Congratulations From Sen. Nielsen to New San Diego Mayor

by Jack

I just received an email from Sen. Nielsen praised the GOP victory in the San Diego Mayoral race! Part of the email said, “Yesterday, voters in California’s second largest city went to the polls and elected Republican Kevin Faulconer as their next Mayor.

Facing a heavy registration disadvantage and an opponent supported by millions of dollars from liberal special interests, state and national Democratic parties and even President Barack Obama, the Faulconer campaign emerged victorious – winning with 54.53% of the vote to his opponent’s 45.47%.

I’m proud that several members of my own team made the long road trip down from the North this last weekend to lend a hand in the final get out the vote effort. As part of a volunteer force of several hundred, they were joined by activists from across our state in a massive deployment that blanketed the city and helped ensure victory.”

Sounds really good, right? But, if this is such a wonderful victory for the GOP, why do I feel kinda squeemish at the moment? I think I know…maybe it’s because we have elected a RINO to be our GOP poster boy? Yes, we’ve got a republican moderate back in there, and I say, big deal. This wasn’t the kind of win that spells a comeback for the Republican Party in CA. It doesn’t mean anything except to the Mayor and his pals. We (as a party) still suck and we still have no chance of passing any legislation the Democrats don’t want.

Is that why we’re resorting to cheering for the election of a RINO, are we really that desperate? Between you and me, I think Sen. Nielsen would have been better served to support the State of Jefferson idea, because that’s about the only hope left for the State GOP.

Now back to the mayors race. Republicans have held this mayor’s post for the past 20 years until liberal Democrat Filner staged an upset in 2012, but then he was quickly embroiled in a sex scandal and resigned…lucky us! Steven P. Erie, a professor of political science at University of California, San Diego said this of the contest between candidate Faulconer-R and Alvarez-D, “They were basically facing a low-turnout, special election to replace a disgraced Democratic mayor forced to resign, and a young, inexperienced challenger.”

According to the Wall Street Journal, “Political observers said Democrats and labor unions took a political risk backing Mr. Alvarez, 33, a relative unknown who is the son of Mexican immigrants. Mr. Alvarez, who conceded Tuesday night, would have been the city’s first elected Latino mayor.”

As a true blue conservative I take no satisfaction in electing a RINO, but that’s just me, maybe you’re jumping for joy? What say you?

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3 Responses to Congratulations From Sen. Nielsen to New San Diego Mayor

  1. J. Soden says:

    Hm-m-m-m. Maybe he won BECAUSE his opponent had Obumble’s endorsement . . . . . Here’s hoping that’ll carry over in November.

  2. Peggy says:

    Nielson should have supported the Jefferson state movement. Hopefully, he will in the future. I’m sure there will be a leadership roll for him if he leads now.

  3. Tina says:

    Rhinos tend to go with the forces in power. I don’t mind a few of them or even moderate, America loving, Democrats as long as we have a majority of conservative thinkers…and there’s the rub.

    Getting that majority is hard work after seventy years of progressive overt and stealth hope and change and years of our guys facing demonization by the leftist media.

    But the left may have made a big fat mistake in electing Obama and in their continuing support of this wannabe dictator.

    The ugly fall out from the lefts oppressive meddlesome policies are being felt by the public in very personal and immediate terms since the recovery began and Obama policies kicked in. Young people are very upset about jobs and the NSA illegal spying.

    The seniors and newly retired boomers have/are losing their peek retirement years (to work) and some of their retirement investment. Their healthcare is under siege from Obamacare at a time when they will need it most.

    Those in the lower and middle classes are losing valuable investment years and opportunities to move up at work…if they even have a job. Many have lost their homes and investments and are facing square one without good job prospects or a stable and growing economy.

    The poor are being oppressed through high unemployment, downward pressure on jobs from others more experienced, rising fuel and food prices.

    We are all being screwed by higher taxes and the unintended consequences of that and the growing massive debt due to QE and redistribution spending. Entire industries are under pressure from the EPA and will cause shortages and/or higher prices if fully implemented. We all face a grim future if this liberal progressive trend toward big government control isn’t turned around quickly and soon!

    We will find out in the coming election how awakened the electorate has become. In the meantime Republican governors are showing the way. Our conservative strength might come from the example they are setting. Even with all of the black clouds its hard not to be an eternal optimist. We have recovered from economic and moral stupors before; we can do it again!

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