Posted by Tina
While the main stream media creates a cover story that Representative Elijah Cummings (Dem., MD) was wrongly cut off from speaking in the IRS scandal hearings, others in the government have chosen to move forward in the case. John Koskinen, who replaced the former IRS commissioner has said he would turn over all of Lois Lerner’s emails to Representative Issa’s hearing committee. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-Mich.) made the following statement to the press:
“This is a significant step forward and will help us complete our investigation into the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups. From the few Lerner documents we have received, we know that Washington, D.C., orchestrated the targeting of groups applying for tax-exempt status, surveillance of existing tax-exempt groups and formed the proposed 501(c)(4) rules designed to push conservative groups out of the public forum. The remaining documents are key to determining the level of wrong doing and deception committed by this agency.”
In an interview with CNN Rep. Cummings has absurdly charged that his Democrat colleagues would not attempt to silence the minority:
“You cannot have a situation where the minority is silenced so that and prevent it from speaking one syllable. That’s what Issa was trying to do, preventing the minority from speaking one syllable at a hearing.”
But as Rush revealed with an audio recording of Barney Frank today, this is not uncommon practice with Democrats in Congress.
The sensationalized drama did give the alphabet media another chance to avoid talking about the scandal and it’s implications for Obama and the various departments serving his administration. The ugly questions were shoved to the background once again:
Was there a planned strategy to affect the outcome of an election by eliminating participation by conservative and Tea party groups? Was there a strategy to stomp all over the constitutional speech rights of some targeted groups of Americans? Who ordered the targeting? How was the plan conceived?
The lack of left media interest is just another indication of journalists being totally in the tank for Democrats. But this should not deter the Republicans from pursuing this deeply troubling scandal. It’s particularly troubling since the President has specifically targeted the Tea party in comments and referred to them as “Tea Baggers,” a term unbefitting the office of the presidency.
Lois Lerner has taken the fifth for a reason. Do you think as some do that she will go to jail rather than testify?
Related Washington Examiner article about Lerner’s refusal to testify before Congress:
Some of you may not know that none of the Tea Party people that were targeted and had their applications delayed were interviewed by the *Justice Department in their “investigation”.
This corrupt administration is not forthcoming and believes itself above the laws of the United states of America. This is one issue but there are many others.
* Correction: This should read, “…none of the Tea Party people that were targeted and had their applications delayed were interviewed by the FBI in their “investigation”.
The bigger scandal and major problem is the targeting by the IRS by auditing individuals who filed the applications and those who supported and volunteered for the conservative groups.
The list is getting longer per news reports almost daily where another individual says they’ve never been audited until they were identified as conservatives and/or opposed this administration.
This corrupt administration is out of control when it uses the IRS to go after people for their differing political views.
Is this the IRS scandal’s smoking gun?:
“This scandal is much bigger than Tea Party groups. It is a widespread criminal conspiracy to attack, punish and silence Obama’s critics and political opposition.
The second of Nixon’s Articles of Impeachment was for the crime of using the IRS to punish his political opponents. Don’t look now, but we’ve got another Nixon in the White House. The difference is that Barack Obama’s IRS scandal makes Richard Nixon look like a minor league rookie.
Tea Parties are just one part of this widespread conspiracy. I was personally targeted along with many others including Dr. Benjamin Carson; former GOP Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell; a stage 4 terminal cancer victim (after appearing on Fox News); conservative filmmakers like Jerry Mullen (Dinesh D’Souza’s partner) and Joel Gilbert; Christian minister, Billy Graham; Catherine Engelbrecht, who was targeted over 15 times by the IRS and other government agencies after founding her Tea Party; and numerous prominent GOP donors.
There is a clear pattern of a criminal conspiracy to use the IRS to intimidate and punish critics of the current administration. The only question is: can Obama be connected? If he can, this becomes the biggest scandal in modern U.S. political history.”
They also went after the groups with audits.
Did the IRS target conservative groups for tax audits?:
“On Tuesday, House Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R., Mich.) said his committee’s continuing investigation has found that the IRS also singled out established conservative tax-exempt groups for audits.
“We now know that the IRS targeted not only right-leaning applicants, but also right-leaning groups that were already operating as 501(c)(4)s,” Mr. Camp said in a statement. “At Washington, DC’s direction, dozens of groups operating as 501(c)(4)s were flagged for IRS surveillance, including monitoring of the groups’ activities, websites and any other publicly available information. Of these groups, 83% were right-leaning. And of the groups the IRS selected for audit, 100% were right-leaning.”
Peggy the information just keeps rolling in. An ex-Think Progress writer describes censorship coming down from the White House…likens it to a Russian news outlet:
Read this article in the Daily Caller for details.
It’s interesting not only because it reveals a White House bent on controlling the narrative in left media but because it also showed a connection between leftist “nonprofits”, lobbyists, and corporate donors, the very thing that everyone on the left is screaming about.
This might explain why “Think Progress” was on the IRS targeting list, albeit briefly.
The writer left his position because of the intimidation.
So explain to me
What is the goal here wasting tax dollars on fake ISSA scandal?
There is a problem with hiding names of political donor money in non profits?
Those darn people! The Tea Party has a right to hide foreign money in our elections!
Daily Caller Koch funded Prop Tina I mean Jack
#3 Tina, Good to see individual/s are willing to stand up and expose the truth even if it cost them their job. Says a lot about the moral character of this young man to quit instead of keeping silent.
