State Workers Getting Big Pay Raises – $24 Billion More for Salary and Benefits

by Jack Lee

It’s ironic that California taxpayers are being forced to give a hefty salary and benefit raise to state employees (the package is worth about $24 billion) and at the the same time the CBO has disclosed that under the ACA, doctors are being forced to take a 24% across the board cut worth $138 billion over the next 10 years.

Another irony is CA state workers are already making vastly more than their private sector counterparts.  Their retirement packages represent a large part of the growing unfunded mandates that threaten to bankrupt this state in the near future. But, CA is not alone, a number of other states are sharing the same fiscal delimma, but far fewer of them have actually taken action that would correct this certain death spiral.  Most are content to pass the problem along, hoping to escape with their pile of cash before the house comes down.  

At the epicenter of this problem in CA are the state unions. They are aided indirectly by a populist oriented state voter that is easily manipulated by democrat lawmakers in Sacramento. Unions manipulate the lawmakers, the lawmakers manipulate the voters and the debt keeps going, because they can – they have no opposition. Republicans are like mice occupying the Capitol, their small presence is a nuisance, but nothing more.

When I hear those ridiculous republican commercials that say so and so (republican) will block the undermining of Prop 13, protect our water rights and be a tax fighter, etc., I have to laugh, because their target audiance has to be those who still believe in fairy tales!

Republicans have no say in Sacramento…period.   They are just like little mice scurrying about the Capitol, holding little mice meetings, proposing little mice ideas and pretending they are important and doing something to earn their pay.   It would be far better if all the little mice boycott Sacramento.  Just stay home and give their salary pay back to the local taxpayers.   This is probably the best they can do under the circumstances.

Our populist voters are increasing in numbers as intelligent voters flee the state. The populist voters aren’t likely to change either, they are extremely loyal to their democrat taskmasters and readily support the growth of big government so long as they get a piece of the action. Populist voters are also too dumb or too blinded by their own greed to recognize that the light at the end of the tunnel is actually an oncoming train.


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19 Responses to State Workers Getting Big Pay Raises – $24 Billion More for Salary and Benefits

  1. bill says:

    So aren’t ya glad ya voted for Brownie’s sales tax increase?

  2. Peggy says:

    The perks aren’t bad either.

    Impoverished school district sends admins on lavish Common Core spa trip:

    Members of the Inglewood, Calif. community were outraged to learn that school district administrators had spent $38,000 worth of public money vacationing at a luxurious hotel and spa — ostensibly for the purpose of discussing strategies for implementing the Common Core standards at schools in the impoverished district.

    Later, when the spa trip was uncovered and reported by local news, a veritable army of police officers was dispatched to one of the schools to prevent a protest by angry students.

    Cash-strapped Inglewood Unified Schools was taken over by the state of California in 2012 and bailed out to the tune of $55 million. Still, administrators found the money to buy themselves a lavish vacation at the Estancia La Jolla Hotel and Spa.

    When Inglewood citizens learned about the price tag for the administrators’ posh getaway, they were outraged. So were the students.

    “We don’t like the fact that they did this to us,” said one male high school student. “We need books, we need repairs, we need field trips.”

    Students at Inglewood High School staged a protest during school hours. About 200 students participated.

    Read more:

  3. Tina says:

    This is just more entitlement thinking. These administrators are entitled to a lavish “working” vacation. They don’t have to do anything or produce anything to get this it’s just owed them. They will be the same ones explaining to teachers that those #&@* taxpayers just won’t pony up and that’s why there isn’t enough to pay the teachers or have art, music and sports programs.

    It’s a bit disturbing to realize that words, explanations, historical comparisons don’t penetrate the entitlement mind. The only thing that wakens the mind in this type of thinker is a personal and profound disaster…a depression might do it…might.

    They sure are willing to rush headlong in that direction.

  4. Libby says:

    Didn’t the state’s employees take pay cuts during the broke time? I believe they did.

    And the pension funds are funded again, sort of, thanks to a lot of irrational investors.

    I know you were hoping for an implosion, whereby we would all have Republican Epiphanies … but it just don’t look like that’s gonna happen. Now you know how I felt when the Gipper … and then the Shrub! … were RE-elected. It was a 30-year, nationwide, intestinal gas attack that seems, perhaps, finally, to have passed off.

  5. Tina says:

    Libby: ” It was a 30-year…”

    Have you forgotten the stink of the Clinton orgy that lasted eight long years?

    Clinton was at least smart enough to declare “the era of big government” over.

