Ted Cruz Gives Bob Scheiffer the Lowdown on Government Shutdown

Posted by Tina

Bob, of course, hopes to move on as the facts get in the way of the accepted reality fabricated by he and his peers in the main stream press. Those of us who are used to being shoved in the closet, told to shut up, and labeled as racists can’t help but celebrate when one of our own has the audacity to present the facts and refuse to be intimidated. Ted Cruz is just that kind of guy. Bob Schieffer of CBS News as Cruz about the government shutdown:

You became a celebrity when you led the drive to shut down the government over Obamacare. But afterwards, your fellow Republicans said you’d led them over a cliff. Can you conceive of any situation in which you would do that again, try to shut down the government in exchange or in demand for some action by the president?

SEN. TED CRUZ: Well, Bob, with all due respect, I don’t agree with the premise of your question. Throughout the government shutdown, I opposed a government shutdown. I said we shouldn’t shut down the government. I think it was a mistake that President Obama and the Democrats shut the government down this fall.

The reason they did so is that President Obama dug in and said he wouldn’t compromise and he wouldn’t negotiate. In fact, I went to one of the most surreal meetings I’ve ever been at, where President Obama invited all the senate Republicans to go up to the White House. He sat us in a room. This is in the middle of the shutdown.

And he said, “I invited you here to tell you I will not negotiate. I will not compromise on anything.” That’s why we had a shutdown. That was a mistake.

And that’s the truth. The President, Reid, Pelosi and other radicals in leadership positions are not in Washington to serve the American people, they are there to serve ideology. They are determined to implement their socialist agenda no matter the cost to the American people. These radicals are liars. Too many in the media aid them in their lies and deceptions.

Round two of debt ceiling negotiation is just around the corner as the federal government admits it will run out of money by February fifteenth. Democrats are certain to put Republicans in the ongoing no win position as their own my way or the highway stance signals their infatuation with dictatorship. And the press is likely to help them milk the situation for all its worth.

Don’t be fooled. This bunch is all in on their radical plans to fundamentally transform America into a third world socialists’ Dream…like Venezuaela for instance.

Think it can’t happen? Some say it already has. America now has half the unemployed in the free world. Bet you never imagined that could happen. Our debt has risen 70% since Obama took office. Remember when he said high debt was irresponsible and unpatriotic? Little did we know that was a battle cry for his own agenda! Obama’s economic policy has also invited inflation which has already begun to rear its ugly head. The president shows no signs that he intends to reconsider or compromise on his agenda. In fact he has vowed to act without Congressional participation, agreement, or approval. Anyone who crosses him will be demonized as a racist or audited and harassed by the IRS. Welcome to the new America.

It’s all in our hands people. Election is in November. Did you hear the news? More Americans say they are now willing to toss their own legislators out! Its a good sign that at least people are waking to the fact that this, whatever this is, just isn’t working.

Thank God for men like Ted Cruz; America needs more like him.

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54 Responses to Ted Cruz Gives Bob Scheiffer the Lowdown on Government Shutdown

  1. Chris says:

    This is completely absurd. Ted Cruz and other conservative Republicans said they wouldn’t vote to fund the government unless the agreement defunded Obamacare, a law that was passed by both houses of Congress, upheld by the Supreme Court and arguably given a mandate by the people with the re-election of President Obama. Saying that you won’t fund the government unless the president gives in to a completely unreasonable request is not a “negotiation,” it is petulant foot-stomping just shy of hostage-taking. The president was right not to negotiate on a law that was already passed and about to be fully implemented. To argue that not giving in to Cruz’s unreasonable demands makes the president responsible for the shutdown is ridiculous. Even Boehner admitted that Republicans were responsible for the shutdown and that it was a mistake. This twisting of the truth has to stop.

  2. Peggy says:

    Thank you Jack for saying what so many have been saying. It’s just not being said often enough.

    Cruz wanted Obama to negotiate over delaying the implementations of ObamaCare and when the House passed the bill Obama said he’d veto it and then did the delays anyway at a press conference.

    If Obama isn’t acting like a dictator I’d like to know what he is because he sure isn’t acting like any prior US president.

    Chris: “The president was right not to negotiate on a law that was already passed and about to be fully implemented.”

    Fully implemented my patute. Obama gave wavers and delays to over half of it since it became the law of the land. All anyone had to be was a crony, union member or work in DC to get a magic wand reprieve from the lord and master.

    Fully implemented, what a joke that no one is laughing at.

    He’s lost the young people’s vote, at least those who figured out they got sold a bill of no goods, and several of his own party have turned against him and are speaking out. The internet is full of links about Democrats turning on Obama. Check them out.

    Also, I’m sure you heard about Chuck Schumer admitting this administration used the IRS to target conservative groups with his “we must redouble those efforts immediately” statement at a George Soros fund raiser.

    “While speaking to the far-left wing Center for American Progress Thursday, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said Barack Obama should bypass Congress and use the IRS to curtail Tea Party activity, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

    “It is clear that we will not pass anything legislatively as long as the House of Representatives is in Republican control, but there are many things that can be done administratively by the IRS and other government agencies—we must redouble those efforts immediately,” Schumer told the group.”


    They not only won’t compete on a level playing field, where they’ll take out their opponents before the election I wouldn’t put it past them to do the same at the polling both again. I hope enough Democrats wake up and realize what a big mistake they made.

    I hope too enough Republicans will vote out every GOP candidate who didn’t support Cruz and did support the Democrats.

    Can’t wait to gain control of the Senate and use the Nuclear Option on the Dems.

  3. Peggy says:

    Snowball chance in hell of this ever happening.

    Ted Cruz: Obama Should Apologize to America in State of the Union Address –


  4. J. Soden says:

    New name for that network: Complete BS.

  5. RHT447 says:

    “Thank God for men like Ted Cruz; America needs more like him.”

    I’m likin’ this guy:



  6. Tina says:

    Chris: “Ted Cruz and other conservative Republicans said they wouldn’t vote to fund the government unless the agreement defunded Obamacare…blah blah blah”

    This is absurd!

    The President and Harry Reid conspired, as they continue to do, to completely block all bills issued by the House that don’t comport 100% with the Presidents extreme liberal agenda. The House passed several proposals that kept Obamacare in place but sought to delay portions that were causing problems, like the medical device tax. That tax has put small businesses out of business and will cause the price of everything from wheel chairs to catheters, back braces to knee supports, to rise significantly. These are items that people with debilitating conditions and disabilities must purchase and places an undue burden on these, some of the most medically vulnerable among us. So much for caring about delivering healthcare to those with major fiscal challenges.

    Reid’s strategy with most legislation passed in the House has been “dead on arrival”. 40 bills that could make a difference in job creation have been met with this stonewalling response by Harry Reid with the Presidents approval.

    The President and his political partners, Reid and Pelosi,are governing like dictators for their extreme socialist agenda. It includes central planning on more than just healthcare and health insurance. Education, Energy, Banking, and business are all targeted with government picking winners and losers and bypassing the legislative process.

    The only reason the Supreme Court found Obamacare constitutional is that one of the Justices decided on his own that the individual mandate was a tax. Prior to his decision the Democrats had argued in one instance that it was a tax and in another instance that it was not a tax. John Roberts helped the presidents case by deciding it was a tax and that made it constitutional.

