Ukraine Prepares for War

KIEV: Ukraine warned Sunday it was on the brink of disaster and called up military reservists after Russia’s threat to invade its Western-leaning neighbour risked sparking the worst crisis since the Cold War.

US President Barack Obama and his Western allies took turns issuing memos, admonishing Russia, as Ukraine looked on the brink of losing control of Crimea with the defection of its navy commander to pro-Kremlin forces who have tightened their grip on the Black Sea peninsula.

World leaders huddled for urgent consultations across global capitals after Russia’s parliament voted Saturday to allow President Vladimir Putin to send troops into the ex-Soviet state — a decision Obama branded a “violation of Ukrainian sovereignty”, which seems an unecessary state of the obvious since the Crimea was Ukrainian territory and Russian forces have invaded it.

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15 Responses to Ukraine Prepares for War

  1. Dewey says:

    a little behind? So much more has happened

  2. bill says:

    Well boys I reckon this is it…nuclear combat toe to toe with the Rooskies. Mr. Decimal, head to your bunker.

  3. bill says:

    But maybe we should just stay out of it.

    How can we win???

    Just look at the comparison of our “leaders.”

  4. Dewey says:

    And there ya have it Tea Party picks the Dictator!

    Putin is no Hero! LOL

    How many times GW say If I was a dictator? Freedom? for who?

  5. Peggy says:

    Nothing to worry about with all that’s going on since the Pres and Michelle are headed on vacation again to Florida’s exclusive resort with golf courses, of course.

    Relax, America: Putin isn’t about to ruin Obama’s latest vacation:

    “You don’t go to Democrats for solutions to problems. You go to Democrats to be told what you desperately want to believe at any given moment. They’re awesome at that!”

    Read more:

  6. Libby says:

    As usual, you look more closely into a thing, and it’s not that bad. Turns out there hasn’t quite been an invasion. With eastern Ukraine and Russia being economically and culturally homogenous, there have been Russian army bases in Ukraine by agreement, since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, relieving the Unkrainians from developing their own capabilities, which is not necessarily a good thing.

    So what happens is, during the turmoil, Russian soldiers moved off-base, thereby really annoying even Ukrainian Russian speakers, and inspiring more resistance to Pooty’s dictates than he originally had to deal with.

    The consensus is that Pooty seriously blundered, and may, in fact, be going off his nut. I wish we could get our hands on a transcript of yesterday’s telephone conference between Pooty and the O-man. That should have been interesting: “Pooty, how we gonna get you out of this mess?”

    It is a big mess. Pooty has given sanctuary to a fellow he admits is a crook, and who is still the President of Ukraine. If he continues to do this, he can have no credibility with the folk now in charge. He’d have to send his crony back to Ukraine to stand trial, and that’s not the sort of thing Pooty does.

    In any event, I’m no longer terribly concerned about this spiraling into something global. Phew.

  7. Dewey says:

    Peggy as usual Parisian hate

    Problems we still carry the cost of a Phony GOP Oil war on the books. GOP? LOL

    It has been proven beyond a doubt GW engineered the Iraq war. It has been proven without a doubt it was for oil.

    The documents are out, it is the most despicable act and these guys need to be in jail.

    War for profit is not OK. Thousands of people died for an oil war.

    Try to deny it but the documents are readily available.

    The world where GOP is the truth seekers is delusional at best.

    The presidential admins prior helped to build up to it and both parties have some blame. But it was GW that took office with the goal to get Saddam. FACT

    When one follows with hate blindly they remind me of Germany 1930’s………The political parties are a big farce

  8. Peggy says:

    Dewey: “It has been proven beyond a doubt GW engineered the Iraq war. It has been proven without a doubt it was for oil.”

    It is proven beyond a doubt that Obama, Hilary, Reid, Pelosi and a whole bunch of other Democrats voted to go to war with Iraq. So blame them instead of Bush for going to Congress for their approval before taking action and start complaining about the idiot you voted for who says he’ll do what he want with his pen and phone without Congress’ approval.

  9. Dewey says:

    Yes they did Peggy based on the false information given to them. So it is all on Congress?

    The fact the GW Bush admin planned it from the start of gis admin matters none?


