My How the “Village” Has Changed!

Posted by Tina

In case you haven’t heard the east coast has been hit by blizzard conditions. The response by new York City’s new mayor prompted Rush to contrast De Blasio and the mayor in 1943 :

DE BLASIO: Stay indoors to the maximum extent possible. Stay out of your cars to the maximum extent possible. Don’t go out. We want to make sure people are safe. We want ’em to be in a warm location — and, crucially, we want to keep our streets clear so the good men and women of the sanitation department can ensure that our streets are plowed and salted. It’s very important people get home as soon as possible tonight. Get to a safe, warm place. Stay off the streets. …

LAGUARDIA: We must keep the streets of our city open for the delivery of food supplies, war materials, and readily accessible for our fire department. Therefore, I am appealing to the people of this city to volunteer in assisting us to keep open the sewer basins located at every street intersection and also to keep the crosswalks in as good condition as possible for the pedestrians. And we are also appealing to volunteers, volunteers who will be willing to do a little snow shoveling right in their own block.

In case you missed it the village was much more likely to step up and pitch in before the ideals of massive redistribution and dependency took root in the village. Today citizens of the Big Apple are treated like helpless vulnerable infants.

New York City today is not representative of the America I love. That America became the envy of the world because of freedom, opportunity and the creative ingenuity and participation of her citizens! De Blasio and his fellows are certinly not representative of the type of leaders that will restore our nation to prosperity.

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23 Responses to My How the “Village” Has Changed!

  1. Harold says:

    People have become dependent on Government “Liberally” for eveything………

  2. Bob says:

    Despite all the happy talk things are dire in this country.

    Everyone should see the video below to understand just how bad things are and why things are going to get worse.

  3. Tina says:

    Bob thanks for sharing a very informative video. Feel free to share this type of information at any time because you’re right people need to become more aware of the state we are in and the reasons for it.

  4. J. Soden says:

    All outta sympathy for New Yorkers since they elected a clone of BloomingIdiotBerg.

  5. Peggy says:

    De Blasio’s good friends Bill and Hillary are in lock-step with him.

    Speaking of “Village” remember Hillary’s it takes a village promo to raise a child? How about we change it to how many idiots will it take to put another “Liar in Chief” in the WH.

    Hillary’s List of Lies By Dick Morris

    Hillary simply cannot tell the truth. Here’s her scorecard:

    Admitted Lies

    • Chelsea was jogging around the Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. (She was in bed watching it on TV.)
    • Hillary was named after Sir Edmund Hillary. (She admitted she was wrong. He climbed Mt. Everest five years after her birth.)
    • She was under sniper fire in Bosnia. (A girl presented her with flowers at the foot of the ramp.)
    • She learned in The Wall Street Journal how to make a killing in the futures market. (It didn’t cover the market back then.)

    Whoppers She Won’t Confess To

    • She didn’t know about the FALN pardons.
    • She didn’t know that her brothers were being paid to get pardons that Clinton granted.
    • Taking the White House gifts was a clerical error.
    • She didn’t know that her staff would fire the travel office staff after she told them to do so.
    • She didn’t know that the Peter Paul fundraiser in Hollywood in 2000 cost $700,000 more than she reported it had.
    • She opposed NAFTA at the time.
    • She was instrumental in the Irish peace process.
    • She urged Bill to intervene in Rwanda.
    • She played a role in the ’90s economic recovery.
    • The billing records showed up on their own.
    • She thought Bill was innocent when the Monica scandal broke.
    • She was always a Yankees fan.
    • She had nothing to do with the New Square Hasidic pardons (after they voted for her 1,400-12 and she attended a meeting at the White House about the pardons).
    • She negotiated for the release of refugees in Macedonia (who were released the day before she got there).

    With a record like that, is it any wonder that we suspect her of being less than honest and straightforward?

    That she endured sniper fire during a trip to Bosnia.

    *Admin notes:
    And the most current BIG LIE of all:
    A YOUTUBE Video caused the massacre at Benghazi.

    Then there’s the FAKE HOSPITALIZATION when the HEAT WAS ON for Benghazi!

  6. Libby says:

    “Today citizens of the Big Apple are treated like helpless vulnerable infants.”

    Oh, they are not. Geez.

    The powers don’t want stalled, stuck vehicles and/or pedestrians holding up the show, which is conducted with material and equipment they did not use in ’43.

    Yer always harkening after some idllic state that never existed. It’s dumb. Quit it.

  7. Libby says:

    Bob, I went to look at your video.

    Who is that guy? He does not identify himself.

    And what is the Foo Daily News? The “About” tab come up blank … but Wiki did tell me all about “Foo Fighters” and the origins of that term.