    I think the real truth behind all of this manipulation is that there are many Democrats in the Senate that would vote with Republicans. Reid and the President’s plan is to hijack power.

    “The president was right not to negotiate on a law that was already passed and about to be fully implemented.

    LOL…the Presidents convictions about his signature legislation is wobbly at best! He has on his own without seeking congressional approval.

    Yahoo-Christian Science Moniter ask, “Is Obama an Imperial President, citing the many actions he’s taken without Congressional approval including those involving the ACA:

    The president (or his administration) has unilaterally changed elements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)…

    Liberty Federation points out the fourteen assocated with Obamacare from an artile in National Review:

    Yesterday the Obama administration suddenly moved to allow hundreds of thousands of people who’ve lost their insurance due to Obamacare to sign up for bare-bone “catastrophic” plans. It’s at least the 14th unilateral change to Obamacare that’s been made without consulting Congress.

    “It shows that the Obamacare insurance products aren’t selling so, at the last minute, the administration is holding a fire sale on a failed launch,” says Grace-Marie Turner of the Galen Institute, a health-care advocacy group. “Just think how you must feel if you were one of the people who spent the last two months fighting their way through HealthCare.gov to buy a policy that will be thousands of dollars more expensive than this catastrophic insurance!”
    Of course, like every other exemption from Obamacare the latest fix is supposed to last only a year, raising the prospect that people will be kicked off their catastrophic coverage as soon as the 2014 election is safely in the political rear-view mirror.

    The fact that no one really knows just how Obamacare is doing (the administration is hiding the numbers) or where it’s going (it’s like an impressionistic painting in progress) may explain the public consensus that’s developed behind delaying its implementation. This week’s Fox News poll found Obamacare to still be a polarizing issue with 53 percent of respondents wanting it repealed and 41 percent wanting to keep it. But then this question was asked: “Setting aside how you feel about the law, do you think implementation of it should be delayed for a year until more details are ironed out, or not?”

    It wasn’t even close. By 67 percent to 28 percent people now want the law delayed. And every demographic group agrees: 57 percent of liberals, 65 percent of women, 67 percent of those under age 35, and 60 percent of lower-income voters. Even African Americans, the bedrock of Obama’s support base now favor a delay by 48 percent to 47 percent.

    The public may not know the details of health-care policy, or how to navigate Obamacare’s website. But they can see the fiasco of Obamacare unfolding before them and they’re increasingly united on slowing it down.

    Ted Cruz is more attuned to the will of the people than is the President, Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi who serve only their very radical agenda

  7. Tina says:

    Peggy Cruz is correct. This administration is destroying the lives of countless Americans and all hope for improving conditions as long as the Imperial president is allowed to continue his radical agenda.

  8. RHT447 says:

    “The heavens have a way of putting a price on anything.”

    Not to pile on, but in this interview he speaks from his heart about himself and what drives him.


  9. Peggy says:

    If you haven’t had your laugh for today you have to read this hatch job on Rand Paul.

    The progressives are showing their hand on who they don’t want running in 2016 for fear they’ll lose. Ted Cruz is high on the list and now it’s Rand.


  10. Peggy says:

    Well..well..well..are the pants of Democrat mayor of Hoboken, NJ on fire?

    According to ABC they are. She got the same/similar to the other towns, she just didn’t get everything SHE wanted. She sounds like a typical entitlement minded progressive.

    Sandy Aid to Hoboken on Par With Other NJ Towns
    TRENTON, N.J. January 25, 2014 (AP):

    “The city whose Democratic mayor said GOP Gov. Chris Christie’s administration tied Superstorm Sandy aid to her support for a real estate project has, so far, received a level of aid from state-run programs that is similar to what other towns got, a review of grant data shows.

    Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer is no longer discussing her allegations that New Jersey’s second-largest city has been shortchanged on Sandy funds, that its aid is being held “hostage” as political leverage or that she feared further retribution in the next round of funding.

    Hoboken has so far received two state grants from pools of state-controlled money, according to a review by The Associated Press.

    The state awarded $25 million for energy projects to help deal with outages; Hoboken received $142,080 — the same amount as 39 other recipients.

    The state also provided money to communities hit by the storm to hire experts and come up with long-term recovery plans; Hoboken’s $200,000 grant was the fourth-highest allocation among the 35 local governments in the program.

    Melli said the city was told by state government officials last month not to bother applying for a third program offering grants and loans to revitalize business district because it was already oversubscribed.

    … Zimmer, who was named after the storm to President Barack Obama’s national task force on climate preparedness and resilience, became an advocate for planning protective measures.”


    Also, didn’t the boardwalk almost burn down completely just after it was rebuilt and opened?

    I’m not a Christie fan, but geez give the guy a break. She wants funds now for future preventive disasters instead of it going to properties destroyed by Sandi.

  11. Chris says:

    I’m torn. Neither Ted Cruz or Rand Paul has a chance in hell of winning a presidential election–you may as well run Sarah Palin. To get elected, you actually have to appeal to moderates, not just the extreme wing of one party.

    So on one hand, I’d love it if you ran either one of those guys, Peggy. They’d provide hours of entertainment from various gaffes along the campaign trail as they try to approximate normal human behavior, and the Democratic candidate, provided it’s not someone equally crazy like Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden or someone, would win easily.

    But on the other hand, I’ve said for a long time that it’s better for our nation if our country has a real choice, between two honorable candidates who respectfully disagree. I think McCain provided that in 2008, and could have won if he hadn’t pandered to the extremists by picking Palin. I thought Romney might be, before he gave in to his party’s most classist and poor-bashing rhetoric.

    I want there to be a Republican candidate who makes me consider voting Republican again. That’s what I want.

  12. Tina says:

    RHT447 good guy…hope he does well in Maryland.

  13. Tina says:

    Peggy the left is on a fire breathing smear campaign to harm anyone and everyone they see as a threat and to intimidate anyone they fear might pose a threat.

    The specious indictment of Dinesh D’Souza on charges of violating campaign laws is another example of vindictive payback dished out through the power of office and probably designed to discourage his newest film, America from being released.

    The film will open on the Fourth of July (Scroll to the bottom for the trailer):

    America is directed by John Sullivan and co-produced by Gray Frederickson, who won an Oscar for producing The Godfather Part II, and Gerald Molen, who won an Oscar for Schindler’s List. D’Souza and Sullivan co-directed 2016: Obama’s America. …

    …D’Souza’s attorney, Benjamin Brafman, says D’Souza “did not act with any corrupt or criminal intent,” and Molen says the charge against D’Souza could be an act of political retribution for 2016, a critical look at President Barack Obama, or an effort to stymie his next film, which is due four months before midterm elections.

    “When American citizens begin to suspect that people are being arrested for alleged minor violations because of their vocal dissent against their elected representatives or rulers, it breeds disrespect and contempt for the law and suspicion of those officials,” Molen told The Hollywood Reporter. “If this unfortunate action against Dinesh is intended to deter the release of his upcoming film, America, that effort will fail.”

    We “extremists” on the right must press on!

    D’Souza will probably spend years having to clear his good name as Tom Delay had to do for trumped up charges.

    The President’s record of campaign law violations has been anything but stellar.

    Apparently Biden was a bad boy too.

  14. Peggy says:

    Chris the GOP ran moderates in 2008 with McCain and 2012 with Romney and they both lost because obviously not enough showed up to cast their votes. If you wanted to vote Republican you should have then.

