EPA Experimented On Humans Administering Deisel Exhaust Concentrations Greater Than Average US Emissions to Prove Need for Obama’s Radical Environmental Regulations

Posted by Tina

If you thought the previous EPA story was unbelievable wait till you get a load of this!

You should beging to experience creepy feelings after you read what the Environmental Protection Agency did under the tutelage of Lisa Jackson:

A man — we’ll call him “Subject No. 1” — had a clear plastic pipe stuck into his mouth with his lips sealed around it, while the diesel exhaust from a parked truck outside the gas chamber was mixed with particulate matter and pumped straight into his lungs. The pumped mixture level was 135 times the mean diesel truck emissions exposure in the United States.

Scientists Andrew Ghio, Jon Sobus, Joachim Pleil and Michael Madden, with laboratory director Wayne Cascio, administered this toxic mix of diesel and particulate matter to 41 people. In all, they gassed 81 subjects with various mixes of diesel, particulate and ozone in five different experiments — tagged with the science fiction-like names Omegacon, Xcon, Kingcon, Depoz and Lamarck.

No it’s not some hippie dippy Kevorkian alternative life experiment…it’s even creepier! According to the article, a 58 year old woman “with Stage 1 hypertension, premature atrial contractions, osteoarthritis, gall bladder removal and a family history of heart disease” was one of the volunteers. She had to be hospitalized.

The consent form didn’t include warnings of possible dangers…you know the kind that the government demands be written on every single thing we injest or are exposed to in our everyday lives?

Read the full article, you won’t believe what transpired in the unfolding of this secret science project.

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3 Responses to EPA Experimented On Humans Administering Deisel Exhaust Concentrations Greater Than Average US Emissions to Prove Need for Obama’s Radical Environmental Regulations

  1. J. Soden says:

    It’s not “science” when your so-called experiments are staged to reach a foregone conclusion.

    Seriously doubt if the guinea pigs were given the facts, especially under this administration.

    Should be some serious criminal penalties here, but with the clown AG and Obumble in charge it’s not gonna happen.

  2. Tina says:

    You have a point there J. We can’t even count on the media to cover this stuff adequately, never mind what they would do with it had it happened under presidents, their staffs/appointees, with R behind their names.

  3. Peggy says:

    Unbelievable. No… wait, with this administration I believe it. There’s not difference between this US leader and Germany’s leader before and during WWII.

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