“Has Nancy Pelosi seen a newspaper lately?
(Pro tip, hon: Like the Obamacare monstrosity, you have to read it to find out what’s in it.) I’d love to see her face in the wake of the veritable epidemic of Democratic corruption now sweeping the country. Pelosi’s blink count must be off the charts. ” Michelle Malkin
You’d love to see her face, eh? Well, it looks like this
Pelosi, why I despise progressives and Democrats almost as much as I despise Islam … this is required reading …
Christian sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan
Remember when Nancy promised to “drain the swamp?”
Looks rather than draining it, the swamp has overflowed. That promise from Nancy was right up there with “If you like your health plan, you can keep it . . . .”
lol, Bob did her botox melt in that one?
Some are speculating that the Dems are cleaning their own house now so as to avoid problems later just prior to the election. Dems wouldn’t throw their own under the bus, would they?
Dang, talk about Demoncrats gone wild did you see this about our illustrious mayor?
I saw that. No excuse for what he did, but to his credit he plead guilty and paid a huge fine.
Did you see the major on the news crying because of the budget mess he helped create and hoped everyone would now work together to fix it?
Sorry, Mr. Major, but the tears are only because you got your hand caught in the cookie jar. You are unfit to serve this community.
The same goes with the speeding ticket. He knew what the speed limit was and choose to break it. Bad choices should not be rewarded.
Tina, I heard the Dems are cleaning their own house now because they plan to attack the corrupt Repubs just before the election.
If the Repubs were smart they’d clean their own house NOW.
And let’s not forget what prior city council members have done to get the city into this mess.
Members such as Andy Hokum. Whatever became of him? Last I heard he said he was going to sign up for the Peace Corp.
Well, I hope they ship him off to a country like North Korea. He’d be right at home there and would look swell in a Kim Jung Il haircut.