    McCain just got censured in Arizona. My best friend’s son made the mistake of marrying one of his nieces. (They’re divorced now.) So I can tell you McCain is a RINO through and through.

    The ONLY way large numbers of conservatives will vote is if they have someone like Cruz to vote for, otherwise they’ll stay home again just like with McCain and Romney.

  15. Peggy says:

    Tina, the 2014 and more importantly the 2016 campaign has begun. It’s really kind of funny to see just how scared the Dems are. The more viscous the attacks indicate the candidates they are most afraid of running against.

    Shocking, but not surprising about D’Souza becoming Obama’s latest victim. After taking out opponents through the IRS no one expected less from these thugs.

    Why can Obama hold a fundraiser where it cost $50k for a plate of food and that’s ok? And even if someone else paid for that plate of food that’s ok too.

    I do not understand the rules and regs for campaigns and contributions, but what again is very obvious is the laws are enforced and/or ignored depending if there is an R or a D benefiting.

  16. Peggy says:

    Unaired Segment CBS Slashed: Ted Cruz’ Warning to the American People About Obama


  17. Tina says:

    Peggy I have come to realize that all of our laws are riddles with loop holes that lawyers and prosecutors can utilize whenever they wish to harm or punish. The IRS and campaign laws are particularly useful.

    This is why the government needs to be reigned in and drastically reformed. we need simple laws that treat everyone equally and are easy to understand…same with regulations.

    It’s not surprising that cbs edited the interview with Cruz…their market share will continue to fall and so the people will win in the long run..that is IF we can remove the current radicals from the Democrat leadership.

  18. Chris says:

    Peggy: “Chris the GOP ran moderates in 2008 with McCain and 2012 with Romney and they both lost because obviously not enough showed up to cast their votes. If you wanted to vote Republican you should have then.

    McCain just got censured in Arizona. My best friend’s son made the mistake of marrying one of his nieces. (They’re divorced now.) So I can tell you McCain is a RINO through and through.

    The ONLY way large numbers of conservatives will vote is if they have someone like Cruz to vote for, otherwise they’ll stay home again just like with McCain and Romney.”

    That would be a fantastic point, if conservative Republicans were the only people who voted.

    McCain and Romney were moderates, true, but their campaigns entered into a tailspin the moment they started embracing more far-right positions. Choosing Palin as his VP was poison to McCain. For Romney, it was his “47%”gaffe, which proved to many Americans that the foundational belief of modern Republicans is that poor people are to blame for their own poverty. Neither politician ever recovered. The problem wasn’t that they were too moderate for the GOP. The problem was that they weren’t moderate enough for America.

    The term “RINO” has lost all meaning. Ronald Reagan raised taxes eight times, supported cap and trade, and said “give peace a chance” while negotiating with terrorists. He would be denounced as a RINO today.

    Guys like Cruz are good for rallying the base, but they are never going to win a presidential election. Republicans need to focus on outreach if the party is to survive. You’re losing everyone but older white people. Pandering even harder to that demographic is a losing strategy in the long run.

  19. Libby says:

    “The ONLY way large numbers of conservatives will vote is if they have someone like Cruz to vote for, ….”

    And that would be something sensible to work toward … if … there were enough of your sort of “conservative” to carry a national election. Thankfully, there is no such thing.

    For Cruz to stand up and baldly declare that he did not do what we all watched him do, this is not behavior that will endear him to establishment Republicans (the money men), and without their backing, the man hasn’t a chance.

  20. Peggy says:

    Chris: “He would be denounced as a RINO today.”

    That’s funny Chris believe me Reagan was not nor would be called a RINO today. Since I was there and you weren’t I can tell you he won the elections big time because of his conservative values and fiscal responsible actions.

    Reagan beat Carter’s religious voters in every type of religion. The stats and chart show by just how much he won by and it’s significant.

    According to the below Carter won his first term because Christians and people of all faith finally had a religious person to vote for. He lost to Reagan because the religious leaders backed Reagan instead.


    Reagan had the support of the Moral Majority organization lead by Jerry Farwell from his first term nomination through the end of his second term as president. The Moral Majority members dissolved the organization because they believed Reagan had put the country back on track and it wasn’t needed any more. Boy, was that a big mistake.

    The Moral Majority: From Wikipedia

    Establishment and organizational activity[edit]

    Falwell and Weyrich founded the Moral Majority in June 1979.[6]

    “The Moral Majority was an organization made up of conservative Christian political action committees which campaigned on issues its personnel believed were important to maintaining its Christian conception of moral law, a conception they believed represented the opinions of the majority of Americans (hence the movement’s name). With a membership of millions, the Moral Majority was one of the largest conservative lobby groups in the United States and at its height, the Moral Majority claimed over four million members and over two million donors.[11] These members were spread out over about twenty state organizations, of which Washington State was the largest.


    By the end of Ronald Reagan’s presidential administration, Christian Right organizations were generally in a phase of decline. After Reagan’s two terms in office, donations were decreasing, possibly because after eight years of Christian Right-supported leadership, the nation did not appear to donors to be in the same state of moral peril as they perceived it to be when Reagan first took office.[12] The Moral Majority’s financial base seriously eroded when it became part of the Liberty Federation and financial difficulties ultimately were a major factor in the decision to disband the organization.[13] Falwell, though, gave a more optimistic public opinion about the Moral Majority’s dissolution. Announcing the disbandment of the Moral Majority in 1989 in Las Vegas, Falwell declared, “Our goal has been achieved…The religious right is solidly in place and…religious conservatives in America are now in for the duration.”[14]

    Political involvement:
    Nationally, the Moral Majority encouraged electoral participation among its members and used registration drives to register church-goers to vote, with the logic that Moral Majority members would be likely to vote for Moral Majority-endorsed candidates, thus strengthening the organization’s electoral efficacy and strengthening its endorsements. Leaders within the Moral Majority asked ministers give their congregants political direction, reminding congregants when to vote, who to vote for, and why the Moral Majority held particular positions on issues.[25] The Moral Majority, however, is probably best known for its involvement in presidential elections, specifically those of Ronald Reagan.


    The Moral Majority was a relatively early supporter of Reagan, with Falwell announcing the organization’s endorsement of Reagan before the Republican convention


    The Moral Majority maintained their support for Reagan’s 1984 reelection campaign and, alongside other Christian Right organizations, influenced the Republican platform for the election, shaping the party’s campaign stances on school prayer and abortion.[33]”


    Chris I know your education and writing skills far exceeds mine, but please don’t try telling someone who was there and lived through those times that I don’t know what I’m talking about.

    You on the other hand didn’t exist then and have relied on sometimes biased information to come to your opinion of the way it was. I’m sure you know to go to the original source/s for accurate information and not rely on other people’s opinions. If you do you will be better informed and your opinions will be founded on facts.

  21. Peggy says:

    Ps – Chris, in 1981, when Reagan took office, I was 33 years old. I’m guessing older than you are today.

  22. Post Scripts says:

    Peggy Chris believes that his party is middle of the road moderate…that’s the standard liberal line. He believes that Palin was “poison” rather than poisoned by the radical left media and activists who made sure they smeared her from the moment she stepped onstage to accept the nomination. No other politician has ever been treated as she was. the public never got to meet Sarah…they were shown the straw caricature constructed by criticism, derision, mockery, and lies. Chris is a dupe who believes he’s smart in his criticism. He fails to know Reagan for the same reason.

