First, Acknowledge the Lies

Posted by Tina

In the days before Christmas, as our nations suffers division and derision, a quote:

Our culture has accepted two huge lies.  The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear them or hate them.  The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do.  Both are nonsense. You don’t have to compromise convictions to be compassionate. – Pastor Rick Warren

To heal our nation we must first acknowledge the lies. Then we must resolve to respect the opinions and rights we share and begin to live by the golden rule: “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. – Mathew 7: 12

There are times when people focus so strongly on a perceived wrong that they fail to acknowledge a greater blessing. America is an incredibly tolerant, inclusive, and generous nation.

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4 Responses to First, Acknowledge the Lies

  1. Libby says:

    If you really believe this, then why do you want to make your own state?

    My mum was getting her hair cut, and chatting, and it come up that she still sees her x-daughter-in-law … and this unleashed an absolute torrent of tales of misery and woe suffered by daughters-in-law in the “old country” … and how the hair-cutter was sooooooo glad that she lived here.

    It is a wonderful country.

  2. Peggy says:

    Lying today has become the norm. Everyone expects to be told an untruth instead of the truth. Trust is a thing of the past, a life-style enjoyed by past generations when kids could play outside after dark without parental control.

    The biggest lie believed by so many is they’re entitled to the life-style they want without putting forth the work required to obtain it. All learned from trophies given out just for showing up instead of actually participating.

    Employees today even believe they’re entitled to what their employer has worked and paid for. They never learned it’s not a good idea to bite the hand that feeds them. Hopefully, these employees learned their lesson well.

    Lessons not learned as a child are harder to deal with as adults. Tough love isn’t fun, but is necessary sometimes.

    Lies help no one. Employer means they’re the boss/owner and therefore are in control of the purse, not the employee.

  3. Tina says:

    Libby you should know the answer to your own question. Tolerance and, respect don’t require agreement.

    Since your favorite attitudes is, “You will do “X” and like it,” although I respect you and your choice, I have no desire to live in the hyper controlling communitarian system you prefer. Since so many like you control California, and since others like me live nearby, it makes sense to attempt a change that would be better for us and would not harm you.

    It’s a wonderful country indeed and yet so many from the old country want to turn the U.S. into the same socialist failure they came here to escape. Makes no sense at all.

    My grandmother came from the old country and as a young widow, managed to build a little business for herself and her child. That was back before all of the government interference…or the modern feminist movement.

  4. Jack says:

    The message is a good one and I believe you will never go wrong trusting in the golden rule or acknowledging the tolerance and compassion that exists in this country. However, that has nothing to do with the two big lies part which are an invention of the extreme left, so I don’t understand where Libby is coming from?? There should be accountability here for the lying, do you not think so Libby? The left have been trying to sell us the two big lies for years and they are FLAT OUT EVIL FOR TRYING TO DO IT!

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