State of Jefferson Letter

In response to Mr. Kruger’s opinion piece on the State of Jefferson, and why I am for it: What I want is to be able to work hard, and love my family, my community and my neighbors without someone who doesn’t even know I exist regulating every breath I take, telling me how to spend every dime I make, or governing every thought I think.

Most legislators don’t even know we are here, and those who do don’t care. We deserve a voice. In a game based on the population vote of people, we have zero representation by land mass. So in other words, six or more possible counties and hundreds of miles are silenced by one large city in the south. Further, summing it up in the words of our governor at the Farm Bureau dinner, “I know most of you didn’t vote for me, and I also know I didn’t need your votes.”

Mr. Kruger also just can’t understand our disdain for federal and state over-regulation, you know the Bureau of Land Management who writes tickets for treading on grass, Cal-Fire who tells you not to have camp fires and is now going to be taking over the jobs of most of our local volunteer firefighters, Fish and Wildlife who won’t let you fish with your kid unless you drive 100 miles to fork over some dough, Highway Patrol who stop vehicles for mud covered license plates, and Forest Service who has closed down our campsites.

I also wish Mr. Kruger could understand our belief is this nation should still stand for character, diversity and individualism. That means everyone’s freedom and individualism, not just the flavor of the day kind, or my kind is better than your kind, so I’ll shove it down your throat kind.

Cristy Edwards Maxwell

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6 Responses to State of Jefferson Letter

  1. Tina says:

    Cristy you have certainly expressed my concerns and the reasons I support the formation of the state of Jefferson. Glad you decided to share with us!

  2. Dewey says:

    The Billionaires plan is to split CA into 6 states to control the economy. The old corporate saying Sell the dream! World domination.

    If there was ever a chance of a Utopian state I would join in but the actual plan is for control including the Senate.

    Ya really think a lic plate would be able to travel unreadable? …Ya realize the Cartel is all up in them hills.

    Gerrymandering at it’s highest level for corporate control. Freedom is the furthest thing from their minds.

    Divide California into 6 powerless economies…..?

    The dream sounds nice, but good luck on that cause it is a planned farce.

    Succession day is fun though…fruit jar pickers add a little vibe!

  3. Tina says:

    Dewey since Jack and I are not backing the six state plan you should have some idea that we, and others the Tea Party we support, are not “controlled” by money interest! Maybe you could drop that not so subtle accusation now?

    I’m sure the “billionaires are trembling in their boots over your manic paranoid outrage.

    I’m sure tired of hearing about it.

    Are there meds you should be taking? This post seems particularly disjointed.

  4. Dewey says:

    Tina, it really doesn’t matter that the individual states claim they do not back the 6 state plan. Of course they say that! All it takes is for the 6 areas to break off. (First they have to get the gov’s office)

    No one says you are necessarily taking money. The support of those Tea Party politicians who are is the prob. Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Palin ect. all talk sideways.

    The true grassroots peeps are those of us who pledge to no party. I will throw any corrupt politician under the bus regardless of party.

    Money? Why is it OK for Donors buying politicians to hide their names in 501 4 (c)’s?

    Why is politics for billionaires suppose to be 100% tax free? Why do you have different rules than they do?

    I am sure your donations are disclosed.

    Why is Citizens United allowing the unlimited amount of money in our elections ok? Buy a law cheap is all it has become.

    Let alone the fact allot of money just circles through the media around a circle of friends.

    Why is a possible Ban of “Buy American” not an issue?

    Why are we to tear up our land to sell our oil reserves to other countries? What do we get? A couple jobs and big cleanup bills?

    I say Putie will just lower his prices the more we drill……..Rand Paul seems to be a Trans Canada boy now….Obama is drilling more than Bush!

    Actually I say we put all politicians in suits with their corporate sponsors on them like race car drivers…….

    I am not a big Obama fan, but this plan to stop our entire congress to make him a do nothing prez is UNAMERICAN not DEMOCRATIC

    Ya want to see something get done? Well recognize the rest of us who will not spread the Koch propaganda as we get no pleasure out of it.

    I did not Bash Bush when he started the phony war…I said mark my words…OIL…well that was true

    I am fighting Obama on TPP amd KXL……. Mark my words both are grave mistakes

    Let alone both open the door to a foreign company using eminent domain to take a citizens land…

    Roll back the patriot act, NDAA, stop eliminating all gov positions to global companies and lets demand the info to fix our problems. Simply giving it to a global company cause some politician is paid to sell a false dream will tumble the empire.
    Why not adrees your view on these subjects instead of throw out slander?

    I am not foiled by the Heritage Foundation

    Frankly my dear I am not alone……..I trace back to the Mayflower and have every right to be an American

    Why not explain your position, like how a ban on “Buy American” would serve us. Do you even know about it?

  5. longhorn says:

    Just to let you know your proposed State of Jefferson lies in the boundaries of our proposed new country of Cascadia movement.

    First Nations has our own solution

    We have the right to take our land back and plan on it

  6. Tina says:

    longhorn you can certainly work on it. People have attempted to leave the modern world behind before.

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