Obamacare: President Changes the Law…Again!

Posted by Tina

Employers with 50 to 99 employees got a reprieve from the President yesterday when he decreed that if they didn’t already offer insurance to their employees they would now have until 2016 to comply with the requirements of the law. Seems the President has been busy with his pen. There is a small caveat in the new rule as The Washington Post explains:

This rule includes a provision that says you have to have the right motives for having a certain number of employees to be in compliance with Obamacare. Bear with me, that’s right: You must certify to the IRS – under the threat of perjury – that the reasons for your employee head count have nothing to do with your opposition to or avoidance of Obamacare.

The Post also reminded us that after all is said and done there will still be “roughly 31 million uninsured Americans under Obamacare.

Last Summer Senator Tom Harkin (D) asked, “”This was the law. How can they change the law?”

How indeed!

In fact that’s the question that eleven attorney’s general have asked in a letter to Kathleen Sebelius. No word on a response.

The problems in this law are many and varied. It has been arbitrarily (politically?) changed by a president who is governing like a king. How is anyone supposed to know how to comply with the law or even whether or not they are covered? Repeal and replace is the only sane solution.

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15 Responses to Obamacare: President Changes the Law…Again!

  1. Toby says:

    I can’t wait to hear the usual suspects defend this.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    Dems run from ObamaCare.

    Charles C. W. Cooke —

    …it is fascinating to watch a Political Action Committee associated with Nancy “we’re going to run on Obamacare” Pelosi slamming the White House for “the disastrous healthcare website” and boasting — without any time qualification, it should be said — that its man “voted to let you keep your existing health plan.”


  3. Dewey says:

    A website is not healthcare

    Obamacare is not insurance it is a law.
    Education warranted again!

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Obama declares it a crime to disobey his illegal law, which would be illegal to obey


    Krauthammer is correct, we live in Obama’s Banana Republic where the Big O rules by unlawful fiat.


  5. Dewey says:

    I am getting so much more for y health ins premium! The ACA is not perfect but a step in the right direction.

    Seems like insurance company profits are just fine.

    Propaganda from GOP s boring where is the next fresh new round?

    Not a peep about Republicans shutting down Dufus Ted Cruz’s filibuster 2 days ago? LOL That was awesome!

    How about a chicken wing conspiracy or something?

  6. Peggy says:

    We know our country is in trouble when a liberal constitutional law professor says Obama is out of control.

    Liberal Law Prof Slams Obama’s Cult of Personality For Silence During ‘Very Dangerous’ Power Grab:


  7. Chris says:

    Peggy, would it surprise you to find that I mostly agree with that professor?

    I don’t know if executive power allows Obama to extend these deadlines or not, but I do share the professor’s concern over the overall growth in executive power. My main concerns are issues like indefinite detention (pioneered by Bush but made legal by Obama) and Obama’s war on whistleblowers such as Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden. But federal power has been growing for decades–Reagan, despite his small government talk, greatly expanded the power of the federal government. Bush Sr. and Clinton didn’t do as much to grow the fed, but Bush Jr. and Obama have both continued its massive expansion of power.

  8. Tina says:

    11 attorneys general: Obama breaking law with health care changes:

    Eleven state attorneys general have signed onto a letter to Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius arguing that the administration is violating the law by making repeated changes to President Obama’s health care overhaul without congressional approval.

    They specifically refer to the White House’s move to allow insurance companies to continue selling health care plans that would be out of compliance with the new mandates under Obamacare.

    “We support allowing citizens to keep their health insurance coverage, but any changes to the law must be done legally and through the proper channels,” the attorneys general wrote. “The Administration may not decide single-handedly which parts of the law it will enforce and which parts it will ignore. The only way to fix this problem-ridden law is through congressional action.”

    The initiative was spearheaded by West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrissey, and the letter was also signed by his counterparts in Alabama, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, and Virginia.

    Michael McConnell: Obama Suspends the Law:

    Like King James II, the president decides not to enforce laws he doesn’t like. That’s an abuse of power.