    Would that he would apply even a modicum of scrutiny and curiosity.

    The box is just too comfy I guess.

  23. Libby says:

    We’re trying to resurrect Sarah Palin now? That’s gonna be tough. Out of her own mouth:

    “And Alaska — we’re set up, unlike other states in the union, where it’s collectively Alaskans own the resources. So we share in the wealth when the development of these resources occurs. … It’s to maximize benefits for Alaskans, not an individual company, not some multinational somewhere, but for Alaskans.” –Sarah Palin, explaining the windfall profits tax that she imposed on the oil industry in Alaska as a mechanism for ensuring that Alaskans “share in the wealth” generated by oil companies, New Yorker interview, Sept. 2008

    “John McCain and I, and our camps, are working together to get John McCain elected.” –Sarah Palin, denying reports that she is “going rogue” while suggesting there are separate Palin and McCain camps, Oct. 27, 2008

    “I don’t know if you’re going to use the word ‘terrorist’ there.” –Sarah Palin, asked if people who bomb abortion clinics are terrorists, NBC News interview, Oct. 23, 2008 (Watch video clip)

    “[T]hey’re in charge of the U.S. Senate so if they want to they can really get in there with the senators and make a lot of good policy changes that will make life better for Brandon and his family and his classroom.” –Sarah Palin, getting the vice president’s constitutional role wrong after being asked by a third grader what the vice president does, interview with NBC affiliate KUSA in Colorado, Oct. 21, 2008

    “I like being here because it seems like here and in our last rally too — other parts around this great Northwest — here in New Hampshire you just get it.” –Sarah Palin, Laconia, New Hampshire, Oct. 15, 2008

    “I’m very, very pleased to be cleared of any legal wrongdoing … any hint of any kind of unethical activity there. Very pleased to be cleared of any of that.” –Sarah Palin, after an Alaska legislative report found she had broken the state’s ethics law and abused her power in the Troopergate scandal, conference call with Alaska reporters, Oct. 12, 2008

    “They are also building schools for the Afghan children so that there is hope and opportunity in our neighboring country of Afghanistan.” –Sarah Palin, speaking at a fundraiser in San Francisco, Oct. 5, 2008

    “I may not answer the questions that either the moderator or you want to hear, but I’m going to talk straight to the American people and let them know my track record also.” –Sarah Palin, on not answering the questions in the vice presidential debate, St. Louis, Missouri, Oct. 2, 2008

    “All of ’em, any of ’em that have been in front of me over all these years.” –Sarah Palin, unable to name a single newspaper or magazine she reads, interview with Katie Couric, CBS News, Oct. 1, 2008 (Watch video clip)

    And there is lots, lots more … if you can stomach it. Nobody fried Sarah … she roasted herself, repeatedly.

  24. Dewey says:

    Ted Cruz’s statement is a bold face lie. I have Ted’s town hall call recorded where he planed the shutdown. He also said it in media.

    Those who deny this fact must be anti Democracy as they know the truth.

    Too bad some of us have the proof on tape. I can produce the recording. Republicans were told it was to primary democrats. Senate Republicans are pissed they were lied to.

    I have it on tape. I find these Tea Party lies to be disturbing and more and more like a WW2 dictatorship.

    Tea Party Shut down the gov to raise money at taxpayers expense and were gloating, now they think people will not remember? LOL Epic Fail!


  25. Dewey says:

    BTW Please run Ted Cruz! After all he is “The Anointed one”

    Why I can see Sarah Palin from my house!

    Funny how all GOP candidates seem to have Equity company ties. They want to bankrupt and liquidate the USA.


    There is some good info on that link about Cruz

  26. Chris says:

    Peggy, you’re completely ignoring what I wrote about Reagan. I have no doubt he was seen as a conservative in your day. That’s because the right wing wasn’t as radical then. Reagan did raise taxes, support cap and trade, and negotiate with terrorists. He also greatly expanded the federal government and increased federal spending and debt, signed pro-choice legislation, and favored amnesty for illegal immigrants.

    Can you honestly sit there and tell me that a modern candidate with all that on his record wouldn’t be called a RINO by today’s Republicans? I don’t think you can.

    Jack (or Tina, possibly): “No other politician has ever been treated as she was. the public never got to meet Sarah…”

    As Libby did a good job of pointing out, no politician has been treated like Palin because no politician has ever behaved like Palin. She sought out the limelight in a way few VP candidates ever had, and continues to do so to this day. She is a compulsive liar in addition to being a poor speaker, and still stands by her ridiculous “death panels” charge, wherein she used her own disabled son to spread lies and fear. She spent months teasing a possible presidential run after quitting her job as governor. The public has met Sarah, all right–we can’t get rid of her. Sexist coverage aside (because let’s not pretend that hasn’t been an issue with Hilary), Palin has been treated fairly in proportion to the way she behaves.

  27. Peggy says:

    #23 Libby: “after an Alaska legislative report found she had broken the state’s ethics law and abused her power in the Troopergate scandal, conference call with Alaska reporters,”

    Here’s another liar…liar…pants on fire for you. Shame. Don’t you people ever give up. Try telling the truth for once.

    Palin was found not guilty of ANY wrong doings in Troopergate.

    That is what you’re talking about right Libby? You wouldn’t be so crude to ridicule the way someone speaks now would you. Otherwise you’d have to list some of Biden’s remarks like, “Put you’ll back in chains.” Or what was that one about Obama being nice and clean was it and not too dark skinned. That one may have been Reid come to think of it.

    You know what they say about people who live in glass houses, right?

    “The Alaska Public Safety Commissioner dismissal, also known as Troopergate,[1] involves the July 2008 dismissal of the Public Safety Commissioner for the State of Alaska by Governor Sarah Palin.

    On October 10, 2008, the twelve-member bipartisan Alaska Legislative Council voted unanimously to release, without endorsing, the Branchflower investigative report, which found Palin had violated the ethics law covering state executive employees.[2] The Branchflower report did not recommend a criminal investigation or sanctions.[3] Under Alaska law, the state’s gubernatorially appointed Personnel Board, not the Legislature, decides whether a Governor has violated the ethics laws.[3] On November 3, 2008, the bi-partisan Alaska State Personnel Board released the findings of its own investigation which concluded that Palin did not violate any ethics laws.[4][5][6][7]”

  28. Peggy says:

    #26 Chris, I’m not ignoring what you said I just don’t agree with it all.

    Chris: “That’s because the right wing wasn’t as radical then.”

    Chris…Chris…Chris. Of course the right wing was MORE radical back then compared to today. Most people went to church every Sunday. We could pray in school still and take a Bible if we wanted. Christmas and Easter breaks weren’t called winter and spring break. And at Christmas programs the kids sang Christmas songs.

    I know that probably sounds radical to you, but back then it was the norm not radical.

    Reagan during this time in his presidency had a 64% approval rating. That’s a far cry from Obama’s rate, during the same time, at 37%.

    “Reagan did raise taxes, support cap and trade, and negotiate with terrorists. He also greatly expanded the federal government and increased federal spending and debt, signed pro-choice legislation, and favored amnesty for illegal immigrants.”