    I hold all wrongdoers accountable no matter their party!

    But with the Tea Party all liberals, lefties. progressives are wrong and accountable and all conservatives can do no wrong! LOL

    Tea Party has shut down Congress, Bullies Americans and wastes federal money on fake scandals blocking truth or progress at every move.

    So it is all the democrats fault GW Bush engineered a phony war, had Republicans lie in reports given to congress and Dick Cheney profited on the blood of republican and Democrat Americans in Iraq?

    That idiot with the pen is being fought by me on real issues!

    Like the TPP and foreign pipeline to China!

    So take responsibility for truth and stop the Propaganda, ……

    Take responsibility for the Bush Admin, no one cares about the parties anymore. It is not us and them it is Americans for the people “We the human people” not “We the corporations”

    it takes both, Americans are not slaves to wall street we are citizens in a Democratic Republic where the Tea Party is committing economic treason in Congress.

  10. Tina says:

    President Obama was very critical of the war in Iraq for his own selfish political aspirations. His knowledge of foreign policy and war strategy and his leadership ability have proven to be less than adequate. Unfortunately we needed someone much more qualified to deal with the problems facing the free world. Al Qaeda has gotten stronger under him and radical elements have been given power. The Middle east is much more dangerous than when he took office. So much for the reliability of his criticisms of Bush. In fact the left has been thoroughly discredited about the entire situation. The sooner we rid ourselves of this delusional bunch the better. They don’t live in the real world where real enemies want to do free people harm, where real tyrants want to gain power to rule.

    It’s amusing to watch some of them try to make “planning ahead” and actually “doing the job of commander-in-chief responsibly” a scandal!

  11. Dewey says:

    It is unAmerican to kill our citizens in a war for Oil companies.

    The job of the commander in chief is not to illegally wage war for profit.

    Why do taxpayers have to pay for their war? Spending? where’s the concern on that?

    2 wars on a credit card and tax cuts for the 1% are OK with you?

    Partisan…..what happened to the Tea Party being non partisan? Right in the Chico Tea Party Site?…

    It’s OK just admit Tea Party is corporatism party

  12. Dewey says:

    well has the excitement of typing the word WAR worn off yet?

    • Post Scripts says:

      Excitement Dewey? You really must live in an altered state if you think in those terms. I posted the article because it is true and people like you and me are a trigger pull away from unleashing an all out war. It may not directly affect us, but we have feelings and we care about them. This would be a tragedy and it would mean the world becomes an even more unstable place. Do you not care Dewey? Do you think this is some fake crisis? -Jack

  13. Tina says:

    Dewey: “The job of the commander in chief is not to illegally wage war for profit.”

    Dewey please supply the evidence for this specious comment.

    This is the information we have:

    New York Times:

    MOSCOW — When Iraq divided up its oil pie two years ago, the Russian company Lukoil won a slice equivalent to about 10 percent of Iraq’s known reserves.

    It was part of a trend: Five of the six major fields, together representing several million barrels per day of potential output, went to European, Russian and Asian oil companies. It looked as though not much was going to companies from the United States, the country that took the leading role in the war.

    But read the fine print of those contracts, and companies more familiar to Americans are now poised to benefit handsomely as the oil business picks up in Iraq.

    The oil services companies Halliburton, Baker Hughes, Weatherford International and Schlumberger already won lucrative drilling subcontracts and are likely to bid on many more in one of the world’s richest markets for companies that drill oil wells. These days, that is not the oil majors.

    Please note the contracts went out for bid, Afghanistan chose the companies, and America got zip until 2011. Obama is President now. Bush didn’t go to war for oil or profits. He went to oust a dangerous dictator, liberate the people of Iraq, and establish a friendly base in the heart of the Middle East so that the freedom loving people of East and West could battle the extremist terrorists AND WIN! Unfortunately that policy was scrapped. Now we kill for peace and the entire world is falling into chaos. Weakness is not respected by bullies…a hand reached out in freedom to the bullies will be cut off. Ambitious, narcissistic men like Putin similarly do not “respect” our weak president…our president can’t even spell the word. Therefore Putin believes the door is open for him to step over America and return Russia to her former land grabbing self.

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