    Unfortunately the article is subscription blocked but an article about his opinion is in the Washington Post.

  9. Tina says:


    In 2009, Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) apologized profusely to the White House for shouting, “You lie!” as President Barack Obama told Congress that Obamacare would not cover illegal immigrants. Now it would appear that the White House owes Wilson an apology, as Covered California–the flagship of state Obamacare exchanges–is recruiting illegal (“undocumented”) immigrants to sign up for the program, regardless of their eligibility. (See Spanish language copy that begins: “Fear not if you are undocumented and want to enroll your family in health insurance” at link)

  10. Peggy says:

    #9 Chris, No it doesn’t surprise me. While we see things differently sometimes because of our past personal experiences I believe we both want a government that works to protect and serve its citizens.

    My understanding of the development and negotiation’s process that took place by our Founders when writing the Federalist Papers and our Constitution was to insure the states were supreme and the Fed. government’s powers were limited. Therefore, the “Supremacy Clause” applied to the states. Today, however, I hear it being used as if it was intended for the Fed. gov’t instead, which is wrong.

    I don’t believe that was the intent of our Founders and am afraid if we continue on this path we will end up with an ever increasing oppressive tyrannical leadership no matter what party is in control.

    Talking points like, “Bush did as many or more EOs than Obama,” drive me nuts. Anyone with a brain knows it’s not the number but the content of those orders that’s the concern. It wouldn’t matter if Obama did 100 more than Bush if they didn’t infringe on Congress’ duties and were limited to executing his limited duties. By reaching into Congress’ duties and Congress allowing him will open the door for future presidents to do the same and even expand upon their power growth. Our equal and shared government with its check and balance system will be gone leaving us with the very system the Founders set up to avoid.

    I’m afraid members of Congress will not attempt to reign in this president out of fear of being called racist and the personal and political attacks that will fall upon them. Even with liberal professors and members of his own party pointing out he is violating the Constitution I don’t believe there are enough brave Congressmen and women who will attempt to stop him.

    As you’ve pointed out each president has increased his level of power. I find what the presidents did to the Indians and the Japanese most horrendous, and as Scalia recently pointed out if we don’t think it can’t happened again we are mistaken.

    The Founders thankfully were wise enough to know this federal takeover could/would happen and provided the states with the means to stop it. Congressmen/women too afraid to commit political suicide may be saved by Constitutional Conventions being talked about and the process starting in several states today. Time will tell.

  11. Peggy says:

    Forgot to add: I find that this president killing US citizens overseas with drons and the hint me may do the same on US soil, his using and/or allowing the IRS suppression of equal participation of certain individuals and groups allowed to others and his spying on everyone through the NSA, Google, etc. equally horrendous. They all have the common factor Scalia warned about.

  12. Tina says:

    The creator of the NSA spy system says the law is being abused:

    “I stand by the Patriot Act and support the specific targeting of terrorists by our government, but the proper balance has not been struck between civil rights and American security,” Sensenbrenner said in a statement. “A large, intrusive government — however benevolent it claims to be — is not immune from the simple truth that centralized power threatens liberty. Americans are increasingly wary that Washington is violating the privacy rights guaranteed to us by the Fourth Amendment.”

    It’s very important that we be able to trust those who are in positions of authority in our country.

    This is why our media must be neutral and the teaching of values be held to the highest possible standard.

    One good thing that has possibly come of this and the Snowden betrayal is that the vetting process for security clearance is being beefed up.

    I’m not sure much can be done about the various departments. A thorough house cleaning is in order but that likely won’t happen even with a change in administration and Congress. Eliminating departments might be enough to shale things up but what do we do when so many of our citizens and the Obama administration think as they do?

  13. Peggy says:

    Tina, first we need the Senate, second we need a true conservative in the Oval Office and third we need an honest Attorney General who will enforce the laws on the books as they are written equally.

    ObamaCare past and future.


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