    Reagan had to raise taxes temporarily to fix the mess Carter got us into. We had super high inflation with extremely high interest rates in the 15-20% mortgage rates. I’ve said before I took out a 23% second on my house to grow my business. (Check out Reagans stats on the Wikipedia link I posted and you’ll see his large approval from Democrats too.)

    Pro-choice back then was for rare abortions in the first trimester. No one imagined the future would mean partial and post birth abortions, that it would be done on demand and 55 million babies would be killed. Almost as many as Mao killed during his reign. So, if Reagan did support pro-choice back then it’s as different now as apples and oranges.

    The amnesty issue was an agreement he had with the Dems to secure the border. He later said it was the one mistake he made in trusting the Dems to keep their word.

    The rest of the issues I don’t know that much about so will leave them to someone else if they want to address them.

    “Can you honestly sit there and tell me that a modern candidate with all that on his record wouldn’t be called a RINO by today’s Republicans? I don’t think you can.”

    You’re right, they would be, but like I said things were different 30 years ago. A conservative back then would be called a Tea Party right wing extremist today.

    McCain is a RINO because he’s a modern/today Republican that supports all or most of your above issues.

    “She is a compulsive liar in addition to being a poor speaker, and still stands by her ridiculous “death panels” charge, wherein she used her own disabled son to spread lies and fear.”

    This is uncalled for and beneath you. See my remarks to Tina. The attacks on her and her children have to stop.

  29. Tina says:

    @#22 above readers should know the comment was made by me, Tina, and not Jack.

    When I move between the edit page and the front page the software automatically designates Jack unless I go to a different cite first. If I fail to notice it remains. I’d go to the edit page and correct it but since you have all been so prolific today it’s too far down in the stack. Consider this the correction.

  30. Tina says:

    Chris: “…no politician has been treated like Palin because no politician has ever behaved like Palin.”

    Surely you jest. What exactly did she do within the short amount of time it took her to leave the stage at the convention because that is when the Obama media cheerleaders went into action.

    The media attacked her family. They sent reporters to Alaska to interview he neighbors and friends. While Obama was tossed softball questions in interviews she was grilled (As if she were running fro president) and the hapless Joe the gaff king Biden was virtually ignored and kept in the background. She wasn’t interviewed she was crucified.

    Our readers can view her excellent acceptance speech here for reference.

    You can read the actual facts about her experience as Alaska’s governor here.

    She was the only candidate with actual executive experience on either ticket. The negotiations she successfully steered between the oil company CEO’s, the Democrats, the Republicans and Canada’s leadership was lauded by all parties concerned. The people of Alaska were the winners in the deal she negotiated.

    The American people were not given this story about Sarah Palin. A few excerpts from the article:

    As Governor (Master List 2006 – 2008 and 2009), Sarah Palin managed a $14 billion budget. She knows how to compute the Net Present Value of a dollar and apply it to a state budget. Her financial administration was over a state whose revenue fluctuates widely, entirely dependent on the price of a barrel of oil.

    She was co-commander-in-chief over the 49th Missile Defense Battalion, which performs ground-based interception of intercontinental ballistic missiles (nuclear missiles). This unit is on permanent full-time active duty. She was full commander-in-chief over the Alaska State Defense Force, which is a US Homeland Security-recognized to conduct counter-terror operations.

    Her span of control encompassed tens of thousands of state employees. She held chairmanships and vice chairmanships. She worked her way to the top from city council to mayor, to governor, roles of increasing responsibility each time. She still runs a commercial fishing business with her husband. Years ago, she broke her hand on the job and went back to work the following day, gill-netting thousands of pounds of salmon. Most mere mortals would have been out of work six months.

    Gov. Palin is an expert on international trade. Meetings with consuls, diplomats and other foreign dignitaries were routine business for her. Gov. Palin did not need a set of Twin Towers to operate her gubernatorial WTC. She was Alaska’s Twin Towers.

    And this about the media and opposition treatment of her:

    Gov. Palin went to a horse race to bet on a horse named after her husband’s nickname. The horse was the underdog and placed third. So, what did the sexist leftists report on? Gov. Palin’s white tee shirt. Her hat. Reader commentary focused on the apparent size of a certain aspect of the female anatomy. Only Irish Central and our Missy Stewart bothered to draw a linkage to this story, Gov. Palin’s prior overcoming of adversity and the trajectory her life is on.

    Meanwhile, a group on Facebook suggests using Gov. Palin’s body to plug the BP oil leak. Leftists yuk it up and find this humorous. Never mind that the Secret Service would pay a visit to anyone setting up such a group on Facebook in reference to any sitting president. Leftists routinely post their wishes for all manner of harm to come upon Gov. Palin. They find it amusing and all in good fun. They want to take away our guns, but they want Gov. Palin shot. They champion women’s rights – “feminists” they call themselves – but they want Sarah Palin gang-raped.

    Read more about her accomplishments here</a.

    None of the people in leadership positions today in the Democrat Party could hold a candle to Sarah Palin.

    The media and so-called comedians should be ashamed for the way they treated her, for the lies told about her, for the betrayal of supposed feminist beliefs which they gladly abandoned in order to smear her name, for targeting her children.

    Chris you have no credibility when it comes to sources…or opinions for that matter. You actually think the media is truthful and doesn't play politics. Youn think you can trust those sources of yours.

    Sarah Palin and Reagan have been totally mischaracterized by the left and activist media. You know nothing about them. The facts you have represent only a small fraction of the total record and character.

    We watch every day how the media fails to do its job and how leftists play the target and smear game and then pretend to be intelligent and intellectually superior. We've been around long enough to recognize the BS.

    As far as being a good speaker the man you have supported is a lousy speaker and dunce without his teleprompter and a prepared speech. He refers to people as “guys” as if he’s talking to palsschool yard about having a beer.

    He was propped up and presented to play a part. He had no experience and his record shows it. You supported him as if he was something remarkable. You bought the hype and didn’t bother to dig deep.

    This shows your ability to evaluate any candidate is sorely lacking and your criticisms of us or our candidates is not worthy of note.

    Shall we move on.

  31. Libby says:

    Peggy … ever heard the phrase “splitting hairs”?

    There is no resurrecting Sarah; it’s just not possible.

  32. Chris says:

    Peggy: “Chris…Chris…Chris. Of course the right wing was MORE radical back then compared to today. Most people went to church every Sunday. We could pray in school still and take a Bible if we wanted. Christmas and Easter breaks weren’t called winter and spring break. And at Christmas programs the kids sang Christmas songs.”

    This has nothing to do with being “radical.” All of these things are still common today. Kids can bring Bibles to school and can pray at school on their own times. Many schools still sing Christmas songs.

    “I know that probably sounds radical to you,”

    No, it doesn’t. You don’t know me at all.

    Me: “She is a compulsive liar in addition to being a poor speaker, and still stands by her ridiculous “death panels” charge, wherein she used her own disabled son to spread lies and fear.”

    Peggy: “This is uncalled for and beneath you. See my remarks to Tina. The attacks on her and her children have to stop.”

    What are you talking about? I did not “attack” her children. I criticized her for using her own child as a prop in order to spread ridiculous lies about the healthcare law. She will never live her horrendous “death panels” charge down. She deserves everything she gets for that one.

  33. Peggy says:

    Libby, you’re right Sarah would never try again for another national leadership position. She’s too smart for that. She’s helping the country by vetting candidates for state and Congressional seats and using her voice help get them elected.

