big Boy.

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