    Do you suppose the FooDailyNews might be satirical?

    The degree to which y’all do not question your sources is repeatedly distressing.

    Which is not to say that all is rosy and bright … by any means … that extortion ploy Boeing used on its workforce is also very distressing. Where do you suppose they got the idea?

  8. Tina says:

    Libby I’m so sorry if the ideals I express bother you so much.

    The mayor’s attitude toward the citizens is that they aren’t smart enough on there own to come out of the cold freezing weather or stay out of the way of snow removal equipment.

    Come on! It’s not like they have never endured a storm before or seen snow removal equipment before.

    In contrast, Laguardia recognized his citizens as adults who could be counted on to pitch in and help in their own neighborhoods.

    Politicians today, particularly those on the left, think its their job to act like parents. I’m saying that’s got to stop. You don’t like it? Tough beans.

  9. Tina says:

    lIBBY: “that extortion ploy Boeing used on its workforce is also very distressing. Where do you suppose they got the idea?

    Well we can’t say for sure but it looks an awful lot like the ploy that the unions have used against companies for oh, say sixty to seventy years!

    I’m happy to say the main reason they were able to do it and could therefore have the opportunity to save their companies and continue offer good paying jobs is because other states have become very business friendly in the current federally inspired hostile business environment. they had a chance to vote with their feet and let the union members decide whether that worked for them or not.

    As I have said before the left has set this table by going too far in their demands to tax, control, and in the case of unions, extort, others. A lot of people are getting tired of the game and are fighting back.

  10. Libby says:

    “Politicians today, particularly those on the left, think its their job to act like parents. I’m saying that’s got to stop.”

    It already has. You get yourself individualistically, irresponsibly stuck in the urban snow, and the city sends you a bill for your extrication. I think it’s only right and proper that everybody get fair warning.

    “I’m happy to say the main reason they were able to do it and could therefore have the opportunity to save their companies and continue offer good paying jobs ….”

    Only “adequately” paying jobs, actually.

    Making Seattle workers on par with Alabama workers is one thing. When Boeing, et al., decide we should work on par with Chinese factory hands … there’s gonna be blood in the streets.

  11. Peggy says:

    Another Democrat scandal unfolding.

    De Blasio’s Horse-Drawn Carriage Ban:

    Mayor Bill de Blasio’s promise to ban New York City’s iconic horse-drawn carriages could backfire, exposing what the newly-elected mayor’s critics suggest is a corruption scandal masquerading as an animal-rights crusade. Defenders of the carriage industry point to a real-estate executive who is one of de Blasio’s major campaign donors as the driving force behind the effort to abolish the carriages.

    “It’s got everything a scandal could ever want,” says Eva Hughes, vice-president of the Horse and Carriage Association of New York City. Hughes spent 16 years driving carriages, her husband still drives a carriage, and she says they are fighting a “David and Goliath” battle against the mayor and his big-money backers.

    The bad guy in this drama, according to the carriage drivers, is Steve Nislick, chief executive officer of a New Jersey-based real-estate development company, Edison Properties. The company “employs legions of lobbyists to influence city decisions on real estate and zoning in its favor,” journalist Michael Gross reported in 2009, pointing out that two of Edison’s businesses “have multiple locations in the same Far West Midtown neighborhood as the stables where the Central Park horses are housed.” An anti-carriage pamphlet Nislick circulated in 2008 made this interesting observation: “Currently, the stables consist of 64,000 square feet of valuable real estate on lots that could accomodate up to 150,000 square feet of development. These lots could be sold for new development.”

    Gross asked the obvious question: “What are the odds that good neighbor Nislick, the out-of-state real estate developer, simply covets those valuable, underdeveloped New York lots — and has teamed up with ambitious pols to use the emotions of animal rights activists as fuel for their own agendas?” Nislick founded a 501(c)4 group called New Yorkers for Clean, Livable and Safe Streets (NYCLASS) that spent big money to elect de Blasio mayor, as Chris Bragg of Crain’s New York Business reported in October:


  12. Peggy says:

    More on the “CarriageGate” scandal.

    Scandal in the making? NYC’s progressive mayor Bill de Blasio’s new pet project reeks of corruption:

  13. Tina says:

    Libby An advertisement, here, indicates Boeing offered jobs for between $70 and $100 thousand a year in South Carolina.

    See here for the number of people they employ…about 170 thousand people on average. They employ close to 19,000 here in California.

    Visit their benefits page for information about the benefits they provide in America.

    Exactly how does any of this information make them a cheap company to work for, or a company that would suddenly decide the Chinese wage scale was a good idea?