    You and your biased left supporting media won that battle. You all took out a descent woman who helped Alaska get rid of corrupt politicians from her own party, negotiated contracts with oil companies who had refused to comply with their 30 year old contracts to produce oil that would benefit both the oil company and the citizens of Alaska.

    We all remember her being called a whore and c-word and she should have aborted her son, but do you remember going after her other kids too? I can only imagine how she would have been treated by you vultures if she’d had a cleft pallet.

    Nothing was beneath you, even her wardrobe was a major topic. The RNC spent money to buy her clothes that were more appropriate than what she had from the little dress shop in Wasilla. Barack could spend thousands for a suit and of course he needed more than one plus shoes, ties and shirts. But spending $50 dollars for tops, some suits etc. instead of wearing her Wasilla clothes was used against her. My god the woman couldn’t breath without you all finding fault with her.

    She even resigned from her job as governor because all of the lawsuits against her were making it impossible for her to do her job and the cost to her and the state was huge. Some will say she quit but only because they don’t know the truth and don’t understand that some times you have to let go and walk away from something you love because it’s the right thing to do.

  34. Libby says:

    I will go this far. Because of the very, very, very poor job of vetting done by McCain’s campaign staff, Palin was vaulted into a position with which she had neither the intellect nor the expericence to cope. The feeding frenzy was … extreme.

    But I am glad that the incompetents did not make it to the West Wing.

  35. Tina says:

    Libby apply that to the President and you might just be on to something.

    Reminds me of the Tom Brokaw and Charlie Rose admit they know very little about Barack Obama.

    One precient commenter wrote:

    Ignorance regarding Obama should have inspired the media to investigate him. If Obama had been a Republican, he would have been dissected. But we knew far more about Sarah Palin than we ever knew about BO. If the media do not change their ways, 2012 will be even worse….for the voter…and the country.

    As one of our commenters has said, “Bingo!”

  36. Dewey says:

    Palin is smart? LOL low bar

    Ted Cruz and Mike Lee led the Tea Party Shutdown and cost taxpayers an estimated 24 billion. You can not change that fact.

    Like I said I have it all on tape. Tea Party use to have it on their site, where did it go? So much corruption!

    Americans watched it you can not change the facts.

    By the way there is a real bible and the fake political international bible to which one you refer?

    Never has religion been ok in schools as the country is of many religions. How would ya like the Mormons teaching Jesus came to Missouri?

  37. Dewey says:

    BTW there is no record of any Tina G anywhere

  38. Tina says:

    Let me remind everyone that people didn’t think Reagan had a prayer of winning the presidency in 1980. The Republican establishment didn’t like him. The Democrats mocked him calling him a bad actor and a dunce.

    He won in a landslide…twice!

  39. Peggy says:

    #33 Chris: “She will never live her horrendous “death panels” charge down. She deserves everything she gets for that one.”

    If you’re going to say this of her then you need to say the same of Howard Dean and the other Democrats on the list below for saying the same thing. Now, will you?

    Obamacare includes death panels according to Democrat Howard Dean:

    Ever since Obamacare was enacted into law, against Republican opposition, several in the Republican Party stated that the massive health care takeover by the Obama administration and Democrats contained what is known as “Death Panels”.

    On Monday, it appears that Republicans were right all along as a former Democratic presidential candidate and Democratic Party National Chairman, Howard Dean essentially admitted they were right and wants it repealed as reported by LifeNews.

    LifeNews reported that Dean stated on Monday that he wanted the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) eliminated in his Wall Street Journal editorial.

    In his editorial, Dean said, “One major problem is the so-called Independent Payment Advisory Board. The IPAB is essentially a healthcare rationing body. By setting doctor reimbursement rates for Medicare and determining which procedures and drugs will be covered and at what price, the IPAB will be able to stop certain treatments its members do not favor by simply setting rates to levels where no doctor or hospital will perform them.”


    ObamaCare ‘death panel’ faces growing opposition from Democrats:

    “ObamaCare’s cost-cutting board — memorably called a “death panel” by Sarah Palin — is facing growing opposition from Democrats who say it will harm people on Medicare.

    Former Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean drew attention to the board designed to limit Medicare cost growth when he called for its repeal in an op-ed late last month.

    Dean was quickly criticized by supporters of the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), who noted his ties to the healthcare industry as an adviser to a major D.C. lobbying firm.

    But the former Vermont governor is not the only Democrat looking to kill the panel.

    A wave of vulnerable Democrats over the past three months has signed on to bills repealing the board’s powers, including Sen. Mark Pryor (Ark.) and Reps. Ron Barber (Ariz.), Ann Kirkpatrick (Ariz.), Kyrsten Sinema (Ariz.) and Elizabeth Esty (Conn.).

    s election, highlighting the stakes and the political angst surrounding the healthcare measure.

    The four House Democrats faced criticism from their party in July after voting with Republicans to delay ObamaCare’s individual and employer mandates — moves widely interpreted as political positioning ahead of 2014.

    Two of the lawmakers explained their opposition by suggesting the board would limit care for Medicare patients.”

    Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/healthwatch/health-reform-implementation/316045-obamacare-cost-cutting-board-faces-growing-opposition-from-democrats#ixzz2rosMfUpf

  40. Peggy says:

    #33 Chris: “Kids can bring Bibles to school and can pray at school on their own times. Many schools still sing Christmas songs.”

    Let’s see how many of these I can find.

    First-grader told to stop talking about Bible:

    “The parents of a 6-year-old girl said their daughter was humiliated when a teacher interrupted the child’s one-minute speech and told her to sit down because she’s “not allowed to talk about the Bible in school,” attorneys for the California family allege.

    The incident occurred Dec. 19 inside a first grade classroom at Helen Hunt-Jackson Elementary School in Temecula, Calif. The previous day the teacher instructed boys and girls to find something at home that represented a family Christmas tradition. They were supposed to bring the item to school and share the item in a classroom presentation.

    Brynn Williams decided to bring the Star of Bethlehem that adorned the top of her family’s Christmas tree. She also worked on a one minute presentation to explain that her family’s tradition is to remember the birth of Jesus at Christmas time.”


    Public School Bans Religious Visitors:

    “An Arkansas public school district has banned youth pastors and other religious groups from visiting during school hours after a Wisconsin group filed a complaint and called the practice “predatory.”

    “We have temporarily suspended allowing these youth pastors and other faith based leaders to come in during the lunch hour and we are reviewing policy and the law,” Conway Public School Supt. Greg Murry told Fox News.

    The school district has retained the services of Liberty Institute, a law firm known for handling religious liberty cases.

    “Conway Public School District retained Liberty Institute to conduct an investigation of the issues regarding equal access for visitors to the school and make a report and recommendation to the District on or before February 12,” general counsel Jeff Mateer said.

    The practice of allowing youth ministers to visit students during the lunch hour has been a longtime tradition in many Southern states. Murry, who became superintendent six years ago, said the practice had been in place long before he arrived.

    And until recently, not a single person had complained.”


    Texas high school bans religious banners at football games:


    I know the SC banned organized prayer, but obviously some have enforced their interpretation of that ruling. Our Constitution says, “Freedom OF religion,” not freedom FROM religion.

