Comparing the Spending of Two Royal Families and Their Financial Struggles

by Jack

It’s seems that England’s royal family has hit on hard times, as reflected by their nation’s economic downturn since the Great Recession. The reserve coffers set aside for the royals to pay for incidentals, such as the salaries of 437 people on staff to do their bidding is down to a paltry one million pounds or 1.64 million dollars. A scant two decades ago those same coffers contained over 32 million pounds.

Yes, these are indeed hard times for England’s royals and for the Brits in general. Castle roofs are leaking and require constant patching to protect priceless works of art. Asbestos insulation must be removed from three castles and it’s reported the boilers on several of their retreats are over 60 years old, which adds more cost to their enormous monthly energy bills. This dire financial picture has royals forced to consider opening some of their homes to the public to offset their upkeep and repair costs. The mere thought of commoners traipsing down their hallowed halls has some of them clutching their pearls and saying, “Why the very thought…”, yet it is their new reality.

Times are tough and while the royals of England seek creative ways increase their revenue stream to match increasing expenses, across the big pond America’s royal family has no such problem. Yes, American’s have been hard hit by the same recession, but it did not extend to the White House. That 1.6 million bucks the English royals languish over wouldn’t even cover the cost Michelle’s 50th birthday party, where she joked about letting the common folk eat cake.

Much to the chagrin of many American commoners forced to pay for their royal’s unbridled extravagance, the bills keep rolling in. For example, the costs of using three jumbo jets and the renting of an entire floor at a 5obama-airforceone-hawaii star hotel on Waikiki in Honolulu exceeded the royals staff budget for one year by a factor of three! The cost’s of the Obama’s Africa good will visit (aka vacation) included several hundred of her closest friends (aka political cronies) cost the same taxpayers in excess of $100 million. But, then again the Obama’s don’t travel light. The 7 day trip to Africa included by hundreds of Secret Service agents and staff, which stack up transportation and accommodation costs. It was necessary to use military cargo planes to haul 56 vehicles, including 14 limousines and three trucks loaded with bulletproof glass to cover the windows of the hotels where the Obama’s will stay. In addition US fighter jets flew above the first family to provide round the clock protection.

The comparative spending by America’s royal family with England’s clearly shows their is no comparison. England’s royal spending is but a pittance compared to ours. When it comes to living high off the little people, no matter what their economic plight might be, nobody does it better than the Obama’s! But, you’re glad to pay their bills for the same reason England’s kept the Tudor family on Welfare for the last 500 years….it’s called deification, assigning God-like status to those who sit on the throne of power. It’s good to be the, President…whatever.

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4 Responses to Comparing the Spending of Two Royal Families and Their Financial Struggles

  1. Peggy says:

    “Yes, American’s have been hard hit by the same recession, but it did not extend to the White House.”

    But Jack, it did reach the White House or I should say the People’s House. Remember Obama, who lives there rent free, locked the doors to keep the owners (us the people) out. What a contrast to the British royals who may have to open their doors to let people in.

    The ironic comparison of our ancestors fleeing England’s tyranny rulers only to find us with a tyrant being supported in grand style by his subjects today.

  2. Tina says:

    While I don’t deny that the first family deserves vacation time I agree they have been particularly unconcerned about expense in their choices, especially considering the times in which we all must live. Whether it is insensitivity to the plight of so many Americans, many of them poor, or some other more “in your face” reason, the activity is unseemly and indicates a cavalier attitude where personal ambitions and interests come before leadership of the country.

  3. Libby says:

    “The reserve coffers set aside for the royals to pay for incidentals, such as the salaries of 437 people on staff to do their bidding ….”

    Well, if “their bidding” means maintaining quantities of the nation’s historical infrastructure, I’ll let it pass.

    Don’t be petty. Lizzie earns her keep. Think of her as a very, very high end museum curator.

    Now, that Duke and Duchess of Windsor, kept in high style on the Rivera, on the taxpayer’s nickel, for the many years until their deaths … that was a scandal. Edward didn’t want to be king anymore? He should have got himself a job!

    Lizzie has a job and does it well.

  4. Libby says:

    “England’s kept the Tudor family on Welfare for the last 500 years ….”

    P. S.: The Tudors went out with Lizzie I, four hundred years ago. Please, don’t parade your ignorance.

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