    Of course he slunk back to the dark side once the fundamental transformation pusher took office and sent thousands into poverty so big government could make a come back. Too bad it had to be at the expense of the middle class…that has to rangle a bit. Talk of inevitable inflation is probably not sitting well either…sure won’t do the middle and lower classes any good.

    Meanwhile, Barrack and Michelle sure are having fun…that should make you right proud! Hangin’ at the White House with the rich folks and then hangin’ with the rich folks at Martha’s Vinyard, then Aspen, then in Hawaii, then Martha’s Vinyard again…and let’s not forget all that golf.

    Yep, those rich radical lefties sure know how to sacrifice for the common good!

    Epiphanies should be exploding in your brain every single day. I know there’s a smart lady in there…somewhere. See if you can rustle up the means to find her.

  6. Dewey says:

    Charter schools where tax dollars are diverted to people to profit? Pick and choose students?

    Two level education system to segregate? Somebody wants to open a profit school? No problem. Someone wants to use our tax dollars for profit?


    Just like the woman in NY who wants free rent in their public schools on the taxpayers dime so she can take the best students and make money while taxpayers pay.

    Tea Party wants everything privatized so wall street is paid our taxes to profit and charge the citizens for the services.

    Radical? = Tea Party

    I agree with Maxine Waters

    What about the spending by Darrell Issa on Phony scandals?

    Americans will eliminate the Tea Party privatize to wall street and remove citizens rights one way or another!

    Dictatorship is not going to happen Boyz! The Koch’s can leave the country if they want

    Who is going to pay for the big oil war Iraq?

    Where is our profit GW?

    The Bush family is a disgrace and CIA period

    These tactics are reminiscent of that WW2 idiot the world destroyed.

    Every child deserves an education and our tax dollars are not for someone else to profit

    Citizens United allows foreign money to destroy our country. Our media is foreign propaganda as well as domestic.

    The empire will fall and the Tea Party’s hands will be dirty.

    A charter school person will make more than any public administrator and we are to pay them to do so?

    Entitlement? Yes we want our kids to have an equal chance.

    Do not tread on Me!

  7. bill says:

    “Who is going to pay for the big oil war Iraq?

    Where is our profit GW?

    The Bush family is a disgrace and CIA period

    These tactics are reminiscent of that WW2 idiot the world destroyed.”

    Mr. Decimal, what does this have to do with state workers getting big raises and with Brownie’s tax increases?

    As usual, you’ve gone way off the tracks.

  8. Tina says:


    Who profits in public schools?

    Certainly not the kids or the dedicated teachers.

    I’d say the union big shots, the Democrats, and the highly paid (unnecessary) administrators.

    If the public schools were being run well and if they were producing a good result people wouldn’t be demanding and supporting Charter Schools.

    In most cases those who form charter schools are paid less than public school teachers and principles but they produce much better results.

    I have a big problem with the unions dictating terms and using our kids as an extortion tool. Union leaders collude with politicians for excessive pay and benefits. They are breaking the budgets of districts across the country. They protect bad teachers and the poor kids get the shortest end of the stick because usually they are the ones stuck with the worst of the worst. Unions protect and defend teachers that have been accused of all all kinds of neglect and abuse of students and pure incompetence. See examples here and here:

    The LA times recently reported a story on how nearly 10 million dollars are year are being paid to teachers and staff to do nothing. The people in question are being, as the L.A. Unified school district puts it, housed. The article states.

    “The housed are accused, among other things, of sexual contact with students, harassment, theft or drug possession. Nearly all are being paid. All told, they collect about $10 million in salaries per year — even as the district is contemplating widespread layoffs of teachers because of a financial shortfall.”

    And what did the new mayor of New York decide he would do? He said he would close the cities charter schools by taking their buildings away. The WSJ chronicles the record of the charter schools the Mayor, Democrat Bill De Blasio, would close:

    Some 70,000 of the city’s one million students, most black or Hispanic, attend charter schools, mostly in poorer neighborhoods. Charter schools are privately run but largely publicly financed. Their teachers are not unionized. Their students usually outscore their counterparts at conventional public schools on state tests. Success Academy does particularly well. Last year 82% of its students passed citywide math exams. Citywide the figure was 30%.

    Thankfully the Governor of New York has some common sense, not to mention heart…he has found a space for the students of these charter schools.

    It would be smarter to find out what those charter schools are doing right and model the rest of the public schools after them!

