As you know, the tensions between Japan and China have never been good. Something to do with the rape of Nanking and indiscriminate murder of 300,000 civilians during WWII. Not to mention the Chinese civilians that were forced to be human guinea pigs for Japan’s secret medical experiments during that same time. More than 20,000 females (with some estimates as high as 80,000) were gang-raped by Japanese soldiers, then stabbed to death with bayonets or shot so they could never bear witness. Very few Japanese leaders were ever held accountable for this insane mass rape and genocide.
Those kind of barbaric things committed in war tend to come back and haunt a nation, especially when they lose the war. China has never forgiven them. But, more recently the Chinese have been stepping up the rhetoric about reclaiming Diaoyu islands, which are supposed to be within China’s new sphere of control.
At a news conference with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Tokyo, Obama was pressed on whether he would use military force to defend an obscure set of islands controlled by Japan. They’ve become part of a heated dispute with China.
He said the U.S. security pact with Japan does extend to the islands and insisted his implicit offer to defend them against any Chinese incursion. “The treaty between the U.S. and Japan preceded my birth, so this isn’t a red line that I’m drawing. There’s no shift in position, no red line. Were simply applying the treaty.”
“The Rape of Nanking” tells of this horrific story.
The author is Iris Chang.
I heard Barbara Simpson from KSFO interview her, I stopped everything and just listened.
It’s almost beyond our Westerners ability to imagine the horror inflicted on the Chinese during WWII by the Japanese. The Japanese didn’t get the same press that the Nazi’s did for some reason. Maybe it was because they were “just” Asians and not Anglos? Well, whatever the reason things like the diabolical Japanese Medical experiments that went way beyond that of the Nazi’s went almost unreported. But, they also did some pretty gruesome things to POWS, like living dissections. Japan today is a totally different country of course and they are our friends and they’ve done very well by us, but they still got off without suffering anywhere near the kind of global humiliation the Germans suffered for their war crimes and China still harbors a huge grudge that isn’t going away anytime soon.
Interesting observation…
The President: “The treaty between the U.S. and Japan preceded my birth, so this isn’t a red line that I’m drawing. There’s no shift in position, no red line. Were simply applying the treaty.”
What? This preceded my birth? What possible significance? the constitution also preceded his birth…does that explain his apathetic/careless disregard regarding his oath?
He sure inspires confidence. I’ll bet the Japanese feel much better…not!
Pie…the link is spot on but only scratches the surface. Commenters get it!
This signifies loss of power but also loss of trade capability. China and Russia are only too happy to help him destroy this nation with his fundamental transformation tour.
Re #3 RHT447 :
An administration so inept it is dangerous.
Re #6 Pie:
“Inept and dangerous”. Fearless Reader, absolutely.
His handlers in this “administration”? Hmmm. IMHO, inept went by some time ago. This is all part of a deliberate plan to bring America down to the same level as every other third world cesspool.
REF: #6 Pie and #7 RHT447;
The danger to America is not Barrack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency.
Also as to the reason for tensions between China and Japan, We have not yet heard from those that opposed the bombing of Japan with Nuclear weapons in prior posts,
Why Not?
Re #8 Harold : I fear I have to agree. A country is only as good and strong as its citizens. I fear we have become a cesspool of brain-washed decadents seeking handouts and robbing the treasury on the backs of the not yet born.
Progressivism. George Soros funded progressivism. The greatest evil we face.