    There have been other stories of students told to not bring Bibles to school or wear religious shirts. One student was even told recently to remove a cross she was wearing around her neck.

    The stories are endless. If you want more proof I’m afraid you’ll have to look them up. I’ve got a dirty dog that needs a bath.

  41. Peggy says:

    #35 Libby: “Because of the very, very, very poor job of vetting done by McCain’s campaign staff, Palin was vaulted into a position with which she had neither the intellect nor the expericence to cope.

    LOL!! Now that is funny. Thanks Libs I need a good laugh today.

    She had years of executive experience more than the community organizer with non sitting in the Oval Office now. No one could vet him because he sealed all of his educational and college records. No one has explained how he has a social security card from Conn.

    No, I’m not going down that dead end road of him being a US citizen. The issue is vetting competent people who could hold the office of president and Obama was not and has not been investigated to the extent Palin was.

    My god she even had a writer/reporter rent the house right next door so he could watch her and her family years after she ran for VP.

    She’s still seen as a threat to the progressive’s agenda and it’s why she’s still in the news today instead of in obscurity land someplace.

  42. Peggy says:

    #39 Tina, He sure did.

    1980 – Popular vote 50.7% and Electoral vote 90.9%
    1984 – Popular vote 58.8% and Electoral vote 97.6%

    Mondale only got 40.5% of the popular vote in 1984. Just proves what a competent and properly vetted can accomplish.

    I’m sure you remember like I do how good life was back then especially after the horrible years under Carter’s leadership. Hopefully, 2016 will give this country leader like RR.


  43. Libby says:

    Tina: “The Republican establishment didn’t like him. The Democrats mocked him calling him a bad actor and a dunce. He won in a landslide…twice!”

    And you are bragging on this (in my best Yiddish accent)?

  44. Chris says:

    Peggy: “If you’re going to say this of her then you need to say the same of Howard Dean and the other Democrats on the list below for saying the same thing. Now, will you?”

    No, because Howard Dean very clearly did NOT say the same thing.

    You’re attempting to retroactively justify Sarah Palin’s “death panels” lie by linking to a source that lies in the headline. Amazing.

    The LifeNews headline says, “Obamacare includes death panels according to Democrat Howard Dean.”

    But nowhere in Howard Dean’s statement does it say anything about “death panels.” He does use the word rationing, which I find inaccurate, but he argues that it does that in a fairly indirect way. Whatever the substance of his objections to the IPAB, it is not remotely similar to Sarah Palin’s statement:

    ““The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama’s “death panel” so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their “level of productivity in society,” whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil.””

    She’s right that such a system is downright evil, but such a system does not exist under Obamacare. There is absolutely nothing in the bill about judging who gets healthcare based on their “level of productivity in society.” Sarah Palin made that up in her imagination. Now LifeNews is trying to cover for her by flat-out lying about what Howard Dean said. And the cycle of dishonesty continues.

    It alarms me that LifeNews seems to be a Christian-affiliated site. Has the commandment about bearing false witness been repealed and replaced with a commandment stating “Thou shalt do anything in your power to fight the evil Democrats, even if you have to lie to do it?”

    Why can’t you ever just admit you were wrong?

    • Post Scripts says:

      Chris, since you are such a stickler for details I must point out that on many occaissions Tina G. has admitted she was wrong. So when you say, “Why can’t you ever just admit you were wrong?” That my dear sir is a factually incorrect statement. ; ) -jack

  45. Chris says:

    “We agree with Palin that such a system would be evil. But it’s definitely not what President Barack Obama or any other Democrat has proposed.

    We have read all 1,000-plus pages of the Democratic bill and examined versions in various committees. There is no panel in any version of the health care bills in Congress that judges a person’s “level of productivity in society” to determine whether they are “worthy” of health care.

    Palin’s claim sounds a little like another statement making the rounds, which says that health care reform would mandate counseling for seniors on how to end their lives sooner. We rated this claim Pants on Fire ! The truth is that the health bill allows Medicare, for the first time, to pay for doctors’ appointments for patients to discuss living wills and other end-of-life issues with their physicians. These types of appointments are completely optional, and AARP supports the measure.

    Palin also may have also jumped to conclusions about the Obama administration’s efforts to promote comparative effectiveness research. Such research has nothing to do with evaluating patients for “worthiness.” Rather, comparative effectiveness research finds out which treatments work better than others.”


  46. Chris says:

    Peggy, you brought up the religion issue as evidence that conservatives used to be more radical than they are today. That made no sense; that conclusion does not in any way follow from that evidence.

    When I said that students today are still allowed to pray and bring Bibles to school, I was speaking of the law. Yes, there have been teachers and administrators who have wrongly interpreted the law and imposed on free speech by their students. Given that you’ve worked at a college, I am surprised that this surprises you. Teachers and administrators are just as prone to error as everyone else. The stories you present are not evidence of some kind of liberal conspiracy to persecute Christians.

    That little girl absolutely should have been allowed to talk about the Bible as part of the discussion on Christmas traditions. I hope she wins her case.

    Youth group pastors should not be allowed to visit schools to proselytize during lunch hours. That is a violation of the separation of church and state. The exception would be if they are an invited guest to an on-campus Bible club (which I was a member of in high school, thankyouverymuch) and keep the proselytization in the room and not in the middle of campus.

    I’m not surprised that no one had complained about the practice in Southern states. I would be surprised if these schools let leaders from other faiths, like imams, on campus as well. I hope the school district loses their case.

    Religious banners such as the one mentioned in the FOX News article shouldn’t be there. Having the players run through that banner amounts to a government endorsement of religion. Students should be allowed to bring their own religious banners and posters if they want to, but this kind of thing shouldn’t be organized by the school. If you disagree, think about how you would feel if the players were being asked to run through a banner featuring a scripture from the Quran.

    Some of the horror stories promoted by the Christian right are true and valid, and represent real instances of religious freedom being violated. I think many liberals would sympathize with the victims in those cases and agree that their rights have been violated. But many other stories are simply complaints over the separation of church and state being enforced.

    It’s a simple rule of thumb: students should be allowed to speak their minds freely (and that includes during graduation speeches), but the school can’t organize prayer or religious activities (except in religious clubs during free hours). I think we’d do well if both the right and the left remembered this simple rule.

  47. Chris says:

    Well Jack, I was talking to Peggy, so now you have to admit to being wrong about calling me wrong for asking Peggy why she never admits to being wrong. Unless Peggy actually has admitted that she was wrong, which I’m sure she has at some point, so I might as well come out and say right now that I’m sorry, and I was wrong, Peggy, for implying that you never say that you are wrong.

    However, on the specific charge of “death panels” where people are judged based on their “level of productivity in society,” you are still wrong, Peggy, and you need to admit you are wrong. I think you can do it, and I’m never wrong, am I wrong?

    • Post Scripts says:

      Chris: Oh shoot I’m sorry, my bad, (see I said I made a mistake and I admitted it too) insert the name Peggy and take out Tina and leave the rest… : )

  48. Peggy says:

    Am I wrong or am I right? No, I’m wrong or yes, I’m wrong?

    Chris, you brought up the death panel discussion, not me. What I took exception to was your, “She will never live her horrendous “death panels” charge down. She deserves everything she gets for that one.”

    She deserves everything she gets? What a terrible thing to say. Why would you wish someone ill just because she has a different opinion about something? She obviously believed what she was saying or she wouldn’t have said it.