    Don’t tread on those Americans who are standing up for good schools so that all kids have an equal chance in America!

    And get your “facts” straight!

  9. Dewey says:

    LOL I rather have a Union than work for Walmart!

    Workers of America are the future, ya want slave labor move to China

  10. Dewey says:

    Freedom? or Tea Party demanding everybody has to privatize everything ?

    Exactly what about the Tea Party is for freedom of human beings? No it is against Americans and all about profit for the 1%……..

  11. Dewey says:

    lol Tina it’s official GOP is all about the Koch Bros Krispy creme slipped!

    Hail to the masters Big Oil Koch’s for dictators! Fred Koch did teach the boyz what he learned from Stalin!

  12. Peggy says:

    Dewey’s showing his IQ score again. He just can’t help himself from attacking the good people in the Tea Party.

  13. Harold says:

    “Father, must I go to work“
    No, my lucky son,
    We’re living now on easy street
    On dough from Uncle Sam.

    We’ve left it up to Uncle Sam;
    so don’t get exercised.
    Nobody has to give a danm,
    we’ve all been subsidized!”

    “But if Sam treats us all so well,
    and feeds us milk and honey,
    Please tell me, Daddy, tell me what the hell
    he’s going to use for money?”

    “Don’t worry, bub, there’s not a hitch
    in this here noble plan;
    He simply soaks the filthy rich
    and helps the common man!”

    “But father, won’t there come a time
    when they run out of cash,
    When we have left them not a dime
    when things will go to smash?”

    “My faith in you is shrinking,
    son you nosey little brat;
    You do too much thinking, boy,
    to be a Democrat!”

    Here’s Chip performing the song himself.

  14. Harriet says:

    Pggy attacking the Tea Party and teh Koch Brothers is a liberal mantra. Nothing ever about Acorn Groups and George Soros. Soros finances numerous left wing groups but I guess that is ok.

    Re:GWB, conservatives have blasted him for his over spending for one thing. He was hardly the conservative “Idol”. Liberals very rarely condemn their own, even when the flaws aer obvious.

  15. Dewey says:

    Is the song titled Doug La Malfa’s snap scam for better subsidies to him?

  16. Tina says:

    Dewey the union does nothing but play the game of gangster…they collect money through extortion of the members and produce nothing. It’s heme sa straight out of the mafia playbook.

    Companies and workers “profit” from the things they produce…an honest pursuit. People give them money freely in an exchange for goods or services received.

    Your sense of outrage is both lopsided and untruthful.

    The Koch brothers are libertarian and independent. They are the exact opposite of what you say they are.

    Your lies about them are uncalled for, outrageous, and erroneous to boot! I ask you to refrain from these blatant mean-spirited and hateful accusations and attacks.

    Private ownership is a fundamental tenet of freedom!

    Please learn something about freedom and the rights of all people to express their political views. You sound like a KGB agent.

  17. Tina says:

    Harold I really enjoyed the poem and the talented fellow who made it into song.

    For those who won’t follow the link:

    Poem, “Ode to the Welfare State” was read into the 1949 Congressional Record by Rep Clarence J. Brown…a Republican.

    Those who will follow a link don’t want to miss the video at that link that features the wisdom of Milton Friedman. A couple of samples:

    Milton Friedman takes on liberal lawyer

    Milton Friedman takes on socialism.

  18. Dewey says:

    lol Tina the Koch brothers and ALEC are far from freedom seekers. The Koch brothers need to clean up their pollution and stop leaving it to taxpayers.

    The Koch brothers bribe for laws

    Try telling that propaganda to Americans…LOL

    I know truth is the enemy, Democracy is the enemy, Why not be honest?

    Exactly what is a lie? Go ahead! try. The Koch Brothers descendents of Fred Koch who learned the oil biz from Stalin, sold oil to the Nazi’s and were ignoring sanctions on Iran selling petro products to Iran? I do agree they are the Tea Party hero’s Democracy is their enemy.

    You never prove your case just say awful ugly things…….

    At least Tea Party admits now they are the Koch Brothers Party far from a grassroots org.

    Bottom Line try to run on how good the Koch brothers are…..guaranteed loss in 2016

    I will work to once again make America great, allow our citizens to make the products we use and eat food grown in America.

    Is your house full of products made in a communist country while you scream where are the jobs? LOL

    Name calling does not work, ya see me call you names?

    How about real discussion, with real facts instead of using Koch funded blogs?

    Actual documents? They exist!

  19. Tina says:

    Dewey have a good life.

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