From the article: ““Phone calls from the White House started pouring in,” Jilani claimed, “berating my bosses for being critical of Obama on this policy . . . Soon afterwards all of us ThinkProgress national security bloggers were called into a meeting with CAP senior staff and basically berated for opposing the Afghan war and creating daylight between us and Obama.”
And there was an ethical component to CAP’s compliance with the White House, as well.
“It confused me a lot because on the one hand, CAP was advertising to donors that it opposed the Afghan war,” Jilani noted. “In our ‘Progressive Party,’ the annual fundraising party we do with both Big Name Progressive Donors and corporate lobbyists (in the same room!) we even advertised that we wanted to end the war in Afghanistan.”
“What that meeting with CAP senior staff showed me was that they viewed being closer to Obama and aligning with his policy as more important than demonstrating progressive principle, if that meant breaking with Obama,” Jilani explained.
“Essentially, they were doing the same thing to us RT America is telling its American producers to do now — align with your boss, who is the president of the country.”
When the media supported the OWS sit-ins with the garbage, rapes, drugs, defecating on police cars fights and assaults because Pelosi and other Democrats in DC said it was worthy of everyone’s support exposed who the puppet master is who’s operating the strings.
At the same time large gatherings of peaceful patriotic individuals with numbers totaling hundreds of thousands on the Mall in DC without any problems, no rapes, no fights or assaults and leaving the park spotless of any trash or feces are attacked in the press because of the same puppet masters calling them “Astroturf.”
This administration has used the same tactics on the press as they’ve instructed the IRS to use on conservatives.. fear and intimidation are powerful motivators when one is faced with losing ones job, career, livelihood, reputation and everything else of value and meaning.
The Communist take over attempt of this country didn’t end after the McCarthy hearing it just moved underground and has finally come up in our WH under the name of Progressive.
Tina, since we’ve never met I think from what you’ve written we are about the same age and you want our kids and grandkids to have an American-style life similar to what we had freedom and love of country and not the loss of individual liberties and the world wide hatred for this once great nation that has taken over today.
The old saying, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink,” applies to the youth and next generation with the water being their chance to a life of freedom or one of oppression. The choice is theirs to fight for it as our Founders did or just let it go until they realize what a precious gift they gave up.
One day I was walking down the beach with some strangers when I said, “Look at that dead bird!” one of them looked up at the Sky and said, “Where ?”
Were you walking with Dewey?
Heh. Sayeth the Head Lemming “Follow me!”
Dewey…. Get some help! You are irrational.
Epic Fail…….
Let’s look at the Congressional records shall we…..
It is all there! Why are public records irrational and a Koch funded blog the truth?
I’ll stick with Congressional Records, “We the people” and “All men were created equal”
Sorry the truth wins….Now how about that Chris Christie if ya want a thuggish scandal!
Be careful and always question foreign media…
Freedom of the press is bad and we rank as a 3rd world country. Started with Bush and Obama has increased it.
That dude Zaid Jilani, wrote that while working for a Russian funded news agency that has written some good stuff and some Propaganda. Since the Ukraine a reporter quit on the Air in Washington saying the Russian Propaganda machine was ramping up.
Putin anti Obama Propaganda is not OK
You guys are aligning with Putin these days and if that is your hero there is a country called Russia.
RT news has censorship as well that is the pot calling the kettle black
Bottom Line our media is 97% Propaganda from all sides.
Once Murdoch changed our laws regarding foreign owned news it opened the flood gate
RT News in Washington Putin funded
Gore sold Current To Al Jazerra
Fox is Australian Murdoch
which one is Chinese?
Bottom line the Iraq war was Phony and somehow all of a sudden the military needed to take away our rights for our safety, Patriot Act and NDAA? Bush started it and Obama increased it….So Partisan politics here is sad…
We have a problem and it is the Military who is always there through the presidents
Freedom of speech is gone, Freedom of the press is gone, …. Obama did not start this but is certainly guilty of continuing it and increasing it…if ya think the next president will have the power to stop it……not with any of the candidates picked from either side my friend.
here is his thoughts
Here is the news anchor on air who’s parents were refugees
Our problems will not be solved by partisan blindness or by believing media
That young lady is a hero in my eyes
Military = Military Industrial Complex
Dewey you exploded onto our blog with a lot of inaccurate assumptions about the people who post here. You do not have a firm grasp of the intentions or beliefs of those who post here. You constantly complain about hate and yet throw insults and denigrate people and groups continuously. Please try to limit your comments to your own thoughts or information you think might be worthy of consideration.
The young lady is a hero. If you didn’t view me as the enemy…or as inferior to yourself…you would realize that it is one of the reasons I posted this story for discussion
We don’t make the news. We post what is in the news to discuss it.
I pretty much axed your military industrial complex theory on another thread.
We are aware of propaganda in the news. We check what we read against the founding principles, common sense, and our own sense of morality. We advise you do the same and please, back off the preaching. Our guests should be given the simple courtesy and respect that they are capable and free to decide for themselves!
Use some common sense. Freedom of speech is not gone. It is more openly available now than ever before with the internet and new news sources springing up daily. You are participating on a free speech blog.
Using blanket condemning of candidates of both major parties as a solution is the chicken $#i* politics of opting out of the system. What’s the alternative? Who is the alternative candidate that can win an election? Who’s to say he/she would be any less corrupt or incapable?
You have no solutions. You spout hate and complain a lot. You convince no one.