    These are Dean’s own words. They’re not an editorial or commentary by LifeNews, they’re his.

    In his editorial, Dean said, “One major problem is the so-called Independent Payment Advisory Board. The IPAB is essentially a healthcare rationing body. By setting doctor reimbursement rates for Medicare and determining which procedures and drugs will be covered and at what price, the IPAB will be able to stop certain treatments its members do not favor by simply setting rates to levels where no doctor or hospital will perform them.”

    What do you think will happen to someone if, “..no doctor or hospital will perform them.”? They’ll die, right?

    So are you right? Am I right? Is Palin right? How about Dean, is he right? At this point what difference does it make. If I’m wrong I’m wrong ok? Guess time will tell and we’ll all find out eventually if this law is still around then.

  49. Chris says:

    “She deserves everything she gets? What a terrible thing to say. Why would you wish someone ill just because she has a different opinion about something?”

    To clarify, I mean she deserves all the *criticism* she gets for what she said. Obviously, if someone commits violence against her, that would be wrong.

    “She obviously believed what she was saying or she wouldn’t have said it.”

    OK, but then we’re down to a question of whether she was lying, or just stupid.

    “These are Dean’s own words. They’re not an editorial or commentary by LifeNews, they’re his.”

    Excuse me. Howard Dean never called the IPAB a “death panel.” LifeNews claims that he did in their headline. That is a lie.

    “What do you think will happen to someone if, “..no doctor or hospital will perform them.”? They’ll die, right?”

    Peggy, this critique makes no sense coming from conservatives. The IPAB regulates spending on Medicare. That is it. What you are saying is that it is wrong for the government to make cuts in a government healthcare program. How do you square this with the conservative opposition to government healthcare?

    Are you in agreement with that infamous Tea Party sign-holder who demanded “Keep the government out of my Medicare?”

    The IPAB is explicitly prohibited from rationing care or reducing benefits, but even if it did lead to a reduction in services…what is that to you? Can’t people just pay out of pocket for whatever the government won’t pay for, *which is what you want everyone to do anyway?*


  50. Peggy says:

    Chris, you need to read this letter from Kristin Held MD. I repeat, what happens to people if doctors and hospitals won’t comply with the rules and regs of OC and the IPAB? Dr. Held just told Aetna to take a hike. Her Aetna patients just lost their doctor.


    Are you in agreement with that infamous Tea Party sign-holder who demanded “Keep the government out of my Medicare?”

    Depends. If the sign holder was referring to the money they paid into Medicare I say yes I agree with them. I actually think they were referring to the $716 BILLION dollars taken from Medicare to fund OC, so yes I agree with them even more.

    Obama Conceded in 2009 that 1/3 of Obamacare Funding Is Taken from Medicare:

    ABC’s JAKE TAPPER: “One of the concerns about health care and how you pay for it — one third of the funding comes from cuts to Medicare.”

    BARACK OBAMA: “Right.”

    TAPPER: “A lot of times, as you know, what happens in Congress is somebody will do something bold and then Congress, close to election season, will undo it.”

    OBAMA: “Right.”

    TAPPER: “You saw that with the ‘doc fix.'”

    OBAMA: “Right.”

    TAPPER: “Are you willing to pledge that whatever cuts in Medicare are being made to fund health insurance, one third of it, that you will veto anything that tries to undo that?”

    OBAMA: “Yes. I actually have said that it is important for us to make sure this thing is deficit neutral, without tricks. I said I wouldn’t sign a bill that didn’t meet that criteria.”


    Obamacare Robs Medicare of $716 Billion to Fund Itself:

    Last week, a new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report updated the amount of money Obamacare robs out of Medicare from $500 billion to a whopping $716 billion between 2013 and 2022.

    According to the CBO, the payment cuts in Medicare include:
    •A $260 billion payment cut for hospital services.
    •A $39 billion payment cut for skilled nursing services.
    •A $17 billion payment cut for hospice services.
    •A $66 billion payment cut for home health services.
    •A $33 billion payment cut for all other services.
    •A $156 billion cut in payment rates in Medicare Advantage (MA); $156 billion is before considering interactions with other provisions. The House Ways and Means Committee was able to include interactions with other provisions, estimating the cuts to MA to be even higher, coming in at $308 billion.
    •$56 billion in cuts for disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments.* DSH payments go to hospitals that serve a large number of low-income patients.
    •$114 billion in other provisions pertaining to Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP* (does not include coverage-related provisions).

    *Subtract $25 billion total between DSH payments and other provisions for spending that was cut from Medicaid and CHIP.

    In total, Obamacare raids Medicare by $716 billion from 2013 to 2022. Despite Medicare facing a 75-year unfunded obligation of $37 trillion, Obamacare uses the savings from the cuts to pay for other provisions in Obamacare, not to help shore up Medicare’s finances.


    Chris: The IPAB is explicitly prohibited from rationing care or reducing benefits, but even if it did lead to a reduction in services…what is that to you? Can’t people just pay out of pocket for whatever the government won’t pay for, “which is what you want everyone to do anyway?”

    Wrong thing to say to a mother who’s terminally son died at 31 instead of 13 because of the medical care he got on both private insurance and Medicare, which he qualified for survivor’s benefits from his dad. It was the doctors and the hospitals that brought him through five cases of pneumonia at 5-7 weeks in ICU each time. Without their fantastic care I would have lost him in the 80s instead of 2000. And I didn’t lose my house to pay for it all.

    Who’s going to care for people if great doctors, specialist and hospitals aren’t “providers” any more? If someone is high risk and not rich enough to pay for top rate doctors out of pocket what level of care will they be getting? The best hospitals and cancer care facilities have already announced they’re not going to participate in OC.

    “which is what you want everyone to do anyway?”

    No Chris that is not what I want. I want people to have good care at affordable prices and I want those who can not provide for themselves to get the care they need. But, OC is proving to not be the answer.

    There were problems with our health care before OC, but we didn’t need a sledge hammer to kill a flea to fix it. It would have been nice to have had some of the Republican ideas like buying policies across state line and tort reform to bring the cost down, but those recommendations sadly didn’t meet the Democrat’s approval when they had total control of both houses of Congress.

  51. Chris says:

    Peggy, I’m very sorry about your son.

    But do you see how you’re kind of making the case for government intervention in healthcare? You say that help from Medicare (I think you mean Medicaid–isn’t Medicare only for seniors?) helped extend your son’s life. The ACA actually expands Medicaid eligibility. More people like your son will get the help they need because of this law.

    The cuts to Medicare in the ACA are really cuts to future growth of the program. Paul Ryan’s plan proposed nearly the exact same amount in cuts, but his plan did so by explicitly cutting benefits to seniors and raising the eligibility age. That was his stated plan. The IPAB is forbidden from doing any of that. Most of the cuts are on the bureaucratic level and are designed to cut down on waste and inefficiency. I’m not sure how you can say Obama’s cuts to Medicare are going to cause seniors to die, when you supported the Paul Ryan plan, which affects seniors’ access to healthcare on a much more overt level. The ACA has controls in place to make sure that seniors aren’t harmed by these cuts; Paul Ryan’s plan contained no such controls.

    Conservatives have been demanding cuts to Medicare for years. It makes no sense to criticize Obama for making those cuts now.

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