    Your snarky comments about those who employ people make you look pretty biased and uninformed.

  14. Libby says:

    Tina, if you were making $100K, could you send three kids to a state college? Tuition in this state is up to $4K a semester.

    That’s what middle class means, and on a Boeing salary, well, maybe only one of the kids wants to go to college, and you could swing that.

    But this is exactly the slippage, the diminishment of the middle class in this country, that has everybody so depressed.

  15. Libby says:

    Peggy, it can’t be a scandal. De Blasio campaigned on the issue, and he did win the election. It can’t be a scandal if a realtor donated to the candidate that will make him a business opportunity … can it? That would be a profound reversal of position for a Republican, would it not?

    And apparently it’s become an issue because horses have collapsed and died in the traces, and been injured in traffic. It is very quaint and iconic and all, but if we don’t need to use the animals this way, we probably shouldn’t.

  16. Tina says:

    Libby liberal policies have decimated the middle class. You can’t take trillions of dollars year after year out of the private sector economy, consign poor people to permanent poverty status through welfare programs that demand nothing of them, and turn our institutions of higher learning into expensive social engineering indoctrination centers and expect the middle class to thrive.

    Liberals spend other peoples money with zero regard as to effectiveness, waste, or incurred debt.

    Learn what it takes to make tuition reasonable, learn what it takes to make the education worth the price and yes, people making $100 K could send three kids to community college or better because tuition would come down! Then when they complete that education, with a degree that has real value, they could actually find a good job!

    You are depressed because you refuse to consider that what you thought were good solutions are just wrong and don’t work. You refuse to learn how wealth and jobs are created. You refuse to understand that people will take the easier path if offered a subsistence living (free) and that most of those same people will look out for themselves if the freebie is taken away. Most of all you refuse to lose the attitude about those who do know what it takes to make things work and create a thriving economy. The alternative to progressive policies are not perfect but they are much better than what we have been doing over seventy years under the liberal/progressive agenda.

    Under Reagan large numbers of the poor moved into the middle class by their own efforts. That fact should make liberals celebrate and want to learn how he did it. The fact that you dismiss it and deny it tells us a lot about the real intent behind the liberal/progressive agenda.

    • Post Scripts says:

      “Libby liberal policies have decimated the middle class. You can’t take trillions of dollars year after year out of the private sector economy, consign poor people to permanent poverty status through welfare programs that demand nothing of them, and turn our institutions of higher learning into expensive social engineering indoctrination centers and expect the middle class to thrive.” Tina Grazier

      This could be the best paragraph of the year! -Jack

  17. Tina says:

    Hey Jack it’s early yet…we’re both just getting started, right 😉 But thanks for the acknowledgment. Made my day.

  18. Peggy says:

    Libby, it’s a scandal when donations are made to a candidate when a “guarantee” is given to donors they’ll get a “kick-back” worth tenfold. DiBlasio promised his buddy he’d get rid of the horses so he could make a killing on real-estate development.

    So, it’s ok for the rich to get richer and do away with more low and middle income jobs just as long as they’re democrats but not republicans. That is what you are saying. Right Libs?

    60 Minutes just covered Obama and his donors and their link to the failing solar industry.

    Solar firm linked to Obama donors could be ‘next Solyndra,’ senator warns:

    “A California-based solar company backed by several Obama supporters has been receiving millions in federal tax credits while losing $322 million since 2008, raising concerns about the company “becoming the next Solyndra.”

    Among SolarCity Corp.’s biggest investors is Elon Musk — the high-profile donor and fundraiser who co-founded PayPal and whose companies SpaceX and electric-car company Tesla Motors have received at least $846 million in loans and startup money from the Obama administration.

    SolarCity officials, including fellow Obama donor and Musk’s cousin Lyndon Rive, acknowledged in the IPO document the continuing need for government support, as alternative-energy companies strive to become competitive with coal, oil and other conventional-energy sources.

    “Our business currently depends on the availability of rebates, tax credits and other financial incentives,” they wrote. “The expiration, elimination or reduction of these rebates, credits and incentives would adversely impact our business.”

    Solyndra, a solar-panel maker touted by Obama, received an estimated $535 million in Energy Department loan guarantees, then went bankrupt in 2011 after repaying only a projected $143 million of the money.

    Musk, the company chairman, has benefited immensely from government credits and funding through his various ventures.

    In addition to the $465 million loan Tesla received in 2010 from the Obama administration, which was recently paid off, the company has also received thousands in federal tax credits. Tesla has struggled with profitability and is now under investigation related to vehicle fires.

    SpaceX received $381 million from NASA last year to compete in the race to replace the government space missions with commercial flights. And the company has the opportunity to take part in billions of dollars worth of NASA contracts.

    He brought star power to a $35,800-a-plate dinner for the president at the Los Angles restaurant Tavern in April 2011. And he donated $750 toward Obama’s first election effort, while Rive gave $1,500.”

    I don’t care if De Blasio, Obama and Joe Blow does it, it’s wrong. Our tax dollars are ending up in the pockets of political friends who helped get them elected and I want it stopped.

    I’ve ridden in horse drawn carriages and those horses are well taken care of. The driver of a carriage ride explained most of the horses come from Amish farms when they don’t match up with the other work horses that pull wagons, carriages and plows all day. If they didn’t buy them to pull the tour carriages a lot of them would end up in slaughter houses.

    They don’t work all day and are well fed, watered and groomed. And it’s an enjoyable way to see the sights, learn some local history and not pollute with gas burning cars.

  19. Libby says:

    This could be the best paragraph of the year! -Jack –

    Well, it’s very “rhetorical”, but does not address the issue of Boeing’s wage reduction, and whether this sort of thing is removing its employees from the middle class.

    All it does is raise the spector, yet again, of that government boogie, and what this has to do with Boeing staging a big stock buy-back in the same breath it cuts workers’ wages is a mystery.

  20. Tina says:

    Libby: “…but does not address the issue of Boeing’s wage reduction, and whether this sort of thing is removing its employees from the middle class.”

    The answer is no it does not. The people that work for Boeing negotiated a new contract. Boeing won this one. Conditions dictate the necessity. Smarter heads prevailed. Boeing has lost a lot more of these battles than they have won through the years.

    Unions aren’t always right or smart about what they are doing. Look at what the UAW did to the car industry that negotiated with them (caved) over decades. Negotiating for unmanageable perks through intimidation ruined the auto industry…the UAW didn’t give a rip for the workers…they wanted the dues MONEY! The American car industry has never again been the premiere industry it once was either. Union demands bled the life (cash flow) out of them. I’m sure the workers had no idea what they were doing to the viability of the companies they had depended on for their living. If they had they might not have been quite so greedy.

    It was their demands that helped to inflate all wages making everything we buy more expensive. People will never get rich negotiating for higher wages through force. They can make a decent secure living if they support the companies that hire them.

    If they want to be wealthy they will have to take a different course…learn the skills and work, and build, and save, and work some more…like the people who run the company did.

    You have some cheek by the way acting like Boeing is the bad apple putting people in poverty.

    The bad apple that’s decimating the middle class is the radical leadership of the Democrat Party every last one of them!

    “All it does is raise the spector, yet again, of that government boogie, and what this has to do with Boeing staging a big stock buy-back in the sam.e breath it cuts workers’ wages is a mystery.”

    The stock buy back facilitates a raise in investor dividends at the end of 2013 for its stock holders before the nasty job killing tax hikes embedded in Obamacare kick in in 2014!

    I’m sure the pensions of most Americans benefited greatly from this generous move.

    Too bad Boeing isn’t free to run it’s business and negotiate with its workers without all of this government control, intrusion and confiscation of working capital.

  21. Tina says:

    Peggy Democrats have operated under the pretense that they are the party of the working man. What a crock! They are the party of big money wherever they find it.

    Let’s hope the younger generation is catching on to the deception. As long as they hold the illusion together that Republicans are the party of corporate greed/collusion while they are the party of the working man we will never end corporatist Washington DC games.

    We must demand an end to all of it. simplifying the tax code and regulations would help stop the illusion. A smaller federal government would end the corporate need to influence, at least at the federal level.

  22. Peggy says:

    Tina: “Let’s hope the younger generation is catching on to the deception.” It looks like they are. Check out the Young Americans for Freedom website below.

    Our Mission:

    “Young America’s Foundation is committed to ensuring that increasing numbers of young Americans understand and are inspired by the ideas of individual freedom, a strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values.

    As the principal outreach organization of the Conservative Movement, the Foundation introduces thousands of American youth to these principles. We accomplish our mission by providing essential conferences, seminars, educational materials, internships, and speakers to young people across the country.

    For more than 30 years, the National Journalism Center has trained aspiring journalists in the values of balanced, responsible and accurate reporting. Weekly seminars and on-the-job experience provide participants with the tools to become a leader in combating bias in the mainstream media.”

    Young Americans for Freedom:

    Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have this country’s leaders believe in individual freedom as our Founders established in our Constitution instead of the collective good socialist society this and past administrations have lied to the voters to gain their votes to give us the mess we have today.

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